Chapter 29 - Diamonds are forever.

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--- Hey lovelies :) Here's a new chapter,hope you'll like it :* ---

 * Anny's POV *

It was already half past twelve and I was sitting on a stool in the kitchen all alone. Earlier I had changed my clothes,so I was wearing a simple black crop top and some grey shorts.

I listened to 'Give me love' and hummed along.Of course I used my headphones,I didn't want to wake Zayn and Jane,these wto sleepy-heads. I was eating an apple,I wanted to wait for the others with eating breakfast but I was hungry so yeah.

At this time at least Liam and Danielle should be up,or maybe Louis and Eleanor.Why was nobody here ? What the heck did they do last night ? Where were Niall and Belle anyway ? They didn't go upstairs last night and those two cutie-pies on the sofa were the only ones in the livingroom.

Maybe they went upstairs so quietly that I didn't hear them ? Belle was a really light-footed girl.Impossible,Niall was a very loud person.

I looked down and realized I hadn't worn a crop top for a long time.Why didn't I ? They were so comfortable and I wasn't chubby or something.

Then I remembered it,a while ago Jane,Belle and I got matching tattoos.Did Zayn see Jane's ? Or did Niall see Belle's ? Hopefully not. Definetely Louis and Harry hadn't seen mine.

Louis would totally freak out,I've always been his little girl,he never wanted me to grow up.Anyway,back to the tattoos.We all got a diamond.Mine is on my right hip,Belle's is on her neck and Jane's is just on her left side.We all chose a place where not everybody would notice it instantly.

And we chose the diamonds to symbolisize how precious we were for each other and like the lyrics from kanye west's song 'Diamonds from sierra leone' diamonds are forever,they won't leave in the night we would never leave each other's side.That sounded cheesy,I know,but it was true.

I was totally deep in thought when I heard somebody coming down the stairs. Who could it be ? Shit,hopefully not Louis !

"Morning sunshine." a boy said sleepily.Luckily it was just Liam and he didn't seem to be fully awake yet."Morning.What did you do last night that you're so sleepy at half past twelve ?" I asked him chuckling."To tell the truth,I did nothing.I just slept in my bed with my girlfriend next to me.And what did you do ? You seem totally out of it." he asked yawning and stretching his arms.

Should I tell him what had happened last night ? He would find it out anyways."To be honest,first I almost gave my boyfriend a heart attack,then I went showering,then I slept. And just a few seconds ago I was thinking."

"How the heck did you give Harry a heart attack ?! And may I ask what you where thinking about ?" he asked puzzled."Long story." I answered in a nutshell.He was about to say something else when Danielle came down. "Come back to bed,baby." she pleaded him,looking pretty tired. "Okay,love. Bye Anny." he said waving me goodbye and then he went back upstairs.

It was already very late,like quarter to one,and they went back to bed again, while the others weren't even awake.What a nice start for a day.They were all so cheery.

I was still wondering where Niall and Belle had gone the night before,when I saw a movement in the corner of my eye. I looked out of the window and saw them laying on a blanket near the shore of the lake.

Did they spend the night together out there ? Gosh,that was so cute !

I decided to make them a nice surprise,so I went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast.When I finished,I had a tray with a teapot,two cups,some toast slices,butter,marmalade and orange juice.

I walked towards the glass door and opened it carefully,not wanting to drop the tray.I headed towards them and they didn't notice me,they were to busy with being freaking adorable.They were listening to some slow music,cuddling on the blanket.

"Hey you cutie-pie couple,I've made breakfast for you !" I said smiling at them. They got frightened but when they realized it was just me,they thanked me and took the tray.I left them alone and got back inside again.

Zayn was still asleep,laying on the sofa snoring softly.At least Jane was awake,sitting on the sofa upright."What's going on between you two ?" I asked her seriously but smiling,as I reached the sofa."Honestly,he asked me to be his girlfriend last night." she said a bit too sternly.Did she turn him down ? "And you said what ... ?" I asked worriedly.

"Of course I said yes !" she said,becoming all excited and starting to jump up and down.I took her hands and we fangirled together for a while,jumping up and down,squealing because she had a new boyfriend.We once did that when she had her first boyfriend.

Suddenly I heard somebody laughing and it was definetely not Jane,or Zayn. It was Harry.Wait,Harry ? Oh my god,how embarassing.Jane and I abruptly stopped and I saw him walking towards us.He looked so damn hot,wearing just boxershorts and with his hair being a curly mess.

"Don't laugh at us,Harry." I said pouting and putting my hands on my hips. Harry's smile faded.Shit,I think he saw the tattoo."Since when do you have a tattoo ?" he asked sternly."Uhm,for a little while now ?" I answered insecurely.

"Does Louis know about this ?" he asked worriedly."No,so please don't tell him,Harry !" I pleaded him,trying the puppy eyes."Okay,but just because it's you." he said smiling.

"Don't tell me what ?" a familiar high-pitched voice said.I took my hands off my hips as fast as I could and pulled my shirt down."Nothing." I answered him firmly.Louis was now standing right next to Harry,staring at him like he wanted to kill him.Then he stared at me the same way.I was never able to stand this gaze,with this gaze he could get me to do everything.

"Nothing !" I repeated,getting slightly upset."Fine,I'll find it out anyways."he answered snappily and got away,back upstairs into his room,where Eleanor was probably waiting for him.

He was so overprotective sometimes.On the other hand I've always told him everything and now I told him almost nothing.There was another secret he didn't know about.Just one person in this house besides me did.

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