Chapter 22 - Anny Sillace - One Direction's whore ?

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 --- Hey lovelies ! :** I'm so happy right now ! Over 440 reads ?! *-* Oh my god you're awesome ! And now have fun with this chapter ;D Please tell me what you think :) ---

The others were already standing in the livingroom.First I hugged Jane and Belle,both of them at the same time,and whispered "Good luck with the boys, but don't touch Harry !" so low,that only they could hear it.

They started to laugh and the boys,Eleanor and Danielle gave us strange looks.Then I hugged Zayn,saying "Bye,my gorgeous stylist." to him."Bye shorty." he answered smiling.I let go of him and quickly hugged Liam and Danielle,I wasn't that close with them.

Then I hugged Niall really tightly and whispered "Bye,psych" which made him giggle.Harry looked kinda jealous.Okay,not kinda but pretty jealous.I stepped over to Louis and gave him a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek."I'll miss you,Stripey." I told him.

I hugged Eleanor,too, thanking her for the 'sleepover'.

Then,last but not least,I was standing infront of my new boyfriend.I put my arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.As Louis saw this, he screamed "AHH,I KNEW IT ! I TOTALLY KNEW IT !" so loud,that I immediately let go of Harry and stepped back.

Then Louis and I started to laugh hysterically as I realized what he had said.This was exactly the same thing he had said,whenever I told him I was dating someone,even if he didn't know it.The others didn't know what was so funny about this and looked pretty confused.

It was just another insider we had,they didn't understand. "Well,goodbye then.Have fun !" I said.Niall looked at me and said "Why aren't you coming with us ?" as if he had just noticed I told them all goodbye and obviosuly wasn't coming with them.

This cute little idiot."I'm not feeling very well." I said and then they got out.I was all alone now.

I went upstairs into my room.My wardrobe was bursting at the seams,going shopping with Zayn was profitable.This was a day home alone,so I chose a more or less stylish,but very cozy outfit.I got changed,pulled my hair into a messy bun and sat down on my bed.

I saw my laptop laying on a little table in the corner and noticed I hadn't ckecked twitter since I arrived at this house.I stood up,took my laptop and sat down again.I opened it and started the browser.

I logged in at twitter and saw A LOT of tweets directed at @MissAnnyTomlinson.Yes,that was my twitter name.Louis chose it for me years ago,that was even before he got famous.

One tweet said @MissAnnyTomlinson are you dating Zayn,Harry or Louis ?

This tweet was retweeted thousands of times.Oh god.I didn't know whether it was good to make it already official.And why were they thinking I was dating Zayn or Louis ?

Another tweet said @MissAnnyTomlinson,you're such a whore !

But what were they talking about ? Why should I be a whore ?

I decided to ignore all the other hateful tweets and to google the boys instead. Just to know if there was something about me,of course.So I googled One Direction with girls.I immediately saw headlines like Zayn Malik's new girlfriend ? or Harry Style's new affaire,cheating on Niall Horan ? Or even :Anny Sillace – One Direction's whore ?

And I was like : Whaaat ?! That can't be true ! There were pictures connected to each article.I took a look at the first one.There were pictures of Zayn and I when we went shopping.None of them showed Danielle.You know,people only see what they want to see.

Wow.The next article was a bit creepy.There were pictures of me and Harry,on one I was sleeping on him.Then there was one at the lake,together with Niall,and the other one in our livingroom.Did these gross papparazzis really take pictures of us in our livingroom ?

Holy shit.The last article showed pictures of me shopping with Zayn,hugging Niall outside the house,sleeping on Harry and one showed me when I jumped into Louis arms.There was no picture of me with Liam.

But,ohh no,there had to be a lot of rumours about Louis cheating on Eleanor.Ugh,fuck my life.This just can't be true ! I started to read the last article.

Anny Sillace – One Direction's whore ?

