Chapter 34 "Did they just melt into thin air ?!"

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--- Chapter 34 already,that sounds like a lot,doesn't it ? :D I'm running out of ideas,anybody help me ? Haha ,stupid writer's block ._.  

I realized there's a bit too little of Liam's POV in this story,so in this chapter,there'll be :D Anyways.hope you're gonna like it - and remember,without votes,no new chapter !:**  

Bye lovelies :) ---

* Anny's POV *

After Harry and I had become reconciled again,I had a REALLY good idea for the day.I knew Louis had planned a nice chill-out day,but my idea was much better ! Like really much better.

When I had this brilliant idea,I immediately jumped off of the bed and opened the door.I ran down the stairs,leaving a speachless Harry behind.As I reached the sofa in the livingroom,I litterally pulled Jane out of Zayn's grasp.She was about to protest,when I whispered "I have a plan !" into her ear.

Jane knew I sometimes had phases when I was an evil genius.I never did 'bad' things with Belle,always with Jane.She once told me she loved that side of me.Well,I liked it too.It was a lot more fun than being the sweet girl.

I pulled the other girls away from their boyfriends as well and forced them to get into the car,without telling anybody why.The boys,especially Liam and Louis, had such priceless expressions on their faces,it was hilarious !

I sat on the driver's seat,Jane next to me.Eleanor,Danielle and Belle were sitting on the backseat. 

"What the fuck are intending to do ?!" Dani asked.She truly loved Liam and hated being apart from him.

"I'm going to get us all some fun." I answered plainly,like it was nothing special to seperate them from their boyfriends without asking or telling them the reason.

We drove for about twenty minutes until we reached our destination.

"A toy shop ? Are you serious !?" Belle asked.She always acted so grown-up,sometimes she was like a mother,telling me not to eat fast-food and stuff like that.Her job forced her to be like that,if she acted childish,she wouldn't get any good job.

"Ohh,I know you aren't going to buy the boys barbies,are you ?" Jane laughed. 

"No,not really." I replied chuckling.My idea was way better...

* Harry's POV *

We just reconciled and then she ran out of the room.Just like that,she didn't say goodbye or anything.What did I do wrong ? Why the hell did I deserve that ?

Like What The Fuck ?!

I got up from the bed walked and walked through the door she had left open.She didn't even have time to close it.Downstairs I saw the boys sitting on the sofa.Wait,only the boys ? Where were their girlfriends ? What was going on ???

"Where exactly are the girls ?!" I asked all of them. 

Liam turned around and looked at me,a shocked expression on his usually smiling face. 

"We don't have the vaguest idea." he responded,seeming to be as confused as I was.

"Did they just melt into thin air ?! What happened ?" I asked him,getting furious. 

"Anny took them away." Zayn said. 

He looked like he had just seen a ghost,staring holes into the air.

* Liam's POV *

After Anny and Harry had left the room,we continued watching the film.I cuddled with Danielle,I really enjoyed being able to spend time with her.Our carreers made it really difficult to just spend a day chilling on the sofa.

Soon after Anny came running down the staris like somebody was chasing her.Did Harry hurt her ? I swear to god,if he ever does something like that ...

But wait,she seemed to be happy.She yanked Jane out of Zayn's grasp.What ?! Did that just happen ? She whispered something into her ear,it made Jane smile mischieviously.What were they planning ? God.

Then she dragged the other girls away too.What was she doing ? Trying to break the couples or what ? No,she wouldn't do that.She had a pretty devilish grin on her face,though.I felt like something bad was going to happen.Something really bad.

But Anny was a nice girl,wasn't she ? I mean,she was my little sunshine girl,she wouldn't do anything bad ?

* Jane's POV *

We were currently watching 'Letters to Juliet',when Anny stormed in.She yanked me out of Zayn's grasp and pulled me over the back-rest of the sofa,so I was standing infront of her.Since when was she that strong ?

I looked at her and wanted to complain,but then I saw an expression on her face,I had missed for a long time.Her eyes were sparkling devilishly and the grin on her face seemed to be as evil as the devil in person.

I loved that side of her.That was the Anny I broke into the public pool with.The Anny I pranked so many innocent people with.

* Flashback *

" OH MY GOD !" the driver of the car screams.

" OH MY GOD,YOU KILLED HER ! " I scream back at him,trying to look horrified.

The funny thing is,he didn't kill Anny.She just jumped infront of his car and now she pretends to be dead.The driver's totally and utterly shocked,it seems like he's about to cry.

5 minutes go by and I'm just screaming at him.Then suddenly Anny jumps up and yells "Booh !" at him.

The man gets pale and is obviously about to pass out and we just run away.He yells after us,but we don't care,it's too much fun.

* * * * *

"We can't do that !" Anny nags. "Why ?" I ask her,chuckling mischieviously.

"Because it's illegal !" she replies. "I know,but it's gooing to be a lot of fun." I tell her.

Suddenly she changes her opinion.She starts to smile as well,a confident look on her pretty face. "Okay,let's do this !" she says

And with that we climb over the fence.On the other side of it,we can already see the swimming pool. Yep,we just broke into the public swimming pool.

We strip off our clothes until we are just wearing bras and panties.Then we take a run-up and jump into the cold water.But it's pleasant,the night is hot.It's mid-july and pretty hot outside

Suddenly there's a noise and we immediately stop fooling around. 

"Is there anybody ?!" a voice calls.We hold our breath and hope he doesn't find us.

Luckily he doesn't.As we hear him walk away,we start to giggle insanely. 

"I hate you,bad-ass bitch !" Anny hisses to me. 

"Yeah I love you too,bitch." I answer.

--- What is Anny planning ? ;) ---

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