Chapter 44 "You're right,NOTHING happened."

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--- Hey lovelies :) I hope this chapter is more interesting than the one with the interview :D:* Please vote,fan and comment if you like it :) Dedication goes to Vaniii for helping me out :)  I hope there are no grammar mistakes in this chapter,I try my best :):*---

* Zayn's POV *

The drive back to the house was awkwardly quiet.

"We'll have to discuss some things." Liam stated breaking the silence.Sadly not the tension as well.
"What kind of things ?" Niall asked.
"Things." Liam responded drily.

I had never seen him that tense and serious.

Of course he had always been the serious one of us,taking care,never drinking and always there for everybody.But this was on a whole new level.His eyes were dark and his face was expressionless. His fist were clenched and I saw a vein on his neck.

He wasn't cuddling with Danielle,who seemed concerned about him,which was very unusual because they were a really cute and happy couple.

What did he know that made him that upset ? Did something happen ? Maybe something between him and Danielle ? Was it because of the interview interrupting our weeks off ? No,that wouldn't make him upset like that.

The car stopped and the driver told us we were home.

That house wasn't even 'home',it was a house we shared for two weeks.My home was in Bradford,the others had their homes,too.

We got out of the car one by one and walked towards the house.Liam opened the door and we trudged into the livingroom.Louis and Eleanor wanted to go upstairs but they couldn't implement their intention.


Like what the fuck ?! Did he just yell at us ? And did he just swear ? He hated swearing,he even slapped us sometimes for saying 'shit' ! He was the most upright person ever and then that ...

Eleanor and Louis came back and joined us all on the sofa.Each of us sat with their 'partner',which meant boyfriend or girlfriend.Jason sat on the edge of the couch since it was getting rather narrow on it.

"What's wrong,Liam ?" Louis asked meekly.
"What wrong is ? Oh there's a lot." Liam replied.
"What do you mean ? " Harry asked.

"Maybe that I found your girlfriend with that model over there in the kitchen ?!" Liam hissed.
"Anny ?" Harry whispered looking at her.
Her face went paler than usual and she looked panicked.

"I swear nothing happened !" she assured.
"If you call stripping down infront of him and falling asleep next to him after doing god knows what, then  yes.You're right,NOTHING happened." Liam spat at her.

Harry faced Jason,and his face got angry.There was pure hate in his eyes.He clenched his fists and his face began to get red.

"Calm down Harry,that's not what happened !" she soothed.
"What happened then,tell me ?" he sounded desperate.

"I woke up and you were still alseep.I tried to sleep as well,but I couldn't.I got out of the bed and wanted to change into fresh clothes,so I went into my room.I didn't know Jason was there and I didn't even see him at first ! So I grabbed a few new clothes and started to change,when I was wearing underwear and a tank top,he woke up.Then we got dressed and went downstairs.I made pancakes and apparently we fell asleep." she explained.

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