Chapter 3 "I swear."

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* Harry's P.O.V *

I was woken up the next morning by sunbeams coming through the big windows,illuminating the huge but oh so silent livingroom.I melancholically looked at the place were Anny had been laying the night before.The night she spend sleeping in my arms. She wasn't there anymore.I panicked and looked around the huge living room,but she was absent.

The other boys were still laying on the couch,each of them sleeping peacefully.Niall was snuggled up to Liam,his arms wrapped around him.What a Niam moment ! They had an actually really cute bromance going on.Nothing compared to Larry Stylinson,but whatever.

I braced myself up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen to get some food.And then I saw her ; wearing only a black bra and a pair of red boxershorts.I was wondering why she took off her t-shirt from the last night,not that I was complaining ! She interrupted my thoughts as she started talking.

"Shit ! I didn't expect anyone,it's not very late yet ..." she cursed.
God,even her swearing was damn sexy...
"It's okay,you look great." I said with a flirty wink.

"Thanks,but your outfit is very sexy,too" she answered whilst blushing.I was wearing a simple black t-shirt and a pair of white boxershorts.I didn't know what to reply so we just stared at each other in awkward silence for way too long.

I took in every beautiful detail of her.She wasn't wearing much makeup,obviously just a little bit of mascara.She was a natural beauty ! Her long brown hair was a bit messy and covered parts of her bra.

* Niall's P.O.V *

When I walked into the kitchen I saw Anny and Harry,which was rather unusual because it was still very early.It was only like 8am.What the hell had happened that he was awake so early ? Did somebody die ?!

He usually doesn't get up before noon,unless we have an appointment.The last time he was awake at this time and we didn't have any plans,was because we had a LOT of energy drinks and alcohol,so he didn't even go to bed.

Anny and Harry were standing in front of each other.You could basically feel the awkwardness in the air.I was afraid to interrupt them whilst staring at each other,that would have been even more awkward than it already was.But I was starving,the last time I ate was round midnight.Way too long ago,I had to eat something.

"Anny,can I talk to you ?" I asked,breaking the silence between them.
She gave me a confused look but then she said "Sure".
"What was that Anny?" I asked .
"What ?" she replied innocently.
"You know... You and Hazza .."

She didn't reply,she took my hand and went outside the house.
Not like running away .. but like she wanted nobody to hear us.

"I can trust you,right Niall ?" she asked seriously.
"Of course,honey." I answered insecure.
"Swear it ?"
"I swear."

"Okay ... I think I'm fallin' for my best friend's best friend..." She said.

She looked at the ground,trying to hide that she was blushing.Wow... That was an unexpected confession.And somehow I didn't particularly  like it..

She couldn't just fall for him ! But he got every girl he wanted anyways.So if he wanted her,which he obviously did,they would inevitably get together.Great !

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