Chapter 21 "Kiss me !"

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--- Hey lovelies :**

Chapter 21,woooh ! :D Enjoy it ;) 

Please vote,comment and fan,if you like it :) Bye,lovelies <3 ---

* Anny's POV *

I got back into the room and Harry was laying on the bed again.Blessedly the blanket was still around his hips,he was laying on his back.

"Harry,get dressed !" I yelled playfully at him. "Noo.I don't want to !" he answered pouting like a little child.Aw,he was so cute.He got up from the bed,walked towards me and engulfed me in a VERY tight hug again.

"Harry,you pervert !" I mumbled into his chest.His well-toned,extremely attractive chest.I have to say,he was damn sexy wearing only a blanket,but nevertheless he should wear at least a pair of boxershorts,they wouldn't be at risk to fall down.

Then what I had apprehended happened,he lifted me up. "Ahh,Harry !" he did the same thing he did the night before.He picked me up and took me with him on the bed.He laid himself down,me still in his arms. "Erm,Harry ?" I asked as I had calmed down.

"Yes,love ?" he answered."Is this how it's gonna be ? Every time I do something you don't want me to do,we end up in your bed and your naked ?" I asked him chuckling."I wouldn't mind." he said laughing."Pervert." I answered chuckling.

I remembered I was laying on top of him him and he was more or less naked. "Harry,please let me get up." I requested him. "Well,alright then.But you have to do me a favour." he said smirking.I was afraid of what he wanted me to do.

"What kind of favour, Harry ?" I asked insecurely."Kiss me !" he said bloody serious,looking straight into my eyes.His green eyes were sparkling, they were so stunningly beautiful! I gave him a peck on the cheek and he frowned.

"I want a real kiss." he said pouting. "You're not my boyfriend,Harry." I said looking a little away from him. "You're right.." he said, turning my face towards with two fingers under my chin,so I was looking straight into his eyes.

"Well.Miss Anny Sillace,would you please be my girlfriend ?" he said smiling hopefully."Maybe.You have to answer one question.." I said smirking. "Every question you could think of,love." he answered securely.

* Harry's POV *

"Do you love me ?" Anny asked.Wow,I didn't expect THAT question when I said she could ask every question she could think of.My answer had to be good,if I wanted her to be my girlfriend.And I desperately wanted her to be my girlfriend.

"Of course I do.How couldn't I ? You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met,you are amazing,you are just .. perfect ! I love you !" I said, being totally honest and smiling widely.She didn't say a word,she just looked at me with her beautiful chocolate eyes for a long while.

Then she slowly leant in,so her face was just inches away from mine.She looked straight into my eyes a bit longer and then she crashed her lips onto mine.It was totally awesome ! I wanted to do this for a long time.Five whole days to be precise.

And now I could finally feel her soft rosé lips on mine.They were so soft... Sadly she pulled away after a few seconds.. "So I'll take that as an yes ?" I asked her smiling.

She still didn't answer,at least she nodded.Did I leave her speechless ? Aw,she was too cute ! This moment was perfect.SHE was perfect.There were no other words to describe this feeling ! I finally got the the girl I loved as my girlfriend,we had kissed and then ...

Ugh,Zayn.I hate you ! I truely hate you right now !

* Anny's POV *

Harry wanted me to kiss him.That was just,like.. OH MY GOD !

At first I really thought about kissing him just like that.I didn't do it though.I just gave him a quick peck on the cheek and he frowned,saying he wanted a real kiss.This was all I wanted since I slept in his arms the first time !

And I still didn't do it.I told him he wasn't my boyfriend.More or less convinced by own answer.And Harry just asked me to be his girlfriend.Being the cheeky boy he was,he called me Miss Anny Sillace.He asked out of the blue and smiling his perfect, crooked smile.

"Maybe.You have to answer one question.." I replied.He told me I could ask every question I could think of,so I asked him,if he loved me.

He thought for a while,making a deadly serious face and then he said he loved me with the sweetest words I have ever heard from a boy. "Of course I do. How couldn't I ? You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met,you are amazing,you are just ..perfect ! I love you !"

Oh my freakin' god ! I was speechless.I slowly leant in,looking into his beautiful eyes for a long time.And then kissed I him.I kissed Harry Styles.It was just like... WOW.That's all I can say.There are no other words to describe this feeling.

A few seconds later I pulled away,not wanting our first kiss to be too passionate."So I'll take that as a yes ?" he asked smiling the brightest smile I have ever seen on his face.Not being able to speak,I just nodded.It was kinda a perfect moment,did I already mention that I was always pursued by bad luck yet ? Nevermind,at least it's true.

Zayn came in,without knocking and just like that.He ignored the fact that I was laying on an almost naked Harry Styles and that I was staring into his eyes.He just started to talk.

"Liam,Danielle,Louis and Eleanor are going on a double date today.I'll take Niall,Jane and Belle to a bowling center.Wanna come with us ?" he asked,as if it was normal to interrupt a couple while they're being ... well, a couple ?

Harry looked at me,like he wanted to know if I wanted to go there.I cleared my throat and answered "I'm feeling a little sick ... but Harry will go with you !" and with that I caused both of them to look at me worriedly.

"Ohh,okay. Now that you say it,you really look pretty pale.I think we're just gonna give you some time alone to relax,okay shorty ?" he answered smiling.Harry was about to contradict me but I was cut him of. "But -" he started.

"No,Harry.You're gonna go have fun and I'll stay here and relax a bit. That's all I need to get better."I said,causing him to look sorta disappointed.We were together for like two minutes and he already had to go without me,great beginning.

"Okay,we'll go in about 20 minutes,be ready Harry." Zayn said and got out with the drop of a hat.Somehow he seemed a bit out of it.Maybe he was thinking about Jane ? That would be too ridiculous, two players falling in love with each other !

"HARRY STYLES ! You are still almost naked and STILL holding me ! You should better get dressed now !" I said smirking.He relinquished his hold on me and we both got up.

"You're my official girlfriend now,it shouldn't bother you." he said laughing."But I think it would bother some persons you'll meet on your way to the bowling center." I answered chuckling.He just smiled at me mischieviously.

Then he rummaged through his wardrobe and chose an outfit for the day,a pair of skinny jeans,a pair of white Converse shoes,a grey tee shirt and – oh how surprising – no boxershorts. "Don't tell me you're gonna go commando ! You just can't do that in public !" I said still chuckling.

"Okay,then I'm gonna wear boxers, but just because it's you." he said smiling.He went into the bathroom and got changed.He was about to go downstairs,so I said "I'll say goodbye to the others." and joined him.

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