Chapter 4 "Just hugging... in a friendly way."

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* Anny's P.O.V *

What the heck ?! Did I just tell Niall Horan,who I barely knew,one of my biggest secrets ?

Did I just tell him,the boy with the beautiful blue eyes, I loved Harry Styles ? Damn,he would have to tell Harry.And that would ruin it all.- My friendship with Louis and the non existing relationship with Harry.

But something rather unexpected happened.

"It's okay,Anny.I won't tell him." Niall said and smiled heartily at me.

I just threw my arms around his neck hugged him tightly,pressing my body against his.I was so happy.And I could feel his toned chest through his thin shirt.

We just stood there, hugging and smiling. But I think this lasted too long because I heard Louis walking towards us and he started talkingBefore letting go Niall smiled and whispered "You can tell me anything,anytime.Even in the middle of the night,honey.Trust me."

* Louis' P.O.V *

When I woke up,I didn't see Anny.Or Harry,or Niall.Liam and Zayn were still asleep on the couch.But what the hell was going on with Harry,Niall and Anny ?! Anny always got up before everybody else but Harry and Niall were late risers..

I stood up and started searching for them.

I found Harry in the kitchen,just in his boxers and a black t-shirt.He looked a bit disappointed.Okay not just a bit,he looked pretty whacked.He was looking out the window and so did I.

Then I saw Anny - and Niall.It was 9 o'clock in the morning and they were awake... strange. They stood outside the house,hugging.I was confused,they didn't even know each other very well.Why would they just randomly do that ? I went outside and walked towards them.

When I started talking,Niall immediately relinquished his hold on her.

"Erm.. what are you two doing here?" I asked suspiciously.
"Just hugging .. in a friendly way." Niall replied,smiling.If you asked me,he was a bit too happy.But never mind.

Anny looked at me for a second and then she ran over to me.She engulfed me in a very tight hug."Boo,I love you ! I missed you sooo much ! How about a best friends day ?" she squealed excitedly.I rememberd that we hadn't done much together since she had arrived.We just said hello,watched TV and fell asleep.

"I love you too,An.And I missed you a lot.A best friends day would be great..but Eleanor will be coming today..I'm sorry,love." I answered guiltily.

"Your girlfriend will be here ?! I thought you wanted to spend time with me ?!" She nagged with obviously faked disappointment. Then she started giggling and went inside again,shaking her ass playfully to have a perfect departure.

Some seconds later Niall followed her,I think to get some food.I was really sorry because I didn't tell her about Eleanor,but I just forgot it.

I loved how she never got angry at me,she stayed calm in every situation.No matter if she was disapponted or hurt.She wasn't angry when I got on tour and didn't call very often,when I first didn't tell her about my relationship with Eleanor and now when I didn't tell her about Eleanor coming.

There had been just one situation when she didn't stay calm.That was when her parents wanted to leave Doncaster and move back to Germany.It was the first time I saw her getting really mad.

--- The girl in the multimedia isn't Anny,but yeah .. I thought this gif was suitable :D Anyways,what do you think of the story ? :)) ---

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