Chapter 17 - The lights were on and ...

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--- I don't get that much comments and votes :/ at least I got some new fans :)

I love you all,never stop being as perfect as you are! <3 please vote,fan and comment :)  

And could you please read my short story I just started ? I would mean a lot to me !

Love,Hannaaa :* ---

* Zayn's P.O.V *

"Uhm.. Zayn ?" Anny asked chuckling.

"Yes,shorty?" I replied curiously.

"Where are Jane and Belle going to sleep ?" she said,still laughing.

"Ohhh... Louis and I forgot to plan that."

"Louis ?" she asked,it was so obvious that she knew it.I think Eleanor told her on their little "sleepover".But it ought be a surprise so she pretended knowing nothing.

"Yes,this was Louis' idea,but I had the other surprises for y'all so I greeted them for him and you hopefully had a good time."

"Ohhh ... THANK YOU LOU ! But nevertheless where are they going to sleep ?" she said after hugging Louis.

"Erm... what about Anny and .. I share a room,so Jane and Belle .. can share one,too ?" Harry said blushing.Anny blushed a deep red,too.

"Good idea!" I answered,knowing this wasn't just to help Jane and Belle.He didn't even know them an hour ago. 

Harry obviously wanted to spend some time alone with Anny.

And I would give him this time alone with her,hoping he wouldn't take advantage.I felt like I had to protect her,if he did.Like she was my younger sister.Even though she was older than me.She was smaller than me,that was enough.And she was such a cute person ! Harry and Anny were cute together.But Niall's hurt expression made me feel sorry for him.This whole situation was fucked up.

* Jane's P.O.V *

I saw Harry and Anny blushing like crazy and I knew Anny had a crush on him - it was so obvious.Oh and I think Belle liked Niall.She was looking at him all the time.I could understand her,all the boys were pretty damn handsome.Personally,I liked Zayn the best and thought of flirting with him later.Nevermind.

In Harry's eyes you could see that his room sharing idea was more to help him,not Belle and me.But I was fine with that.Belle was going to be alone in the room most of the time at night anyway.I had problems with sleeping.So I just sat on my sofa every night and tried to get some ideas for my designing.And it worked pretty good.My best drafts were made in the middle of the night on an uncomfortable couch.Even the dresses Belle and I had been wearing came into existence at a monday morning around 5am in my livingroom.

Zayn's P.O.V*

It was around two in the morning and everybody else was asleep.Niall went to bed straight after the surprise.Liam and Danielle watched Toy Story for the thousandth time.I knew that,because his room was next to mine and they watched the film very loudly.You also couldn't fail hearing their laughter and at the end Liam's crying,which made Danielle try to comfort him.Ugh ! I just wanted to sleep !

I heard Louis and Eleanor laughing and jerking around as usual until midnight or something like that.No odd proceedings.They didn't even leave the room once.They were such a cute - and above all - happy couple.

And then there were Anny and Harry...

I heard almost nothing from them,which was rather unusual because they were kinda loud persons.Maybe they had just fallen asleep.

As I had expected Jane and Belle kept silent through the whole night.Neither of them went to Anny's and Harry's room to talk to her about girly stuff.

But I still couldn't sleep.And that's why I found myself going downstairs at two in the morning.But the freakier thing was what happened,or rather what I saw,when I walked down the stairs and came into the huge livingroom.

The lights were on and ... WHAT THE FUCK ?!

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