Chapter 35 "I'm dead serious."

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--- Hey lovelies !:* This time you didn't have to wait soo long,hope you like that and my new chapter ! :D Thank you for sticking up with me and reading until chapter 35,it means a lot ! *-* THANK YOU ! What do think of Anny's evil plan ? :D
Sorry it's so short,it's just a filler. :)
And I had to fucking rewrite it ! My damn computer deleted almost all of the chapter ...---

* Anny's POV *

We got out of the car and entered the toy shop.The people in there were staring at us.We were five grown-up women in a toy shop,that just had to look a little strange.
And it wasn't like one of these small cute vintage toy-shops,it was a huge one,where spoiled kids beg their moms to buy what they want.

"What are you planning,bad-ass bitch ?"Jane asked smirking.
"We're going to beat the boys." I told her.
"We what ?!" Belle asked.
"You'll see." I told her.

I started walking ahead and the others followed me.We had looked through almost the whole shop,until I found what I was searching for.

"Are you kidding ?" Dani asked.
"I'm dead serious." I answered.
They looked at me,disbelief in their eyes.

"Nah,don't look at me like that.I've done it before.With Louis ... Sadly I don't have the equipment anymore.. Oh and don't worry,it won't hurt them." I told them.They all seemed unsure.Of course they did,I mean if you truly love someone you're not going to do this to him without hesitating,are you?

We took enough for every girl and went to the check-out counter.I also took a small and wireless speaker,plus a fog machine.The lady there gave us weird looks.She surely thought we were totally bonkers.

We paid and went back into the car.
"How do you even use these things ?" Dani asked.
"You really don't know it ?" I asked in reply,giggling a little.
"Nope." she said chuckling.
"Just pull the trigger.Give it to me,I'll load it for you." I told her and she gave it to me.I loaded it and handed it back to her.

"Eleanor,you're taking Louis.Danielle,you're taking Liam and so on.Every girl takes the boy she's dating." I explained to them.
"But I'm not dating anyone.." Belle said sheepishly.
"As if ! You'll take Niall,even if you're not official yet." I told her seriously.

"And now it's time to discuss the BIG scene we are going to make." I began.

* Louis' POV *

Almost an hour went by and the girls were still away.An hour full of fear and depression.

Zayn had barely spoken since they left.He was still sitting on the sofa,staring at the wall.He was deathly pale and didn't look really healthy.Anny just had pulled his new girlfriend away from him,that must have hurt.

While Zayn did practically nothing,Liam was driving me insane.He was wandering up and down in the kitchen,wracking his brain about what happened to the girls.He was constantly mumbling things.He thought that the girls maybe had an accident on their way,maybe they got killed or raped.

As I said,he was driving me insane.But I knew I could trust her,she was a strong girl.Surely she was just planning something,everything was alright.

Nothing bad happened,they are all okay.Nothing bad happened,they are all okay.Nothing bad happened,they are all okay.I kept repeating that in my mind.

I looked over at Harry,he was probably even more worried about his girlfriend than the others.He truly loved her.They had just reconciled and then she left him,it had to be one of the worst moments on his life.

He sat in a corner,his arms hugging his legs.His chin was rested on his knees and he was staring holes into the air.Judging from his face,he was overthinking the situation even more than Liam was. If that was even possible.

Niall was acting the most normal,if you could call it that.He ate even more than he usually did.He and Belle weren't official yet,but surely he had strong feelings towards her.His comfort eating should distract him from that,but by the look on his face,it surely wasn't.

I almost jumped as I heard the door open.
Oh god,the girls were finally coming back !
But then I heard nobody coming in.
There was just the sound of something being shoved over the floor.
What ?!
Then I heard something else.
It was some kind of ...
Music ?!

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