Chapter 18 "Hey,babe,what about an answer ?"

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--- Hey guys ! :) Here's chapter 18 of my story :D Enjoy it ;)

Please vote,fan and comment :)

Bye,lovelies :** ---

*Jane's P.O.V*

Everyone went to bed ages ago.It was like one in the morning when I decided to go downstairs,hoping nobody would notice it.

I carfefully got up,not wanting to wake Belle.Though everybody else would tell her she already was really beautiful,she insisted that she "needed her beauty sleep".And if you would interrupt her whilst,she would try to kill you.Litteraly.Trust me,I experienced it physically.You wouldn't want an extremely furious teenage girl trying to kill you...

Especially when this teenage girl has a weapon.. like a stool...

After I made sure I hadn't woke her up,I slowly tiptoed down the stairs,holding my sketchbook tight to my torso.

I sat down on the couch and started watching TV.Watching TV always brought me into a creative mood.I don't know why,but it was always so.

After about half an hour,I got inspired and started drawing in my little sketchbook while the TV was still showing an revision of some mindless serial.I was still drawing when I heard somebody coming down the stairs.Who could it be ? Who would go downstairs in the middle of the night ? Except for me of course.. Maybe it was only Niall,who wanted to get something to eat.He had the image to be really greedy.

*Zayn's P.O.V*

I saw Jane sitting on the sofa like it was the most normal thing in the world to do at two in the morning.She was drawing something into a little sketchbook.WHO THE HELL WOULD DO THAT AT FUCKING TWO IN THE MORNING !?

"What are you doing here,Jane ? And why are you awake anyway ?" I asked her calmer than I was on the inside.

"I'm doing what I do every night.I'm working." She answered plainly.What job did this girl have,that she was working at her friends home at 2am ?!

"May I ask which job you have?"

"I'm a designer." She answered as if it was the most obvious thing EVER.

"Ahh okay..." I answered a bit startled by her tone.I thought she was a shy and kind girl.Big failure.

"Wanna watch TV with me ? Or are you intending anything special ?" She asked out of the blue,smiling a hearty smile.Maybe she was kind after all.I didn't know... But what I knew,was that she was unpredictable.Five seconds ago she seemed like she hated me and then she was so hearty,you could think somebody had exchanged her.

Somehow that was extremely mesmerizing...

Zayn ! Stopt that !

"Hey,babe,what about an answer ?" She asked.Shit,I didn't even answer her offer.You're such a douche Zayn !

"Erm,sure.I'd love to watch Tv with you ."

Wow Zayn,that was an excellent answer.Brilliant... Idiot !

I sat down next to her.The gap between us wasnt that small.I wouldn't mind sitting closer to her,but I was afraid of her reaction.At worst she could slap me in the face,but what also was possible,was the best case : she could cuddle with me,maybe we could even make out.Nobody would interrupt us at two in the morning and somehow she was damn hot.In a different way than these makeup-caked bitches I usually lay...

*Jane's P.O.V*

When I asked Zayn to watch TV with me,he didn't even answer at first.He seemed totally deep in thought.What was he thinking about ? Wanting to get an answer,I asked him "Hey,babe,what about an answer ?"

I think I pulled him out of his thoughts,he looked a bit taken aback.

"Erm,sure.I'd love to watch TV with you ." he answered sounding ... embarrassed ? Zayn Malik was embarrassed whilst talking to ME ?

Ohhh,that night was going to be a lot of fun.

He sat quite far away from me,staring straight at the huge screen.It was kinda awkwards,neither of us said a word.I had quit drawing a while ago,knowing I wouldn't be able to concentrate whilst somebody as sexy as Zayn Malik was sitting next to me.In that case it was even actually Zayn Malik.But why didn't he move over to me ? I mean,he was Zayn Malik,he shouldn't be THAT shy.Accepting he wouldn't move an inch closer,I scooched over to him slowly,hoping he wouldn't notice it instantly.

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