Chapter 24 - Jane.

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--- Hey lovelies :) I'd just like to remind you : please comment your favourite couple for the special date chapter  ;) And now : I hope you enjoy reading this,I really do my best to make this story as good as possible for you :* Bye lovelies(: ---

P.S. the girl in the multimedia is Jane :) Next chapter there'll be a picture of Belle ;)

* Anny's POV *

After I had fooled Zayn,I spun the bottle again.It pointed at Belle."Truth or dare,darling ?" I asked her."Truth." she answered smiling.She was never the girl to take a risk,she only did safe things.

Like that one time,Jane and I broke into the public swimming pool in the middle of a saturday night.It was a whole lot of fun to go swimming at midnight,with this adrenaline rush because of the risk of getting caught

.But Belle stayed home,not wanting to risk getting caught.She was such a fraidy cat.Oh,you didn't think I would break into something ? Surprise,I did.

"Are you in love at the moment ?" I asked her curiously,wanting to know if she would already admit how much she liked Niall."Nah,I don't really know...I mean,no." she said insecurely.

Of course she didn't want to admit it,but it was so obvious.She was completely in love with Niall,but he still loved me.I hated myself for doing this to her.Even though it wasn't really my fault.

Then I had an idea."Hey guys,what about we do something even better than this ?" I said and they all looked at me surprised."Like what ?" Harry asked, looking at me expectantly.

"I think Louis will know what I mean,if I say that you're going outside now and take a seat somewhere.Oh and I'll be right back,just go outside already." I said winking.

They all went outside and I went upstairs.I headed into my room and took something and pulled something out from under my bed.My guitar.The guitar not even Louis knew about.Nobody knew about it.

I teached myself to play it when Louis was away and had no time to call,I was totally bored and so I learned a few new things.

I got downstairs again and out of the livingroom.They were already sitting on the wood bench and some chairs next to it.I sat down on the bench next Harry,who was sitting next to Louis."Where did you get this guitar,love ?" Louis asked surprised.

"From under my bed." I answered laughing."I didn't know you could play the guitar.." he said sounding sad because I didn't tell him about all the things I learned.

"Yeah,I learned it when you were on tour and I was bored." I said smiling."But you know what we are going to do now ?" I asked him.He nodded smiling overjoyedly.

"What exactly are we going to do ?" Zayn asked noticing the knowing gazes Louis and I were exchanging."We are going to sing... Sadly without a campfire this time." I replied winking at Louis.

He smiled brighter than the sun would,if it was still shining."What song ?" Jane asked."How about 'Give me love' ? Do you all know the lyrics ?" I answered and they nodded.

I started to play and we all sang.It was like Louis and I used to do. Every saturday he came over to my place and we sat in the garden singing our favourite songs.When it was winter or simply bad weather,we sat in the livingroom watching Tv,but we sang as well.

And every saturday he slept over at my place,even though he was my neighbour.It was a lot of fun,I always loved these best-friends-saturdays.These saturdays were the reason for him to audition at the X-factor,they changed his life.And mine as well.

After we had sung a few songs,including 'Rock me' and 'Diamonds' I heard my stomach rumble.I realized I hadn't eaten anything during the whole day,I didn't even eat one of the pancakes.Gosh,I was so hungry !

"I'm hungry,what about we all go inside again and I'll cook something ? Anyone wanting to help me ?" I asked them.Belle didn't even react,she was half asleep,laying on Niall's lap.

Louis looked at me,the surprised look back in his eyes. "You can cook ?" he asked chuckling.Before he went away,I never had to cook on my own.Either my parents,his mother or he cooked for me.

So when he was away all the time and my parents had moved back to germany,I learned how to cook."Yeah, just another thing I learned due to you being away." I answered laughing.We all stood up and headed inside.

They were all sitting on the couch lazily and I was standing in the kitchen. Alone. "Who's gonna help me now ?" I asked pouting.Most of them didn't even look at me,they were to busy with doing practically nothing.Then Jane stood up and came towards me."I'll help you." she said smiling.

We started cooking some noodles with tomato sauce and after five minutes of working quietly in the kitchen she said "You know,I'll take revenge for that tweet ? But for the rest of it... I'm proud of you for being so confident.",smiling mischieviously.

"Yeah I know.." I answered being distracted with my own thoughts.Was it really confident to tell them through a tweet ? No.

"So.. is there really something going on between you and Zayn ?" I asked chuckling.She blushed.Wait,Jane never blushed.I mean truly never."Not really.I merely know him since ... since yesterday.But I wouldn't mind starting something with him.He's good looking and so sweet,so lovely.Even if I'd like to slap him for being so turned on earlier." she said shyly.That was so not Jane.

Or at least that wasn't the Jane she had become.I knew her since kindergarten.We were best friends since then,utterly inseperable.She had been totally different until shortly before I moved to Doncaster.Belle had told me everything that happened...

She dyed her hair from mid-brown to black,the first step of her change.Then she changed her style from girly to something I can't explain.

It was a hell of a lot to sexy for a fourteen-year-old and somehow a bit more grown up.When she was sixteen,she got her nose piercing and she started to stretch her left earlobe piercing.She even became drunk sometimes...

And I was starting to get worried about her.But then Belle told me,that Jane didn't get overboard with the drinking,it was just a bit,just a few times.

When she was seventeen she got the sidecut.And through this time she became more and more of a female player.I wouldn't call her a bitch but she was a player.

At first she really dated the countless boys,then she began to just lay them.She was quite the flirt,with her curvy but still skinny body,her staggering blue eyes and her charming way.

Somehow she still had some of her old features.She had always been pretty confident and outgoing.And the thing with the games.. I already found out about that in sixth grade.

That didn't change a bit.And she was still fun to be around,still one of ther persons I would trust with my life.

But the two players would really be a nice couple.So chliche like,just as in a cheesy movie.They would both realize how they loved each other and sleeping around was just a mistake.Bla,blah.

A few minutes later supper was ready,so Jane and I brought everyone their serving.Bringing Niall an extra large one.We sat down,too and watched Tv with them while eating.

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now