Chapter 12 "Not only with her.."

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* Harry's P.O.V *

Though Eleanor threatened us with the death,I couldn't stand laying on my bed without Anny.Besides Eleanor wouldn't kill one of us.Especially not Louis or me.She loved him too much.And certainly she was too weak and had no weapons to litterally kill one of us.But the punishment could be extremely hard if we got into the livingroom.She knew us.She knew how to injure us.

So neither of the boys went downstairs since the threat.And that was about 4 hours ago.Maybe Zayn would have gone down,but he was out with that girl... uhm ... Jessy.Why didn't Niall go down ? He had to be starving. Maybe he was too afraid of Eleanor...

To be honest,I was,too.

But I had to go.

I put on a white V-neck because I was only wearing boxers and tiptoed downstairs.The girls were sitting in front of the giant TV.They watched Titanic.It was only the beginning of the film.I casually walked in and headed towards the girls.I think they didn't notice me,otherwise they would have reacted.I sat down next to Anny and Eleanor immediately began shooting death glares at me as she noticed me,but Anny looked at her pleadingly and she stopped.

YES! Eleanor didn't try to kill me ! Not physical and not psychical...

Titanic was an extremely dramatic and romantic movie,so I carefully put my arm around Anny.She didn't say anything,she just leant on my shoulder.It was kind of a perfect moment.

* Eleanor's P.O.V *

I allowed Harry to stay,but just because Anny had a crush on him and they looked so freakin' cute together.It was kinda boring for me now that Anny had Harry and I was all alone.

So I secretly took out my phone and texted Louis,hoping Anny and Harry wouldn't notice it.

"Hey babe,wanna come downstairs? I'm feelin' kinda lonely :( xx"

"Sure,shawty.But.. aren't you with An? xx"

"Not only with her .."

" WTF ?! "

Haha,I think he was a bit jealous.

A few seconds later he came downstairs.He looked pretty startled when he saw Harry,but then walked towards us.He sat down next to me and put his arm around me like Harry did with Anny and kissed me.He was such a cutie-pie.

 Neither of us said a word during the whole film.Me and Anny cried and sobbed a bit but nevermind.The film ended and we were all completely quiet.I looked over to Anny,wondering why she didn't say something,now that the film was over.

She had fallen asleep in Harry's arms.Oh how cute.

---- Would you mind checking out my polyvore ? :)) my name is hannaaa-l  If you took a look at it,THANK YOU <3

And what do you think of the story ? What is going to happen ? ;D ----

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