There are currently a lot of pictures showing this girl,Anny Sillace,being close with almost all members from the boyband One Direction.But which boy is she dating ? Or is she just playing with them ? Maybe even with all four boys she was seen with ?

In a mall near their rented house,Zayn Malik was seen with her,holding her hand.He didn't answer the questions the reporters asked him about her.Which is really suspicious.A bit earlier she was seen being extremely close with the already TAKEN band member Louis Tomlinson and then she was almost making out with Niall Horan.

There are pictures from the SAME DAY showing her being cozy with Harry Styles AND Niall Horan at the same time at a lake near their house.Then there are a lot of pictures of her with only Harry.There is no evidence she has to do something with the last member,Liam Payne.

But is Louis Tomlinson cheating on his girlfriend Eleanor Calder ? Stay tuned for more news about One Direction's whore !

The person who wrote this article actually called me a whore and said I was making out with Niall.Great.This was just .. OH MY FUCKING GOD ! I went back to twitter.I found a tweet saying @MissAnnyTomlinson please check out my blog I made about you ! I'm like your biggest fan !

I was shocked,there was even a blog about me ! And I had fans ? Jeez.I opened the link and saw a website full of pictures showing just me and some with Harry.

There was a long article about me and my life, how did this person know so much about me ? At the end there was something about me and Harry,then she said she was a 'Hanny' shipper.I knew what shippers were..Harry and I already had a name ?

Wow.Then I saw I had 100,000 new followers on twitter.Oh my god ! I thought I should clear things up,so I tweeted :

All these rumours are complete bullshit. @Louis_Tomlinson is my best friend for about six years now ! And he isn't cheating on Eleanor,he would never do that ! And they're the cutest couple I've ever seen. @ZaynMalik is my gorgeous stylist and a good friend of mine.Oh and I'll regret that,but think he fancies @J-J_Jones and she fancies him,too ! Sorry,but that had to be. @NiallOfficial is my beloved psych and @Harry_Styles is the best that ever happened to me,my perfect boyfriend. And now go on,hate me for no reason.I don't mind.You don't know me,you can't judge me !

I closed my laptop,laid down on my bed and just fell asleep.

* Zayn's POV *

We all said goodbye to Anny and then Jane,Belle,Niall,Harry and I got into the big car we rented.The ride was anything but silent.I sat on the driver's seat with Jane next to me.We talked about anything and everything.

Niall was busy with Belle and Harry was the only silent one.About fifteen minutes later we arrived at the bowling center.Thank god there were no fans and papparazzis. We got in,lent our shoes and started to play.In the middle of the first game,all our phones rang,except for Belle's.Strange.

The others ignored it,but I was too curious.I had a twitter mention.From @MissAnnyTomlinson ? Wasn't that Anny's twitter name ? I read the tweet and kinda flipped out.She just told the whole world I fancied Jane.OH MY FUCKING GOD.How embarrassing ..

I would totally kill her when I would come home ! Then I read the whole tweet.And I read it out loud,so the others could hear it : All these rumours are complete bullshit. @Louis_Tomlinson is my best friend for about six years now ! And he isn't cheating on Eleanor,he would never do that ! And they're the cutest couple I've ever seen. @ZaynMalik is my gorgeous stylist and a good friend of mine.Oh and I'll regret that,but think he fancies @J-J_Jones and she fancies him,too ! Sorry,but that had to be.. @NiallOfficial is my beloved psych and @Harry_Styles is the best that ever happened to me,my perfect boyfriend. And now go on,hate me for no reason.I don't mind.You don't know me,you can't judge me !

Jane was drinking her water while I read out loud and,she kinda ... spit it out. Harry smiled like a fool because she called him perfect,Belle just looked confused and Niall blushed.I could feel my own cheeks heat up as well and Jane looked at me amused.

"So,you fancy me ?" she asked grinning. "I could ask you the same question." I answered mischievously.She didn't say anything else after that,but I caught her looking at me a few times.

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now