Chapter 39 "That's not even my full name."

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--- Chapter 39,guys ! :D Woohoo :D

I kind of ran out of ideas again,any suggestions ?

Haha,stupid writers block -.-

Any ideas for her name ? :D

* Harry's POV *

"And,and where exactly is she now ?" I asked,my voice shaky.

"I don't have the vaguest idea." Louis sighed.

"Shit." I cursed.

"Hmm..." he muttered.

"You know her for a longer time,where could she be right now ?"

Louis' face got even more serious as he was thinking hard about where his female best friend could be.

"Why don't we ask the others ?" Jane suggested.

"Actually a good idea." Jason stated.

I just glared at him in response.I TRULY hated this guy.Something about him just made me want to punch him in the face or throw up.He was all cocky and self-regarding,shortly he was just a complete asshole.He was that kind of boy who had a new girl every week - disgusting.And he was my girlfriend's ex,I just had to hate him !

Jane and I got up from the floor,leaving Jason behind to take care of two mental wrecks.Belle was crying for the past twenty minutes and Louis just stared soullessly at the wall during his explanation of Anny's Problems.

I actually never thought she was the depressive kind of girl ... I actually never thought of anything he told us.Fuck,I didn't even know my girlfriend very well.Ugh,just ... just - fuck my life.


We thought about where the others could be and decided to go into Niall's room first.It was also immediately next to Zayn's room,where we had been before.

Jane,being the outgoing person she was,just tore open the door REALLY abruptly,causing her boyfriend and Niall to jump off of the irish lad's bed.As they were laying on the ground they noticed it was just Jane and me,they stood up again very quickly.

"What the hell,Jane ?!" Niall asked,slightly pissed off.

"What ?" she asked sheepishly.

This girl... She was like an evil genius,but good at pretending to be nice.

"Ohh,nothing love." Zayn replied,causing Niall to glare at him.

Told you.

I fucking told you !

"We should actually look for Anny now guys !" I yelled,but kind of lowly.

"Oh yeah .." Jane whispered.

"Did you ... kind of loose her ?" Niall asked.

"Not just kind of,we really don't know where she is." I answered.

"Sorry,but we haven't seen her either." Zayn said.

"Shit." I cursed.

After that pointless waste of time,we went over to Liam's and Danielle's room.It turned out they hadn't seen her either.We went over to Louis' room and found Eleanor in it.She was sitting on his bed with his laptop on her lap,neither had she seen Anny though.

"Great." I muttered.

"Totally damn right." Jane mumbled.

"Maybe we should look somewhere downstairs ?" Zayn suggested.

"We should do this ... LIKE RIGHT NOW !" I answered.

After my little yelling at them,we ran down the stairs.We looked around the livingroom and the kitchen.She was in neither of that rooms,so we looked into the garden.She wasn't there either.

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now