Chapter 23 "Do you want to play the 'first time game' ?"

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--- Hey lovelies :** THANK YOU ALL FOR 600 READS *-* But can you get this to 650 until next weekend ? If you do (or if this book gets 20 votes),there'll be a super-duper cute chapter about  a date of the couple you like best ;)

Just comment which one you'd like to read :)  This chapter is going to be mean,mean but fun ! :D Enjoy it,and if you do so,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE WITH ONE DIRECTION ON TOP - Vote,fan and comment :) Just look how adorable NIALL is,you can't say no to him !  I love you all,bye :D ---

* Anny's POV *

I was woken up by the sound of somebody opening the entrance door. Ugh, they were already home again ? I just wanted to sleep.

Louis yelled "Girl,we're home again !" so loud that I could easily hear him through my closed door.He was standing downstairs,god this boy was loud !

I slowly got up,feeling a bit dizzy.I walked towards the door and opened it.There were four people downstairs,talking to each other.Must have been the double date-guys.I tiptoed downstairs and joined them in the kitchen.

The girls were wearing beautiful summer dresses and the boys wore casual clothes as well."Hey,you love birds." I said smiling at them."Nice outfit,sunshine !" Liam said laughing.

"Thanks,jerk." I answered.I hugged them all as a greeting and we sat down on the couch.Louis was about to say something,but the door opened,cutting him of.

The others came in,all of them being totally quiet.I think they read the tweet... Louis on the other hand obviously hadn't read it yet,but I didn't want to confront him with that.They joined us on the couch.The sitting order was Zayn,Jane,Niall,Belle,Harry,me,Eleanor,Louis,Liam,Danielle.

As he sat down,Harry pecked me on the lips and took my hand.All these little couples and almost-couples laying on the couch,being totally quiet.It was a nice silence,not even a bit awkward.

Then Louis disturbed this moment with the worst question ever.

"Do you want to play the 'first time game' ?" he asked.Everyone else looked at him confused."Boy,please not !" I whined."The what ?" Liam asked."No,no, no!" I screamed,sounding almost panicked.

Everytime Louis forced me to play this game with him,it ended extremely awkward and most of the times it humilated me as well."The 'first time game'." Louis answered.Zayn looked at me,he definetely saw my scared expression,but it didn't bother him.

"Why not ? How do you play that one ?" he asked Louis. Vengeance is sweet,Zayn.Don't forget that.I had a good idea to take revenge on him...

"It's hard to explain,I'll just show you,okay ?" Louis replied.I gave him a death glare,but he just smiled mischieviously.The others nodded."So ... Anny ?" he started."No !" I answered."When was the first time you really fell in love ?" Louis asked.

"Fine...Even if you already knew this ! It was when I was fifteen.. Ha ! Now it's my turn." I replied,yelling the last bit.Harry looked at me amused because of my reaction to Louis' question.

Before I asked somebody a question I stood up and connected my ipod to the stereo.It started to play 'locked out of heaven' by Bruno Mars and I sat down again.I grinned at Niall and he looked a bit insecure and uncomfortable.

"Niall,when was your first time,if you know what I mean ?" I asked him smiling friendly."Never...I don't believe in sex before marriage." he answered blushing."Aww,that's so cute ! Oh,and it's your turn." I replied.

"I don't know what to ask,maybe you,Harry ?" he said.God Niall ! Falsest decision ever ! "Sure. So Anny,when was your first real relationship.I mean a long one.."

Oh,Harry.That was a really mean question."I never had a real one.And I think my current one doesn't count ?" I answered.Harry stared at me with his mouth agape.

"If I may ask,why ?"he asked shocked."I mean I had dates and stuff but Louis always said these boys weren't right for me,so I've never been with a boy for a long time.One time I had tried hiding a boy from Louis and as he found out..he almost broke his arm."

As I said this the others looked at Louis in shock and then looked back at me,as if they couldn't believe it.Like they wanted me to tell them it was a joke.But it wasn't.He was always the funny one, nobody knew HOW protective he could be,how far he would go to save me.

He looked at the ground,it was obviously how embarassed he felt."Nevermind. How about we play another game ? This one always ends up with somebody being humilated." I asked everyone."What other game ?" Jane asked."How about truth or dare ?" I replied requesting.

"Yeah,I'll get a bottle." Zayn said and then he stood up.We all sat there in awkwards silence until he came back with an empty bottle.

We sat down on the floor in a circle."Who wants to spin the bottle first ?" Zayn asked us."I want !" Jane yelled.We started laughing because she quoted a song of the boys,without noticing it,and then she spun the bottle.It pointed at Liam.

"Truth or dare ?" she asked him."Uhm,dare ?" he asked insecurely.Big failure Liam.No,biggest failure EVER.He didn't know this girl,you should never play truth or dare with her.You should never play any sort of game with Jane...

"I dare you to strip down to your underwear,take a photo of it and then post it on twitter." she said casually,like she just asked him to get her a glass of water.As I said,never play games with Jane,she always wins.

Or atleast she humilates you to the bitter end.He looked at her in shock."Do it." she said smiling mischieviously.

He mumbled something and then he started taking his clothes off.It was obvious that Danielle liked what she saw.He was standing there in only his boxers and Jane took out her phone."Smile !" she said.He smiled weakly and she took a photo.

"And now,log in and tweet it with the words 'having a fun night' and then mention us all." she commanded him and Liam reluctantly did what she said to him and sat down again.

* Liam's POV *

Jane had humilated me infront of everyone who had an internet acces,which was almost everybody in the freaking whole wide world ! I knew I would take revenge for that later.I put on my clothes again,sat down and spun the bottle.Sadly it didn't point to Jane...I pointed at Anny.

"Truth or dare ?" I asked her."Dare,truth is boring." she said laughing,sounding like she meant what she said. "Okay,sunshine.I dare you to ..." I leant in and whispered  "... sit down on Zany's lap and try to seduce him." into her ear.

This was going to be fun, especially because they were both kinda taken and I was going to film it with my phone.

She smiled lasciviously.She tiptoed over to Zayn,who was sitting opposite her,on all four.She was looking like a cat and smiling at him seductively.I mean REALLY seductively.He looked pretty confused.

She straddled his lap,wrapped her legs around his waist and put her hands on his chest.He didn't look confused anymore,he looked turned on.Extremely turned on.

Jane on the other hand looked betrayed.Well,there was definetely something going on between her and Zayn,even if they would never admit it.This wasn't my plan to take revenge but it worked very good as well...

'Hustle like a lady' by Dev was played and Anny put her right handy into Zayn's hair.Normally he would snap,but he stayed cool.

Well,relatively,his eyes were filled with lust and he seemed to be wanting her.Her face came closer and closer to his,she bit her lip.She had her left hand still on his chest and he was still so damn turned on.I just couldn't stand it anymore.

I burst out laughing and she did as well.She was a good actress,she was serious until I started laughing.Zayn's facial expression was more than just priceless !

The stereo played 'break ya back' by Dev and she slowly stood up,teasing him by walking pretty slow and shaking her ass.Jeez,this girl could be really mean.

And really hot.I mean,you could think so,if you weren't already taken like me !

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