Chapter 43 "Welcome - ONE DIRECTION !"

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---This is going to suck because it's only the interview... I didn't want to write 'ask' all the time, so I just wrote the names of the persons who speak.Well,hope you're gonna like it though.There'll be a better chapter soon ! :):** ---

* Liam's POV *

The car stopped infront of a huge glass building.The driver told us to get out of the car.We made our way towards the entrance and strangely there were so fans and papparazzis.Inside we were greeted by Simon and Paul.

Simon introduced us to the interviewer,she was a skinny blonde with a makeup-caked face.The type of girl Harry and Zayn would usually go for  - if they weren't with their girlfriends.

Her name was Natalie and she wore a simple black tank top,a navy blue blazer with studs on the shoulders,plain skinny jeans and black high heels.Her top was very low cute and she kept on looking at Harry with a lustful gaze all the time.That bitch better keep her hands off of him ! Oh god,what did I just think ? Sorry !

Natalie went on stage soon and we had to wait.It was a live Tv show and our part was coming closer every minute.She was talking about some random stuff,then she announced "Our special guests,One Direction,will be here soon ! Are you excited ?!" and I heard the few people in the live crowd go wild.

"Welcome our guests - ONE DIRECTION !" that was our keyword and we walked onto the stage.Without the girls and Jason.

"Hi boys." she greeted us smiling heartily.

"Hello." we answered in unision.

"So,I heard this was one of you weeks off ? What were you guys doing until you came here ?" she asked politely.

"It was one of our two weeks off,yes.Well,we ranted a house and I invited my best friend to join us." Louis explained.

* Narrator *

"Is your best friend a girl ? There are so much rumours about a girl having contact with you." - Natalie.

"Yes.But she's my best friend,I heard rumours about cheating on Eleanor,their not true.We're all friends with her. Well not we all but yeah." - Louis.

"Would please explain that,you're NOT all friends with her ?" - Natalie.

"We're not all friends with her because she's my girlfriend." - Harry.

"Oh well,I guess that's a shock for the whole female population of the world,isn't it ?" - Natalie.

"It totally is." - Zayn.

"So Zayn,there was a tweet about you fancying a girl,what was her name again ?" - Natalie.

"Jane." - Zayn.

"Beautiful name.What's going on between you two ?" - Natalie.

"We're dating." - Zayn.

"Oh,how did that happen ?" - Natalie.

"Well,after Louis' best friend had arrived,Eleanor  came as well.He felt guilty for not telling her,so he invited her two best friends.One of them was Jane." - Zayn.

"Oh and when did you two fall in love ?" - Natalie.

"In the middle of the night watching Tv in the most awkward way possible." - Zayn.

The audience and Natalie started to laugh.

"I heard Danielle stays at the house as well ?" - Natalie.

"That's true.Zayn invited her."  - Liam.

"How nice of you,Zayn.Oh and Louis,I totally forgot to ask for your best friends name !" - Natalie.

"Her name's Anny." - Louis.

"Sounds cute.Well isn't there another girl ?"  - Natalie.

"Yes,Belle." - Niall.

"Since you're the only one who didn't talk about 'his' girl,are you dating her ?" - Natalie.

Niall started to blush a deep red and then he shook his head.

"Aww,you're cute ! I swear you'll end up together.But there is another person,right ?" - Natalie.

"Right." - Harry.

"Well they should join us all !" - Natalie.

The crowd began to cheer very loudly.

Jane walked on stage first,seeming very confident.Eleanor and Danielle followed smiling widely,then Belle and Anny and last but not least Jason.Every girl sat down next to their boy and Jason took a seat next to Natalie.

"We all know Eleanor Calder and Danielle Peazer,but who of you beauties is Jane,who is Anny and who is Belle ? It's obvious that you're Jason." - Natalie.

The girls introduced themselves.

"So,Anny.I heard you were kind of cozy with all of the boys ? And could you tell me about your relation to Jason ?" - Natalie.

"As you probably know,Louis is my best friend - for over six years now.Zayn is kind of my stylist,Harry is my boyfriend,Niall is my psych and Liam is a bit of a dad for me." - Anny.

"So the article calling you 'One Direction's whore' is completely untrue ?" - Natalie.

"Of course." - Anny.

"Right.. And what is going on with you and this handsome boy over here ? The papparazzis caught him joining your little living community." - Natalie.

"He's an old friend and wanted to visit." - Anny.

"What kind of an old friend ?" - Natalie.

"Actually I'm her ex-boyfriend." - Jason.

"Oh,so you wanted to win her back ?" - Natalie.

"No,I knew she was dating Harry.That dating stuff was over three years ago.A wile ago we met each other again and became good friends." - Jason.

"That sounds totally like a movie ! So you're all living together in one house ?" - Natalie.

"At the moment,yes." - Liam

"But I'll leave the house soon." - Jason.

"And after the next week,we all have to go back into our normal lives." Harry.

"So what are your jobs ?" - Natalie.

"I'm a model." - Belle.

"You do seem like one." - Natalie.

"Thanks." - Belle.

"Actually I'm a model as well." - Jason.

"Oh,okay." - Natalie.

"I'm a designer.And I think this dress you're wearing is actually designed by me." - Jane.

"Oh,really ? Then I have to say you're really good !" - Natalie.

"Thanks." - Jane.

"And you Anny ?" - Natalie.

"I'm studying." - Anny.

"Which subjects ?" - Natalie.

"English and litterature." - Anny.

"Interesting.I just have to ask you,where are you from ? You accent sounds foreign." - Natalie.

"I was born in Germany.I moved to Doncaster when I was fourteen." - Anny.

"And we both still live in Germany." - Jane.

"Ahh okay." Natalie.

"Sadly our time's already over ! I hope I'll see you all again,still as couples of course ! Maybe when you'll announce getting married ? Goodbye !" - Natalie.

Natalie hugged everyone goodbye and they left the stage.

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now