Chapter 13 "GET UP !"

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* Zayn's P.O.V *

It was about 11 in the morning when I walked downstairs.I still had a little hangover from the night with that Jessy girl,but nevermind.She wasn't even that good in bed...

I slowly staggered into the livingroom,seeing Anny sleeping in Harry's arms and Eleanor sleeping in Louis'.They looked so adorable ! I'd like to have a realtionship like this some day.But at the moment the one night-stands weren't so bad at all.

It were only 2 hours left until the big surprise I had planned.

I would take Anny out for shopping and we would meet Danielle in the mall.But Anny didn't know that yet,it was a surprise for her,too.

I walked towards the four and screamed "GET UP !" at them,regretting it instantly because of my huge headache.Harry and Louis stayed asleep,Eleanor was at least partially awake and Anny jumped up and almost fell over but I caught her.

"I wanted to go shopping in about 2 hours.Wanna come with me ?" I asked smiling.

"Sure,my gorgeous stylist.I could use some new clothes.But first.. please help my choose my outfit again.I have to look good,when I go shopping with the worldfamous Zayn Malik !" she said giggling like a little girl which made me smile even brighter.

* Anny's P.O.V *

We went upstairs into my room and he started doing the same thing he always did.He threw clothes onto my bed.After about 15 minutes he was done.

The nerd glasses were fake,but somehow I liked them.

I went into the bathroom,got changed and applied some make up.Though I owned high heels,I almost never wore them.So Zayn was the only one who knew about them,except for J-J and Belle of course.Even Louis had never seen them before.I had a lot of sexy clothes but I had never worn them when I was with him.From the first day on he was just a friend and became my best friend some day 

I came out of the bathroom and Zayn whistled.

"Wow,shorty... You look damn sexy !" he said amazed.

"Haha,thank you,Zayn !" I answered,genuinely happy.I didn't get compliments that often..

"Let's go downstairs and have breakfast." he said smiling.

"Okey,let's go !"I answered.

We went downstairs and all the others were already sittig around the glass table in the kitchen.Damn..

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My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now