Chapter 50 - Strange dreams and strange sickness.

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--- Jesus,chapter fifty ! End is comming soon :/ I think there'll be only one more chapter... Any ideas for the name of the sequel ? :) ---

 * Zayn's POV *

It was friday afternoon,we only had this evening and saturday to spend time together.On sunday reality would overtake us all,most of us were going to go back to London.Jane and I had already decided that she was going to move to London as well,probably together with Belle.

But Harry was feeling horrible,since he was afraid of losing Anny.She would have to stay in Doncaster with Jason around her all the time.And Jason was a model,most women would be attracted to him.Plus he obviously had a crush on her.

There was another reason why Harry should be afraid of losing his girl,she was cheating on him. With their best friend !

After we had eaten supper,I dragged Anny back into the kitchen,wanting to confront her with what I had heard the night before.

"What are you doing Zayn ?!" she asked.

"I have to talk to you." I replied briefly.

"About what ?" she said with annoyance in her voice.

"You and Louis." I explained.

"What's you problem with me and him ?" she questioned.

"I heard you talking last night... " I said.

"Oh ... It's nice he's going to propose,isn't it ?" she asked cheerily.

"You think it's nice !?" I almost yelled at her.

"Yeah,I think he and Eleanor are like the perfect couple !" she said happily.

Then realisation hit me,they were talking about Louis proposing to ELEANOR.

"Shit,girl you scared me !" I exclaimed chuckling lightly.

"What ?" she asked confusedly.

"As I heard you two talking,it sounded like he was going to propose to YOU." I explained.

"What the hell !?" she laughed.

After that we went back to the others,pretending that nothing had happened.

* Liam's POV *

"What are we going to do tomorrow ? It'll be our last day here." I asked.

"Dunno." Niall simply said.

"We should go out." Harry suggested.

"And do what ?" Zayn questioned.

"Eat dinner somewhere ?" Belle suggested.

"And where ?" Niall asked her with joy in his voice.

"We could go to Nandos if you want ?" Anny asked.

Niall started to dance because of his pure happiness.

"Seems like we're gonna do this." I stated chuckling.

I took a look at my phone and noticed that it was already half past eight.I told the others I was going to bed because I felt tired.Of course Danielle instantly said she was coming with me.

* Anny's POV *

I was laying in bed next to Harry,my head on his chest and our fingers entwined.He was humming the melody of 'Skinny love' by Birdy and I was just listening to him with my eyes closed.

"I'll try to see as often as possible." Harry suddenly whispered.

"And I'll try to have time for you." I replied chuckling.

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now