Chapter 14 "Are you going out on a date ... with Zayn ?!"

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* Anny's P.O.V *

All the boys and Eleanor were looking at me - with their mouthes agape.

"What ?" I asked grinning,not knowing why they reacted like that.

"I didn't know you had clothes like that.." Louis answered concerned.

"Like what ?" I questioned.

"High heels,nerd glasses ... What the heck,Anny ?! I never saw you wearing any shoes with heels.Not even at our X-factor FINAL !" Louis said seriously offended.

"Are you going out on a date ... with Zayn ?! Or what the fuck is going on ?!" Harry asked,getting really upset.

My big brother and his best friend were really pissed off,though I was only going shopping - with just a good friend.Perfect.Liam looked not too happy,too.He was that kind of person who got worried about EVERYTHING.While they all got pissed off,Niall was just staring at me the whole time.

*Liam's P.O.V*

As I heard what Louis said and saw what Anny was wearing,I just HAD TO think there was something going on between Zayn and Anny.A girl that NEVER wore heels and then someday she does while going out with "a friend".That's so stereotyped,like in a bad film or something like that.I hoped Anny wouldn't fall for him,or he at least he wouldn't take advantage of her.And all that didn't make Louis really happy,he was such a protective friend.

* Zayn's P.O.V *

"Guys,calm down.We're only going shopping at the mall." I said.

Though we weren't ONLY going shopping..

"Oh,you're actually going out with him.." Harry said extremely pissed.

His crush on her was more than just totally obvious..

"Oh come on,sweetie-pie.We're JUST friends and we are JUST going shopping.So don't be such a drag." Anny said smiling her adorable little smile.It made Harry smile,too,so he was showing off his dimples NO girl could resist.

I think he really believed her and he – obviously - couldn't stand her smile.Though Anny herself didn't know she was lying.

We ate breakfast and I realized Niall was looking at Anny the whole time. At first I didn't know why,but he looked damn sore.

But then I realized it.

Oh Niall..

He fell for her,too.

So Louis had his girlfriend here,Danielle was going to be here in a few hours,Harry and Niall both had a crush on Anny and I was the only one single.

Brilliant.This was going to be a lot of fun.

I decided to talk to Niall before going shopping.

*Niall's P.O.V*

Zayn and I were the last ones left in the kitchen.I was always the last one to finish eating,but Zayn was a fast eater so I was wondering why he was still here.

"So ,Niall.. When were you going to tell me about your crush on her ?" he asked bluntly.Oh I shouldn't have 'asked'...

"What are you talking about ?" I said smiling innocently,trying to hide how much this question hurt.Which was damn much.

"Don't try to fool me,Niall.You tried a few times,but remember : you failed every single time,I know you way too good...You didn't say it because of Harry,right ? You thought she'd take Harry instead of you,like many girls do because they don't know how perfect you are ! You didn't want to get hurt.But you got.I can see it in your eyes,Niall.You know you can trust me.I might be a player,but Anny and I... we are just friends." I knew he said the truth.

And then Anny walked in.

--- look at the boys' reactions ! :D but they were a bit more .. serious :D ---

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now