Chapter 49 - Temper and love affaires.

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--- Heey guys :) the few last chapters,then there'll be the sequel ;) I still need a name for it ! :o:* Anyways,hope you like it ? :D:* Dedication goes to shawtymane64 for being an awesome writer :) Her story's not a fanfic but still great,you should check it out ;) ---

* Louis' POV *

Three days.

Three whole days.

Three damn days alone in my room.

After the argument with Zayn I went straight into my room. I didn't even answer his question. Because I didn't know the answer ! Damnit ! I was going to propose to Eleanor the last day we were going to spend here.

But this plan was ruined now.She thought I had feelings for my best friend ! Of course I thought Anny was pretty,because she was ! But I didn't love her,at least not in a romantical way.And after this whole locked-in-my-room-thing of course they all thought it.Awesome !

One of the worse things was,that I hadn't even eaten something in these days.There was water in the bathroom but there wasn't any food,which was horrible.

It was Thursday night and I was just laying on the bed,utterly bored.It was around midnight and I wasn't even able to sleep.During the last days I had heard Eleanor cry for several times,it broke my heart.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.But I didn't open it,I didn't want to see anybody.I didn't want anybody to see me,a total wreck.Red eyes and just totally whacked.

"Louis ? Open up please." I heard the voice of my best friend plead lowly.

"I know you're in there !" she yelled,obviously  getting furious.

"If you don't open this damn door,I'll do it myself !" she threatened.

Did she want to break open the door ?! Did she learn that as well while I was the worst best friend ever ?

I was standing right infront of the door,when something smashed into it.What the hell ? The door trembled hard but stayed in place.I took a step back while this happened again. And by the third time, the door was laying on the floor.WIth Anny on top of it.

"Anny !?" I exclaimed in shock.

"Yup." she said casually,getting up from the door carefully.

"WHAT THE HELL !?" I screamed.

"I told you.You didn't open the door so I did it myself." she explained plainly.

"You can't just unhinge the door !" I contemplated.

"You see I can." she replied calmly.

"Since when are you that strong anyways ?" I asked.

"I had two full years to practise." she said with a wink.

She was right.Two years ago we were storybook best friend,but since I auditioned for the X-factor we barely saw each other.She never said a thing,she always wanted me to be happy. Even if it meant being unhappy for her.

"What do you want from me ?" I asked desperately.

"I want to talk." she said lowly with a cute smile on her perfectly curved lips.

God,shut up brain !

She was standing right infront of me,smaller than me like she had always been.She carefully pushed me back more into the room.When I sat down on the bed,she sat down on my lap,both of her legs hanging from one side of my own and her arm was draped around my neck.

Was she kidding me ?!

"I heard your argument with Zayn ... Probably like every other person in the house." she started, looking up into my eyes,her hand playing with my hair.

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now