Chapter 27 "Depends on ..."

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--- Sorry for the long wait :( But I hope it's worth it :):* Do you like it ? If you do,feel free to tell me or vote ;* I love you all <3 ---

* Zayn's POV *

It was ten to midnight and I still hadn't decided whether I should go downstairs or not.It could all be a really evil prank.Jane was unpredictable.Or maybe she just wanted to talk about something ?

No risk,no fun !

Shortly before the clock striked midnight,I got up from my bed and walked towards the door.Then I stopped.Should I really do this ? Just that I was thinking about her so much was a reason to go down !

I opened the door and tiptoed down the corridor.It was almost too quiet there. Normally even Liam and Danielle were still up at this time.. Nevermind.I went down the stairs as quietly as I could.

As I reached the end of the stairs,I saw Jane laying on the sofa.But she wasn't laying on it in a casual way..Her head was hanging down,almost touching the ground and her feet were rested on the backrest.

"Erm,Jane ?" I asked her."Yes ?" she answered casually as if it was normal to lay on a sofa that way,in the middle of the night.

"Why did you want me to come here ?" I asked. "I don't know,I wanted to spend time with you." she said smiling,her smile seeming creepy upside-down."And you couldn't ask me in a normal way ?" "Nope" she answered, popping the 'p'.

"Okay,so vas happenin' ?" I asked and in a matter of seconds she was sitting on the sofa the right way up.Woah,that girl was fast."I'd like to talk with you." she said smiling viciously.I shouldn't have gone downstairs.I totally shouldn't.

"About what ?" I asked her curiously."About ... us." she said smiling seductively.I headed towards the sofa and sat down next to her.She looked at me,her blue eyes piercing me."What do you mean with 'us' ?" I asked her insecurely.

"You know,last night,the tweet the fact that you actually came downstairs.." she started.Then I just couldn't control myself anymore and smashed my lips against hers.And I knew I would regret it.

She would either be pissed or I would have red lipstick on my lips.But the second case wasn't that bad at all.

The second case happened and she didn't get pissed,she didn't even say a word,she just smiled after I pulled away.

"About that .." I started,not knowing what to tell her."The tweet is true.At least the part where she's talking about me." she said bluntly but then she started blushing."My part's true as well." I said,being sure it was the right thing to say.

"Soo..." she said,stretching the 'o'. "So ?" I asked her,having no clue of what she was meaning."What exactly is going on between us now ?" she asked. Good question.What exactly WAS going on between us ?! This was horribly awkward.

"Depends on ..." I started."Depends on what ?" she asked,looking a bit disappointed. "Depends on if you'd like to be my girlfriend." I said smiling, hoping she would understand what I was asking her."Is this what I think it is?" she asked me.

"What are you thinking it is ?" I wondered. "Are you asking me to be your girlfriend ?" she asked in surprise."Seems so." I answered smriking. "Okay, then I'm gonna say... " she stopped."What ?" I asked her curiously."Yes."

* Jane's POV *

Asking Zayn to come down was totally worth it ! He had asked me to be his girlfriend.And I said yes. Of course I did.

I just had to,he was acting different while he was around me.Different from other guys.Most guys were with me to get laid,they didn't have any feelings for me.Neither had I for them.He was different,the night before,he had all chances a guy could have with me and he just cuddled with me.

When I was half asleep and he was thinking I WAS asleep,he laid me down on the sofa,put the blanket over me and gave me a good night kiss on my forehead.No boy has ever done things like that to me.

He was such a cutie,he even blushed some times when he was talking to me. He was a player.I knew that from Anny,she had practically screamed that at me,when she found us on the sofa.But he wasn't acting like he was the asshole he should be.

He was sweet,shy and caring.And the kiss we shared earlier,it was just ... a short and innocent one.Not like he wanted to lay me right there on the sofa. And his lips were soft,really soft.The kiss was great.

I realized that now that we were together,Niall and Belle were the only single ones.But they were practically together as well.I mean,they were spending the night cuddling under the stars next to the lake.This was going to be a nice couple holiday.

Jeez,I never thought I'd enjoy something like that !

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