Chapter 28 "Am I not sexy enough ?"

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--- Is anybody here German,or speaks German ? If so,please check out my friends story,it's awesome ! By the way,this chapter is dedicated to her :) You'll love it ! Oh,and if you like MY story,please let me know :) ---

* Harry's POV *

Around ten Anny and I went upstairs to go to bed.From what I heard Louis, Eleanor,Liam,Danielle,Zayn and I think even Jane followed.Did Niall and Belle stay downstairs together ? What was going on between them ? It was obvious that there was something going on,but what was it ?


I headed into my room and Anny immediately went into the bathroom.I took off my clothes and laid down on the bed.About ten minutes went by and litteraly nothing happened.Why was Anny taking so long ?

I was laying on the bed,naked with just a blanket over my body,when Anny finally came out of the bathroom.She was wearing a black tank top and a pair of blue boxershorts.She looked stunning though this outfit was very casual.

She had her hair up in a messy bun and a wide smile on her face.She was very beautiful,even without any kind of makeup.Some girls looked horrible without it but Anny was a natural beauty.

"Harry,don't tell me you're naked again !" she said giggling sweetly."Sorry to tell you,but I am." I answered smiling mischieviously. I wasn't that much of a pervert,I always slept naked.I just liked it.

"I won't sleep in one bed with you,unless you wear at least boxershorts." she stated firmly,stopping smiling."Come on,love ! It's just cozier like that. I'm not trying anything on you !" I tried to convince her.I failed."No,Harry.Get dressed or I'll sleep in either the girls' or Niall's room."she answered.Wait,Niall's room ?!

"Niall's room ?!" I asked her puzzled."Yeah,Niall's room.Problem ?" she asked. "Of course ! You're my girlfriend,I don't really like the thought of you sharing a bed with my anything but gay band mate !" I said,getting upset.

"Then you should get on a pair of pants,babe." she said sternly.Was she just teasing me or would she really go to Niall ? Was he even in his room ? Or was he with Belle ? I didn't know it.

I decided not to take this risk and put on a pair of boxershorts.I got up,with the blanket wrapped around my hips.I walked towards the wardrobe and took out some boxers.I put them on and turned back to her. "Better ?" I asked snappy.

"A lot." she replied smirking."So,you don't like me being naked infront of you ?" I asked her as I laid back onto the bed."No,not really." she answered. "Why ? Am I not sexy enough ?" I asked insecurely.What if she thought my body was disgusting ?

"No,you're the sexiest boy EVER,you're... perfect.But we just got together today and yeah.." "Ahh okay." I said,understanding what she was meaning.

She was still standing in the doorframe to the bathroom."Come to bed,love. I want to cuddle and I'm even wearing boxers,just for you !" I said chuckling. "Okay.." she said being fakedly annoyed.

She walked towards the bed and laid down next to me.I put the blanket over our bodies and wrapped my arm around her waist.She burried her face into my neck and a few minutes later she had already fallen asleep.

She was cute when she was sleeping.Her breathing was so even and her chest was rising rythmically.She was even talking in her sleep.Most of the things she said were ununderstandable.

But I understood one thing,which was 'I love you'.That was so cute ! I whispered "I love you,too." and kissed her forehead.Then I drifted off to sleep,too.

* Anny's POV *

I woke up the next morning,just to be greeted by Harry snoring anything but quietly.But it was still cute,somehow.I took a look at my phone,which was laying on a table next to the bed.It was already noon.

Then I remembered what had happened the night before.Oh god !

Jane came in and woke me up.She said she wanted to fool Harry.She told me to lay down on the ground,then she spread ketchup on me and put a knife next to me.Then she yelled at Harry,telling him somebody had killed me.

His reaction was rather quiet.He was speechless.When Jane signalized me to get up,his face was paler than snow and he was looking extremely depressed and above all shocked.The prank was more than just mean,I had to admit that.But at least it was Janes idea.

After that,I took a shower and when I came back into the room,Harry was already laying on the bed again,asleep.Hopefully he wouldn't be that mad when he woke up...

Were the others already awake ? I got up carefully,not wanting to wake Harry.I didn't bother changing and went downstairs.The livngroom wasn't empty but there was nobody awake either.

Jane and Zayn were laying on the couch,again.This couldn't be true. It just couldn't.

Jane was snuggled up to Zayn,her head on his chest and his arm around her waist.They looked just like your everage couple.But surely they weren't.He was a worldfamous singer and a ladies' man,she was a famous designer and a female player.

Somehow their personalities matched pretty well and and somehow they were totally different.Strange.

Wait,the last boy who was this close to her,was her last real boyfriend.That was years ago,before she changed.Were they together ? I should ask her later.

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