Chapter 32 "Tell me..."

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--- I got finally rid of the stupid writers block,yay ! :D So here's a new chapter for you guys,hope you'll like it :* Remember : with out votes or comments,there'll be no new chapter :) Writing for nobody is senseless.. Oh and please check out my short stories,I love you all ! :D

By the way,the song in the multimedia ( known from chapter 25 ) Is amazing,just listen to it.---

* Belle's POV *

Eleanor looked at me and shrugged."How about you two go downstairs and convene the others in the livingroom,I'll follow soon." Louis answered cheerfully.That was the Louis I knew,always in a good mood.

Eleanor got up from the bed and we got out of their room.After she had closed the door,she faced me."What do you think,is he still angry because of the tattoo ?" she asked me with a puzzled look on her face.

"I don't know.." I answered honestly."Okay,what is he planning then ?" she asked again."I have absolutely no idea." I said chuckling.We went down the stairs,both still giggling a bit.

Jane, Zayn and Niall were sitting on the sofa.Niall looked a bit redundant next to the cuddling couple.I walked towards him and sat down on his lap,smiling a toothy grin at him.

I was obviously startling him because he twitched.Then he smiled his ever so adorable smile back at me.He was so damn cute !

"Eleanor,love ?" I asked her pleadingly."Yeah ?" she replied warily. "Could you please get Liam and Danielle ? I'll get Harry and Anny then."I said."Of course, sweety." she answered and went upstairs again.

"Why should she get them ?" Niall asked confusedly."Louis' probably planning something,he said we should all wait in here." I told him shrugging."Ahh.." he said understandingly."Yep." I replied,popping the 'p'.

A few minutes later I heard Danielle and Eleanor cracking up.What was going on in Liam's and Danielle's room ? First Anny and her,then Eleanor and her...

Whatever.I got up from Niall's lap and walked upstairs.Why the hell had this house stairs ? Ugh. I reached Harry's door and knocked.He yelled "Come in !" and I did what he had said.

They were laying on the bed cuddling."You two are so cute !" I told them. "Thanks." Harry answered chuckling."But you have to come downstairs with me now." I said."Why ?" Anny replied."Louis' planning a surprise."

* Eleanor's POV *

Like Belle had said,I went upstairs.I knocked at Liam's door.A laughing Danielle opened the door."What's so funny ?" I asked her.She was still giggling as she walked over to a laptop.

She turned it,so that I could see the screen.There was a picture of Liam wearing a pink bra and white boxers.I couldn't control myself and started to crack up as well.

The real Liam sat on the bed pouting."I'm sorry.." I told him.He didn't seem to believe it,though."Oh and I actually came here,because you should come downstairs with me now."I said.

They both looked at me with quizzical expressions on their faces,but then they nodded and followed me out of the room.Liam closed the door and we went downstairs.Fucking stairs,damn it !

* Louis' POV *

After Eleanor and Belle got out of the room,I knew what I had to do.I had to make up an idea for a nice chill-out day.I walked over to my suitcase,opened it and searched for some good movies.

I decided on 'Letters to Juliet' , 'The notebook' , 'love actually' and '50 first dates'. The girls – and Harry – were absolutely going to love these movies !

I tiptoed down and into the kitchen.I took the popcorn maker out of a cabinet, put some corn in it,placed a bowl beneath it and switched it on.It was pretty loud,so the others probably heard me.

When the popcorn was ready,I took the huge bowl with me and walked into the livingroom.All the others were sitting on the sofa.

First Zayn,then Jane,Belle,Niall,Danielle,Liam,Harry,Anny and Eleanor was sitting on the other end of the sofa.There was a spare place between her and Anny so I sat down inbetween them.

I placed the popcorn bowl on the little table infront of us."Do you want to watch 'Letters to Juliet','The notebook','love actually' or '50 first dates' first ?" I asked them.

"Letters to Juliet !" all the girls yelled in unision.I chuckled and got up from the sofa,placing the DVD in the player.I pressed play and sat down again.

While Juliet was writing letters together with some old women,I leant over to Anny."Tell me.." I whispered into her ear.She looked at me with a guilty expression on her face.Was it that bad ?

She stood up and walked into the kitchen,I followed her.She was standing infront of a countertop,with her back towards it,supporting herself with her elbows.

"Do you really want to know it ?" she asked,seeming slightly upset.God,what did my lgirl do ? "Of course !" I answered.I really wanted to know what she was hiding from me.

Her hands moved to the edge of her shirt.What was she doing ?!

She started to lift it up,but she stopped just over her belly button.First I was confused,then I saw it.

A TATTOO ?! What the fuck ?! My little girl had a tattoo !?

"This is temporaray,isn't it ?!" I asked her,being more than just slightly upset. She looked at me with an unreadable expression on her beautiful face.Then she shook her head.

"Why did you do this to your beautiful body ?" I asked."Because I wanted to, Lou.It's a best friends tattoo,Jane and Belle have got the same.And I'm eighteen,I can do what I want." she told me.

"You're right.." I admitted.She was absolutely right.I looked at the ground ashamed of how stupid I had reacted.Suddenly she swung her arms around my neck,looking directly into my eyes."So,everything okay ?" she asked me,smiling hopefully.

"Of course." I said,smiling back at her.I had to appreciate that that she grew up,that she wasn't my little fifteen year old girl anymore.But in my heart she would forever remain the little girl I got to know and love.

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now