Chapter 2 "Oh how I wish that was real..."

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I woke up in the middle of the night - in Harry's arms ! My first thought was like "What the hell ?!" but then I thought "Hey,it's okay I don't have a boyfriend and he is single,too." Besides his scent was amazingly wonderful and I loved the way he held me. He had his left arm draped around me and I was lying on his chest.

I just felt so save and secure cuddling with him.Though there wasn't even a blanket and I was only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of boxers,I wasn't freezing.I was kept warm by Harry's bodywarmth. He was almost too hot, if there had been a blanket, I would probably have been sweating by then.

I had always thought he was damn sexy. From the first time I saw him at the X-factor and Louis introduced us.He had been sixteen and I had been seventeen.The first thing I had noticed about him was his hair.And his eyes,his eyes were amazing,I had always had a thing for boys with beautiful eyes.But who doesn't ? But his were just unique. That stunning shade of green I had never seen before .. the only word to describe it was magical.

But how did it happen that I was lying in HIS arms ? I didn't know .I just wanted to enjoy that incredibly awesome, kind of tingly moment. I could hear his heart beating rhythmically through his thin shirt and just felt good. For a moment I stopped thinking about things other than him.

I was looking at his beautiful face when he suddenly opened his eyes.
"Hey." he whispered sleepily.
"Erm.. hi Harry." I answered embarrassed.
"Why are you awake love ? It's like 1am." he mumbled.
"I don't know,I just woke up.And further why are you ?" I replied.
"I felt somebody looking at me." he laughed a bit and I realized I was still looking at him.

I think we woke Liam with our short conversation.I heard him murmuring "Yeah,you are both very pretty,but please let me sleep now!" Harry laughed even harder and I started to giggle.We both had quite a heavy laughing fit,so Liam put his hands on his ears and fell back asleep soon.Harry was whispering again.

"Why were looking at me,love?" he asked.
"I don't know..." I muttered as I blushed a bit.
We started chatting for a while and then I heard Louis yawning.
"Hey Boo." I said.
"I see you're awake,Lou." Harry said happily.

"Yeah... because of you two nags!" Louis whined.
"I'm sorry Lou." I said while hugging him by way of apology.
"It's okay,love.But please just let me sleep now." he said sleepily.
"Okay." Harry and I answered in unison so we had to laugh again.

I liked how they both called me "love".Though I didn't really know Harry,it was still very cute how he said that. i loved that British accent I was never going to achieve because I was born in Germany. How cruel.

I was still very tired and a few minutes later I fell back asleep,too.

* Harry's P.O.V *

Oh my God,Anny looked so breathtaking while she was sleeping. Her hair messily draped around her shoulders, her face so angelic, her chest moving slowly up and down. I felt a little tingle down in my stomach. A tingle I had been missing for quite a long time.How long had it been since I last fell in love ?

But ... wait, I couldn't fall for my best friend's best friend.That just wouldn't be okay.. And I barely knew her ! I had met her only once in my life. Could this be love at first sight ? Is that what it feels like ? Losing the ground under your feet just because you look at someone ? I didn't even know her last name.. Louis had told us but I forgot it.Something with an 'S' in the beginng.Think Harry,think ! Sillace,that was it ! What a beautiful name ... For a gorgeous human being.

But she was way too beautiful to not fall for her.With her gorgeous brown eyes,her perfectly wavy  hair,her flawless smile,her sweet laugh... I couldn't think of one single reason she was still living on her own, without a man by her side. Maybe she was a lesbian ? I mean she had been able to resist my love Louis for years ! I hoped I was just overthinking the situation. I was way too tired to think about that.

When I fell back asleep,I had an amazingly cute dream of being with her.It was our marriage.. She was wearing a perfectly fitted white gown which cascaded down to her feet and exposed her shoulders. The beautiful green gras was covered in red roses, her hair was pinned ip in the most beautiful way I had ever seen with little pearls in it. Just before we kissed after saying 'I do', my dream stopped. Damn.

We looked so happy together.. Harry Sillace actually sounds good.Or Anny Styles ? Oh, how I wish that was real...

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now