Chapter 51 - The END of everything ?!

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--- So,this is the last part of 'My best friend-lovers'.

Anyone sad about that ? Anyone ... ? No,okay.

Because you don't even have to ! I'll start the sequel right away :)


Sooo enjoy it and please check out the sequel when it's uploaded :))


* Anny's POV *

During the whole ride home I was just staring out of the window,letting old memories flood back into my mind.I couldn't get the scene from earlier out of my head.Jane had beat a guy who was taller and older than her without any kind of problems.What if Zayn ever hurt her ? Or if Harry hurt me ?

Before she had changed,she had always been such a girly girl.She loved pink and all she would do was talking about guys.And when a dangerous situation came along,she would try to solve the problem with words.

That was when I still lived in Germany.But somehow the 'new' Jane was ... special.I mean,does a normal best friend beat a guy who tries to make a move on you ? No.

"Are you coming Anny ? Jeez,what's wrong with her today ?" Louis said,sounding annoyed.

"Don't know.Maybe we should ask Jane." Harry replied,concern clearly audible in his raspy voice.

I slowly stood up from the seat and as I got out of the car,I looked right through the two boys,unable to focus.My eyes were playing tricks on me.I started to stumble towards the house,which luckily wasn't very far away.

Neglecting the others I went straight into my room upstairs.I heard them talking but not what they were saying.Everything was just a blur.

I laid down on my bed,not the one in Harry's room, with my face buried in a pillow.I heard someone coming up the stairs.praying it wasn't Harry or Louis.Footsteps were coming closer to the door of my room.A voice called out my name,but I couldn't recognize it.

Then the door opened,revealing a girl with black hair.Jane ? Probably.She sat down next to me on the bed.Her hand stroking my head and playing with my hair.

"What's wrong love ? Louis and Harry told you completely ignored them.." she whispered.

I carefully sat up,feeling dizzy.I stared at her,trying to focus.After a while I managed to do so.

"I just didn't feel well,it wasn't because of them..." I mumbled.

"Oh okay.." she replied.

I started to sobb softly,my breath coming out in short puffs.

I stretched my arms out,signalising Jane I needed a hug.She smiled and engulfed me in a very hearty and warm hug,just what I needed.

* * * * *

"Have you all packed your things ?" Liam's voice echoed through the house.

"Yes !" Eleanor,Belle,Louis,Danielle,Harry and Niall yelled back.

"No.." I mumbled to myself.

Obviously the others had already packed everything while I didn't.The problem was that we would leave very soon.There were just about two hours left until my boring life would begin again.

I realized Jane and Zayn hadn't answered Liam's questions and I already knew what they were doing. Disgusting!

I stood infront of my drawer,not wanting to leave or even pack my things.Suddenly the door opened,a familiar curly haired guy entering the room.

"Hey love." he said.

"Hi Harry." I replied cheerfully.

"You look great in my shirt." he laughed with a wink.

"Thanks...I'll change so you can take it home with you ..." I stuttered blushing.

"Keep it,it'll remind you of me when we can't see each other." he whispered with a small smile.

He had stepped closer to,draping his arms around my waist.

"I'll miss you.." he breathed into my ear.

"I'll miss you too." I replied pecking him on the lips.

*  *  *  *  *

"Group hug !" Louis exclaimed.

We threw our arms around each other,all ten of us together.It was the last time we were going to see each other for a rather long time.The boys had to work,travel around the world.Jane and Belle would be busy anyways,Danielle and Eleajnor had their lives as well and I had to study.

"I'll miss you all !" Louis sniffed.

We all agreed with him.

After a few minutes of saying good bye,we all headed into our cars.Harry,Louis and Eleanor shared one,Jane and Belle another one and Zayn took Danielle with him,since he got her here.Liam and Niall shared the last car.

They drove away and I was the last one left,leaning against the back of my car.That was it,our time together was over.The feeling of it was strange,so many precious memories.

The thing with Jane ... Was she pregnant or just ill ? I hoped she was just ill ! For god's sake,they didn't know each other for more than one week ! Jeez !

I slowly trudged over to the door of my car and got in.

I took a deep breath and started the engine.

Boring life of mine,here I come again !

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now