Chapter 6 "Sunshine ?!"

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* Liam's P.O.V *

While Niall,Harry and Anny were at the lake,Eleanor had arrived.After a real cute greeting,we all just chilled out a bit.After one or two hours Louis and Eleanor started cooking.I was wondering when The three were intending to come back. When dinner was amlost ready and they were still absent,I went to the lake to get Niall,Harry and Anny.I saw them all sleeping on a huge,white towel.

"Wake up,sunshine!" I yelled at Anny,who was sleeping on Niall's and Harry's legs.She actually woke up and looked pretty amused.

"Sunshine ?! I've heard things like shorty,love,honey and sweetie..but sunshine ?" she laughed."Yeah it sounds cute,just like you are.I came to tell you sleepyheads that Louis and Eleanor made dinner,so come on!" I replied.

They took their things and we went inside.When we got in,it smelled freaking delicious.Niall,Harry and Anny went upstairs to get changed and they came back down very soon.

"Wow,Louis,what did you cook for us?" I asked amazedly.

"Surprise." he answered with a big grin.We all sat down at the huge,already laid,glass table in the kitchen and he brought the food.

They had made tomato soup and chicken with mashed potatos and sauce.It was very tasty.And I have to admit Louis was a pretty good cook.

After dinner we all (the boys,Eleanor and Anny) laid down on the couch and watched TV like we did it the evening before.But this time Louis was cuddling with Eleanor.I was wondering if he forgot that he rather invited Anny first,not Eleanor.And it looked like he did.Wow he was a really great best friend.

* Anny's P.O.V *

We were laying on the couch and just watched TV like the boys were only normal people - best friends having a nice TV evening,one even with his girlfriend.Oh,they were so cute together.But then I realized I laid between Harry and Louis.Oh my god,how awkward.Who should I move over to ? Predicament.But I saw Louis was cuddling with Eleanor,so I moved over to Harry.He looked delighted.Maybe,just maybe,there was a chance for me.

* Harry's P.O.V *

I saw Anny moving over to me.Oh my God,YES! She leant gently against my shoulder and I put my arm around her.God,she was so beautiful.

But did I love her ,or was it just like.. a crush? I looked into her lovely chocolate eyes as she looked at me.Oh yes,I loved her.I felt the butterflies flying around in my stomach. I didn't just want to use her like the many other girls, I wanted to be with her,to make her happy.. to kiss her in the rain.

Suddenly I noticed Niall shooting death glares at me.

Oh god Niall,please not.Please don't ruin everything.

---- for the ones who actually read this : what do you think ? Should I go on ? :) And the couch was way bigger,but this gif was just suitable..somehow :D ----

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