Chapter 36 - The evil plan !

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--- So in this chapter there's going to be what all of you readers are anticipating ! THE EVIL PLAN ! ... Okay,it's a little funny... And maybe the BIG surprise as well ? ;) Don't forget to vote,fan and comment,if you like it - I love you ! :D <3 Just one or two votes and a new chapter will be posted :)


* Anny's POV *

We were driving back to the house.

In about ten minutes we would arrive.

We had the perfect plan.

It was going to work out perfectly.

"Are you sure this is going to work ?" Belle,my little fraidy cat, asked.

"Of course it is !" I answered confidently.

"I can hardly wait ! This is going to be SO much fun !" Jane squealed

Things like that always got her excited.Totally understandable,I felt the adrenaline rushing through my own veins as well.But Jane was a bit of a adrenaline junkie anyways,she had always been.

5 minutes to go ...

The other girls got pretty excited as well.

3 minutes to go...

I started to smile like a freak.

1 minute to go ...

My heart was beating incredibly fast.

Then we finally arrived at the house.Well,not exactly AT the house,but near it.We couldn't  park it immediately next to the house,the boys would certainly notice that.We got out of my car as quietly as possible.

This was going to work out !

"Girls do have your weapon ?" I asked them,just to make sure.

"Yes !" they answered in unision.

Haha,this made me feel like some kind of military officer.

We put our sunglasses on (We wanted to look cool :D) and tiptoed towards the house,being almost completely noiseless.I gave Dani her sign and she opened the door,carefully.Earlier I had connected the speaker to my phone and filled the fog machine with the needed liquid.

I slid the speaker and the little transportable fog machine over the floor.A few metres away from us,it stopped.I pressed the start-up button on the remote for the fog machine in it started blowing its fog into the boys' livingroom.

Then I switched on the speaker and on my phone I started to play the song.It was 'Close enemies' by Example.(Awesome song by the way !)

The boys were obviously startled by our little scene,judging by the noises they made.

"What is going on here ?" I heard Liam ask,he sounded a little scared.

"What the fuck !?" that was clearly Harry.

"Ahhh !" - Niall.

"Guys !?" Zayn screamed,sounding panicked.

And then there was Louis...

"I swear to god,if this is some childish prank..."

He didn't even finish his sentence.

While the boys were completely distracted by the growing amount of fog and the loud music,we had started to sneak in.And just as Louis was about to threaten us,Eleanor shot him with a little paintball.

1 out - 4 to go.

"Oh my fucking god ! We are getting attacked !" Liam screamed as he noticed what had happened to Louis.And just as he said this,Danielle added a little colour to his previously white shirt.

2 out - 3 to go.

The fog made us practically invisible,so we snuck on.Suddenly I saw Harry sitting in a corner. My chance ! I shot two paintballs at him,both hit his shirt.His facial expression was so damn priceless ! He locked like someone had genuinely tried to kill him.

3 out - 2 to go.

Belle had kneeled down next to me.I saw Niall in the kitchen next to Liam and pointed at him.Belle saw my sign and tiptoed over to them.As she was close enough,she shot at Niall.He was a bit of a diva and fell to the ground.

4 out - 1 to go.

Where were Zayn and Jane ?! He was the last one... I squinted  my eyes and saw somebody sitting on the sofa - probably Zayn.But where was my beloved bad-ass bitch ?!

Then I saw her,she was crouching infront of Zayn.Immediately infront of him.He didn't even see her ! As she shot him,he squealed like a little girl ! Hilarious !

5 out - mission complete.

* Louis' POV *

What I had heard,was actually music.To be precise a song by Example.Then fog started to come into the livingroom.Within seconds half of it was full of fog.I could barely see anything that happened underneath the height of my hips.

What was going on here ?!

 "I swear to god,if this is some childish prank..."I started,but I got stopped midsecntence.By a bullet ? No,wait.What !? A PAINTBALL !?

I swear I'm so gonna kill her !

The other boys got shot one by one as well.All screaming more or less.Niall even fell to the ground.

What nineteen-year-old acts like that ? Of course only my lovely best friend.Sometimes she was as upright as an angel and then she could be the most immature and almost evil girl I had ever seen.Until some point it was funny,but this really went too far !

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now