Chapter 5 "Hey,psychotherapist !"

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* Anny's P.O.V *

Once I headed inside,I saw Zayn was laying awake on the couch and Liam was absent.

"Zayn ?" I asked as lovely as I could.

"Yeah,Anny?" he responded.

"I think you have a very good fashion sense,so .. would you help me pick my outfit for today ?" I replied.

"Sure,shorty.Intending something special today ?" he questioned.

"Nope." I answered.

I really wasn't intending something special,since Louis would be busy with Eleanor.I knew her,she was a nice girl.I met her once or twice when Louis was home and she visted him.But I wanted to become friends with the boys and he had a really good fashion sense.

We went upstairs to the corridor with all the bedrooms and headed into mine.As I opened my big,white and red wardrobe next to my beautiful,huge king size bed with the rosepattern bedding, Zayn shoved me aside and started throwing clothes onto my bed.After about 20 minutes he was done.He chose a pair of simple jeans,my black vans and a 'everybody loves paul' sweater.

 I went to my bathroom,got changed,applied some makeup and put my hair in a messy bun.When I came back into my room Zayn said " Wow,you look great,shorty!"

"Thanks,Zayn!" I replied genuinely happy.

Back downstairs I asked Niall " Hey,psychotherapist! Wanna do something today ?"

"I wanted to go swimming at the lake.. with Harry.But you can join us, my lovely patient." he replied.

"Sure,why not?" I said.I knew why not,but I dind't care.I just wanted to have some fun at the lake.

We all went upstairs in our rooms and packed our things.We would leave in about one hour.I chose a red bikini with white dots and black flip flops.

- At the lake -

It was kind of awkward,no one of us wanted to go in the water first.

Niall and Harry started an argument who of them should go first,so I began to giggle.They looked at me mischieviously.They ran towards me,Harry grabbed my arms and Niall took hold of my legs.They started to swing me back and forth.

Because of my laughter they decided to throw ME into the water first.

They let go and I flew into the water.I felt how my back hit the water and i got a little shock.It was freezing cold and I commenced screaming very loudly.

They must have been thinking I was in trouble,because Harry jumped into the water and swam into my direction.He took me bridal style and carried me out of the water. He laid me down on a big,white towel.

"Everything okay, love?" love... Oh how I loved the way he said that ... "Yeah,the water was just extremely cold!"I answered laughing.They laid down on the towel as well and I laid down on their legs.It was very cozy and I think after a few minutes of just staring at the sky I fell asleep.

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