Chapter 20 - and ASDFGHJKL

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--- So,hey lovelies :* THANK YOU FOR OVER 300 READS ! I'm just like OH MY GOOOD ! right now :D haha,lol :D  Thank you,thank you,thank you ! I love you all :D <3 And now the chapter,it's going to be a funny and cute one ;) It is dedicated to Ridzzi,because she is just the best fan EVER ! :) Enjoy it :D And if you like it,please vote,fan and comment :)

Bye,lovelies :* ---

* Zayn's POV *

I noticed Jane slowly schooching over to me.So she wouldn't slap me, if I touched her ? Maybe there was a chance of making out with her later.I didn't know how easy to get she was.But she was a designer,sure a famous one,so she shouldn't be that easy to lay.

I moved over to her,too.After a few minutes our legs were almost touching.I looked at her,she was smiling.Her smile was cute.Very cute.I carefully put my arm around her waist.She was skinny.Her clothes didn't show that,but I could felt it.

She leant her head gently against my shoulder.Then we sat there,just watching TV and cuddling.Nothing more happened.

Almost nothing.Around four in the morning she fell asleep in my arms.I laid her head on a pillow and put a blanket over her body.Then this 'almost nothing' happened.My head was just inches away from hers.I slowly leant in a bit more,kissed her on her forehead and whispered "Good night."

Usually I did things like this only for my sisters,but Jane was different from other girls.I was thinking whether I should go upstairs and to sleep in my bed,or if I should stay here and sleep next to Jane.

I decided to stay on the couch with Jane.I carefully got under the blanket and put my arm around her again. And then I just fell asleep and slept pretty well.Was it because of Jane ? Hopefully not...

* Anny's POV *

After this thing with Niall I had gone back into Harry's room.He was still sleeping.I got back into the bed and fell asleep as well.When I woke up was almost noon. He was STILL asleep.

I decided to go donwstairs,hoping some of the others were awake because I was totally bored.I carefully got out of the bed, not wanting to wake Harry.I tiptoed out of the room and slowly closed the door behind me.Then I walked down the stairs normally.

I was about to go into the kitchen to get some food,when something in the livingroom caught my eye. Jane was laying on the couch.With Zayn.WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT ?! JANE AND ZAYN ?!

I quickly headed towards them.My heart was pounding twice as fast as normal.I shook her a bit and whispered "Jane,wake up !" not wanting to wake up Zayn.She opened her eyes a bit.

"Oh,hey Anny. Whats up ?" she asked sleepily."You are asking ME what's up ?! You'r the one who's laying on the couch with Zayn !" I said almost yelling.She looked confused.She turned around and as she saw Zayn,she ... giggled ? WHAT ?!

"Why are you giggling Jane ? He's a damn player !" I said confused."Didn't seem so last night." she said winking."Wait,WHAT ?! Last night ?! You and him were together last night ?!" I screamed.God knows what they did last night !

I think I woke Zayn with my little fit.He opened his eyes and yawned."Morning,shorty.Morning,Jane." he said like it was the most normal thing that he woke up next to my best friend and I was standing right infront of him.

"Long story,I'll tell you later." Jane whispered.Okay.This was creepy.Normally Zayn was a player and wouldn't risk waking up next to a girl,even if he got money for doing it.And usually Jane was exact the same type of person.I would have to talk about that to them later

."Anyone wanting breakfast ?" I asked."Yes." they both answered in unison.This was getting creepier and creepier every second.

I walked into the kitchen and took a look at the fridge.It was completely full.I tried to remeber if Zayn bought food yesterday.Seemed so.I took out some eggs,milk,sugar and flour.Then I took some apples from a little bowl on the glass table.

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