Chapter 48 "How is life going to be ?"

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--- Chapter 48 and there aren't many left,anyways,hope you enjoy this one ! Thanks for over 4,600 reads and 46 followers ! xx ---

* Anny's POV *

 I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and quickly hid my phone between some pillows.I laid down on the sofa,pretending to be asleep.The footsteps were coming closer every second and I felt my heart beat faster.What if it was Harry ? Or Liam,or even worse,Louis who heard the whole conversation between me and Jason ? What if he thought I was cheating on Harry ? Damn.

The steps entered the livingroom and I heard how the person was coming over to the sofa.Shit !

"I know you're not asleep." the person stated lowly.

"Zayn ?" I asked.

"Who did you expect ?" he asked chuckling.

"At least not you." I mumbled while sitting up.

Great,this was going to be so awkward.The day before I had heard him and my best friend talking about their sex ! I mean,like oh my god ! That's far too intimate for me.

"Who were you talking to ?" Zayn questioned seriously.

"What are you talking about ?" I tried to lie.

"Your phone call,Anny." he said,obviously knowing I was lying.

"Jason ... " I muttered guiltily.

"Why are you feeling bad about that ?" he said soothingly.

While we were talking Zayn had sat down beside me.After a while he put his arm around my shoulder,rubbing circles with his thumb.I laid my head on his shoulder,happy about having someone to comfort me.Of course I had a boyfriend,but I couldn't talk to him about that problem.

"I think Jason still has feelings for me." I suddenly blurted out,breaking the awkward silence.I felt him tense up,the grip around my shoulder tightened,almost hurting me.Why the hell did I just tell him about that ? He would tell Harry and Louis and they would beat the shit out Jason ! Liam would be pissed as well,but he wouldn't hurt him ...

"Do you think it or do you know it ?" Zayn asked.

His response surprised me.

"I - I don't know... He was making jokes about it yesterday.He seemed to be trying to seduce me and then he said he was kidding.Then he sang 'I can't stop loving you' out loud... " I explained lowly,but freaking out on the inside.

"Holy fuck." Zayn simply said.

"Yeah that's kind of what I thought as well." I admitted.

"And on the phone ?" he asked.

"He told me about something he had seen on the Tv ... " I started,then I told him the whole story.And it felt good to talk about it.I even told him about the dancing lessons and how it all made sense now.

Then Zayn almost knocked me from the sofa with what he said.And he was totally right with it.

"Anny ?" he asked,sounding panicked.

"Yeah ?" I replied insecurely.

"That's exactly how Louis acts towards you." he stated.

* Zayn's POV *

It hurt to even think about the possibility.

And it was kind of strange as well.

Louis couldn't have a crush on her.

But after Anny had told me the whole story with Jason it all made sense for me.How he had acted towards her,it was because he really fancied her.But he never really made a move because he didn't want to destroy her relationship.At least he wasn't a complete douche bag.

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now