Chapter 19 "I wish I could love you..."

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--- Hey lovelies ! :*

This chapter is going to be fun AND heartbreaking :)  I hope you'll like it :))

Please vote,fan and comment. I love you all :D ---

*Louis POV*

After the dinner Eleanor and I went upstairs into my..uhm our room.After we had changed into our matching Coca Cola pajamas,we jerked around like always.I made her laugh,we had fun,we kissed,cuddled and so on.Around half past eleven,she fell asleep on the kingsized bed,with me sitting next to her.

At first I tried to sleep as well,but I had no such luck.So I was totally bored and didn't know what to do.I wanted to go to Anny and talk with her,but I was afraid of Zayn.He was acting like he was our dad or even our boss since Anny had arrived.Odd.

At midnight I still had heard nothing from him,so I thought it was safe to go to Anny.I was hoping Harry wasn't awake.

I slowly got up and tiptoed out of my room into the complete dark corridor.I turned left and walked the few metres to Harry's room,passing Anny's,in which Belle and Jane were sleeping.At least I thought so,because there was absolutely no noise coming out of this room.I carefully opened the door to Harry's room and heard him snoring.Suddenly there was an insecure voice.

"Who is there .. ?" Anny said a bit scared.

"I'ts just me." I said friendly,trying to comfort her a little.

"Boy,what are you doing in my .. erm Harry's room in the middle of the night ?!" she said.Boy,that was one of her insider-nicknames for me,whereas I called her Girl.When we first met she didn't know my name,so she just called me "Boy" and somehow it became a nickname.

"Eleanor is sleeping and as I can hear,Harry's too.And yeah,I just wanted to talk to you,Girl."I said honestly.

"About what ?" she asked and I could hear her smiling.

"About what's going on with you and the boys." I answered with a cheeky grin.Even though she clearly couldn't see it,she obviously heard it.

"Get out of this room,Stripey ! Or I'll fucking kill you !" she threatened me playfully.I liked her rude side.It made her seem tougher.Not like any other little girl,who seemed like she would break if you touched her.But I wouldn't let her win that.I would make her play the "the first time game" with me and the other boys.Neither of them,or Eleanor,knew about it.We invented it when we were like 15.

"Okay,I'll get out,Browny."I said.

"Don't you dare calling me Browny again,Tomlinson !" she said.I knew she hated it,when I called her Browny,but I loved teasing her.I didn't know why she hated it though.The name fitted her pefectly because of her chocolate brown hair.I got out of their room and tiptoed back into mine.I snuggled up to Eleanor and tried to sleep.After about half an hour,I was successfull.

*Anny's POV*

After I had thrown Louis out of Harry's room,I heard somebody choking laughter.The only other person in the room was Harry.But he was asleep,wasn't he ?

"Boy ? Girl ? Stripey ? And - above all - BROWNY ?" he said bursting out laughing.I hit him hard on his arm and said "Don't laugh at me !"

"Sorry,Love.This was just TOO ridiculous!" he replied still chuckling.

"No,it was'nt !" I said frowning."I think I'm gonna sleep in my room tonight."

"Noooo ! Please don't go,love !" Harry said,suddenly serious.

"There is no chance I'm gonna stay here in this room,with you laughing at me." I said firmly.Then I stood up and started to walk towards the door.He jumped off of the bed and ran towards me.I felt how he wrapped his strong arms around my waist and picked me up.

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