Chapter 15 "There's something you should know.."

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* Zayn's P.O.V *

"You knew about Harry ?" she asked shocked.

"Anny.. I'm not blind ! You're looking at him all the time.I saw you sleeping on him,cuddling with him and flirting with him .. more than just once !" I said unintentionally getting louder.

"There's something you should know .." she said quietly.

"What ?" I was calmer again,but a bit worried because of her guilty tone.

"I wasn't asleep when you were talking to Harry that night."

"Oh,okay.So you know about .. uhm .. the crush thing ?"

"Yeah.. but can we just go shopping now ?" She said smiling weakly.

I gave Niall a worried look,hugged him and then Anny and I went to the mall.We immediately got mobbed by fans and papparazzis.They all asked the same questions : Is this your new girlfriend ? Zayn,are you dating this girl ? Who is she ?

"I'm not dating her.She is Louis' best friend and a good friend of mine."

I led her to a little restaurant in an a bit more private place of the mall.

And there she was,sitting at a table in the back.Danielle Peazer.

"ZAYN!" she screamed excitedly as she ran towarads me.I hugged her tightly."Hey,Dani."

I hadn't seen her in a while.And I missed her.We were good friends,not best friends,but close friends.

Anny looked quite confused but happy as well.They knew each other,but this was unexpected for her.Danielle greeted her and we finally went shopping ( for about 4 hours ! ).

- back home -

We got LOADS of bags with us when we came home.I think it were almost ten bags for Anny,twelve for Danielle and eight for me.

Anny,Danielle and Eleanor went upstairs and still neither of the boys had seen Danielle.I convened the boys in the livingroom.I told them I had an surprise for them.

The girls got changed ( we bought an outfit for Eleanor,too ) and whilst that I convened the boys in the livingroom.

* Liam's P.O.V *

When Zayn and Anny came home he convened us all,except for Eleanor and Anny, in the livingroom.Right infront of the stairs.He told us he had a surprise for us.Was the surprise not for the girls,too or did the surprise deal with them ? I was still wondering where Eleanor and Anny were,when I suddenly heard three girls coming down the stairs.Three ?! Who was the third girl ? I had no idea.

The first girl to come down was Eleanor.Louis saw her and he kinda freaked out.First he was just standing at the stair acces gazing at his girlfriend.When he wasn't frozen anymore,he screamed "Ohhhh my carrots ! You look even more perfect than usual ! Ohhh my god ! I have the most beautiful girlfriend ever !" Then he ran over to her,hugged her tightly and kissed her passionately.

Anny came down next.All of us were stunned.We all knew she had a really plain style.Zayn made her daily style a bit more sexy but this was on a complete new level.Harry was staring at her with his mouth agape.And Louis was,too but he didn't look as delighted as Harry.In his gaze you could see that Louis never saw Anny wearing a dress before.Just like it was with the heels... I remembered she didn't even wear one at our final...And you could see that Louis was a bit offended by this circumstance.I didn't know why she never wore a dress before,she looked so beautiful in this dress.It fit her perfectly and made her look lika a modern princess.

The first to say something was Harry.

"Love,you look so beautiful and amazing and gorgeous and.." He was about to say more flatterind adjectives,but couldn't finish his sentence because she engulfed him in a very tight hug.I think I heard her whispering something like "Thank you".

She stood next to Harry,holding his hand.The second she took his hand,Harry blushed a deep red and smiled like and idiot.

Then it was time for the third girl came down.

It was Danielle.My Danielle Peazer.How the hell did she come here ? Oh god ! Did I just swear ? Ohh god ! Sorry ! But she looked so breathtaking ! I stepped over to her,clasped her in my arms,spinned her around a few times and kissed her passionately.

After about thirty seconds Niall coughed.I stopped and whispered

"I love you,you are the most perfect girlfriend in the whole wide world!".

She blushed and said "I love you,too.And you are the most perfect boyfriend in the whole wide world !"

--- What do you think ? :)) ---

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