Chapter 45 "Check your twitter notifications."

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--- Well,hello there ! I have to tell you something...

This story will end very soon ! :(

But of course there's going to be a sequel :) I already have an idea for that :)

But I really need a name for it,so if you have an idea for that,please tell me :)

It should match the name of this one here ...

Well,long note,here's the chapter.Hope you're gonna like it,blah,blah,blah. :D:** ---

* Anny's POV *

I was laying on the bed,together with Harry.I was rested on his bare chest,our fingers were entwined and we were staring at the ceiling.

Liam had kind of shocked us all with his sudden outburst.He had always been gentle and caring,then he started to scream and even swear.It was just unexpected.

After the discussion in the livingroom,Harry and I had gone straight into his room.Later Eleanor brought us supper.After we had finished eating,we just put the plates aside and laid down,not saying a word.

"Love ?" Harry asked after nearly an hour of silence.

"Hmm ?" I mumbled in response.

"What are we going to do when we leave this house ?" his question left me speechless.

What were we going to do ? I couldn't just stop studying and move to the boys.That was impossible.My parents would totally kill me ! They didn't even know about me dating Harry yet. Neither did they know about me staying with five guys for two weeks.Of course unless they saw it in the media,but they would have called then.

"I don't know Harry ..." I murmured.

"Why don't you just move in with me and Louis ?" he suggested.

"Harry,I can't do that." I replied.

"Why ?" he asked.

"First,I can't just leave my parents' house.Second,I'm studying.Third,We don't know each other for very long..." I constituted.

"Why can't you leave it ? And when that's such a big deal,I could just move in with you ? Then you could go on studying as well.I know that we don't know each other for that long,but I love you.I love you,Annabelle Christine Sillace." he whispered into my hair.I scrunched my  nose at the sound of my full name.

"I love you too,but I can't leave it because it's my parents' house,I have so many memories in it.The house we had in Germany got destroyed in a fire,so this is the last piece of childhood I have,Harry.And if you moved in,wouldn't that be trouble for you ? Being away from the other boys ?" I replied lowly.

"I didn't know about that fire thing,sorry... " he muttered.

"It's okay." I cooed.

"So what are we going to do ?" he asked again.

"I still don't have the vaguest idea." I answered.

* Harry's POV *

If we wouldn't find a solution soon,I was probably going to lose her.

Just the thought of losing her made my heart ache and my eyes get watery.

I truly loved her and losing her would definetely break my heart,it would break me.

She was beautiful,it was obvious that other guys would hit on her.And I would be a three hour car ride away.Maybe she would get into trouble and I wouldn't be there for her...

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