Chapter 41 - The perfect end for the day ?

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--- Hey lovelies,the last chapter was pretty short,so I tried to make this one as long as possible :)) Hope you're gonna like it :) Dedication goes to ilovefinexD for voting so much ! :* Thank you :):** Oh and Thanks to you all for 3,000 reads ! :**---

* Anny's POV *

After I had told Harry my name,he just said it was abeautiful name and that he loved me.Then he stood up from the bed after a while and walked towards the closet.He pulled his shirt over his head and took a new one out.He pulled down his pants and threw them into the corner.

"Do you wanna change as well ?" he asked.

"Yeah.." I mumbled,still distracted by the sight of my boyfriend changing.

I got up from the bed and walked out of the room because my clothes were still in my own one.I opened the door and walked towards my wardrobe.I took out a navy blue tank top and black shorts.With these two clothings in my hand I walked back into Harry's room.

"Hey." he said smiling at me.

"Hi." I replied.

"So you wanna change infront of me,or what ?" he asked chuckling.

"You wish !" I answered laughing.

"Yes." he admitted laughing.

"You pervert !" I exclaimed.

"I know you like that." he asserted.

"Whatever you say." I muttered.

"Now go change." he said seriously but smiling.

I walked into the bathroom and stood infront of the white sink.I splashed some water into my face and looked at myself in the mirror.I looked whacked,like I hadn't slept in days.I took off my shirt and shorts and replaced them with the new ones.

As I walked back into the bedroom,I saw Harry laying on the bed.He had taken off his shirt while I was in the bathroom.

"Harry !" I exclaimed.

"What ?" he asked sheepishly.

"Where's your shirt ?" I asked.

"I took it offf." he said plainly.

"Why ?" I asked naggingly

"You know I don't like clothes." he begged.

"I know ..." I mumbled,a smile forming on my lips.

"Now come cuddling." he claimed.

"Okay." I said with a wide grin on my face.

I climbed into the bed,snuggling up to him.I took a look out of the window and saw a beautiful sunset.The perfect end for and eventful day.

* Liam's POV *

While the others still had been waiting for Anny to come back,Danielle and I went upstairs and into my room.About an hour later we went downstairs again. They were still sitting on the sofa,but Harry was missing.

"Did she come back ?" I asked hopefully.

Louis turned around and looked at me.

He had an unreadable expression on his usually happy face.

"Yes,they went into Harry's room." he told me.

"Okay." I replied awkwardly.

"It's been an eventful day,I think we should all go to bed now." I suggested.

"Yes,daddy." Niall answered chuckling.

I laughed at his answer.

They got up from the sofa and we all went upstairs and into our rooms.Since Jason was still there and we kind of liked him,we decided he should stay,too.Every lad was sharing his room with a girl,so Anny's room was free for him.

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now