Chapter 30 - and A MASSIVE THANK YOU

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--- Hey lovelies :) First of all,A MASSIVE THANK YOU for over 1,100 reads ! :** See what I did there ? ;D And now here's a new chapter for you,hope you'll like it :) I love you all <3 ---

* Louis' POV *

Why didn't Anny tell me this 'secret' ? Well,she wasn't telling me anything lately. I didn't even know about her being able to play the guitar.And I could tell there was more she wasn't telling me.

I hated growing apart from her ! I mean,she was my little girl,I loved her. Of course in a best friends way.

I was so pissed,I just walked out of the livingroom and went back upstairs into my and Eleanor's room.Maybe her secret was a girly thing,maybe Eleanor knew about it ? It was worth a try.

I opened the door and saw her laying awake on the bed,wearing just her Coca Cola pajama pants and a matching red bra."El,do you know what Anny could be hiding from me ?" I asked her,trying to conceal how much the thought of her knowing it hurt.

"No,what should she be hiding from you ? Isn't she your best friend ?" she answered puzzledly but still smiling.So she didn't know about it. Maybe I just had to ask Harry again.Or Belle,or Jane.

What could Anny do that was so fatal she couldn't tell me ?

* Anny's POV *

After Louis had stormed out,Zayn finally woke up.He yawned rather loudly and straightened himself up."Morning lovelies." He said,getting up a bit to kiss Jane's cheek.Aw,that was so cute of him ! I was about to fangirl again,then I realized how awkward that would be.

"What are we going to do today ?" I asked.Zayn just shrugged and Jane looked at me with a clueless expression on her beautiful face."Dunno." Harry said smiling,showing his cute dimples. "Great." I answered ironically.

"How about I'll make you sweeties some breakfast ? Niall and Belle already ate." I asked them.They all nodded in agreement.I went into the kitchen and started to take things out of the fridge to lay the table.I made some toast and tea as well.When breakfast was ready, I convened them in the kitchen.

We sat down and started to eat.There were some unoccupied places,waiting for Liam,Danielle,Louis and Eleanor.When we all almost finished eating,I decided to go upstairs and get the last four of us,since they didn't come down on their own.

I stood up and walked upstairs.First I went to Liam's room.I knocked and he just groaned something that sounded slightly like a yes.I took that sound as a permission and opened the door.I had quite a deja vu like feeling.Danielle was sitting on the floor,wearing lingerie,doing something with Liam's laptop. He was sitting on his bed,trying to convince her to give him his beloved laptop back.To no avail.

She was laughing hysterically at something she had recently found on his laptop and he started to blush.What kind of things did he have on his laptop ? "What's so funny ?" I asked Danielle,being the curious girl I was. "Haha,look at this !" she said,turning the laptop,so I could look at the screen.

There was a picture of Liam,an actually really funny one.He was wearing nothing but white boxershorts and a pink bra,smiling idiotically into the camera.It looked hilarious and it obviously wasn't that old,since he didn't have his bieber hair,but his shorter hair.He blushed a really deep red and looked away,while I was laughing as hysterically as Danielle.

After I recovered myself,I remembered why I actually came into his room. "Oh and breakfast is ready." I told them.Danielle was still giggling quite heavily and Liam just nodded.

I went out of his room and stopped right infront of Louis'.Should I really enter his room ? He was pretty pissed off because I didn't tell him about the tattoo. Well,he didn't even know,that the thing I didn't want to tell him was a tattoo.

No matter how angry he was with me,he should still know about breakfast.

I knocked and surprisingly Eleanor answered."Yeah ?" she asked.I opened the door and got in,just to see Louis was standing in the bathroom ... naked ?! Bless god he was standing with his back towards me.

I looked away and focused on Eleanor."Breakfast's ready." I told her firmly.

I turned and wanted to get out again as soon as possible but she stopped me."Anny ?" she asked. "Yup ?" I answered,not showing how badly I wanted to get out of this room."What's this thing you didn't tell him ?" she whispered.

She was going to see it anyways and I would tell Louis later,when he was less upset,so why shouldn't I tell,or rather show her ? I carefully lifted up my shirt,so she could see the diamond."Aw,it's beautiful ! Why doesn't he know about it ?" squealed quietly."Thanks,Jane and Belle got the same.Because he would freak out !" I answered lowly.

"Why should he do that ?" she asked puzzledly,"You know how protective he is with his sisters ?" "Yeah,almost too much..Why ?" "With me it's even worse." I told her and she nodded understandingly.

I got out of the room and went downstairs again.Zayn and Jane were laying on the huge couch,together with Niall and Belle.That was so cute,a double date ! Niall and Belle weren't official yet but still extremely cute.

Where was Harry ? He didn't go upstairs,I would have heard that...

Speak of the devil ! Just as I was wondering where he was,he came out of the kitchen and walked towards me.And he walked past me.Wait,what ?! I was about to get angry,when I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist.He rested his chin on my right shoulder,his warm breath making me shiver.

"Are you cold,love ?" he asked,sounding almost too sexy.His husky voice was making me shiver even more."Yeah,a bit.." I answered shily."Wanna go cuddle in bed ?" he asked and I could litterally feel him smiling."You wish !" I answered,knowing that it was teasing him.

"You're totally right,love." he said."And if you don't want to,I'll just take you with me !" he yelled,pickung me up bridal style.He ran towards the stairs and up into his room.I was giggling the whole time.He was such a cutie-pie !

Right infront of his door,he let me down,just to open the door and pick me up again a few seconds later.He started to walk once more,this time towards the bed. He threw himself on it,me still safely in his arms.That was so FREAKING cute of him !

With one arm he pulled the blanket over us.The room was almost completely, the only thing I could hear was his rhythmically breathing.

"Anny ?" he broke the silence."Harry ?" I answered giggling.Then I realized how serious he was."What's wrong ?" I asked."Nothing,I just wanted to tell you something.." he said lowly.What did he want to tell me ? "Then tell me." I answered concernedly.Before he could say anything,I shifted in his grasp,so I was laying on him with my stomach,looking at his perfect face.

"I love you." he said sweetly,beginning to smile very widely."You frightened me,Harry !" I answered chuckling."No I love you,too ?" he asked pouting. "Nah,maybe." I told him,smiling mischieviously.He tried to look hurt but he was still smiling a bit. I pretended to buy his little masquerade and smiled at him.

"Don't be sad,I love you too !" I told him.He looked at me with a really happy expression on his angelic face.He leant in closer until his lips were almost touching mine."I know." he said and then he gave me a passionate kiss.

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now