Chapter 16 "I know about everything,Lou."

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* Zayn's P.O.V *

They were so damn cute ! Louis and Eleanor,Liam and Danielle and even Harry and Anny.But I was so sorry for Niall,he had to suffer seeing the girl he was in love with being happy with one of his best friends...

I decided to show them what I had planned for them in the beautiful little garden.

"You all will go outside now,enjoy the little surprise I got for you and have nice evening,okay ?But Louis? I have to talk to you first." I said smiling.

The others went outside through the covered glass door into the garden. After a few seconds I heard somebody scream " OH MY GOD,ZAYN!",so I think they liked it.

"So what is the matter ?" Louis asked curiously.

"I know these two girls will be here any minute.So you'll have a nice evening with your friends and your girlfriend and I'll stay in here to greet them,okay?" I replied.

"You knew about J-J and Belle ?" Was the only thing he answered.

"I know about everything ,Lou." I said sounding a bit creepy.

"Uhm... okay.Thank you." he said as he hugged me.Then he went outside and I heard him scream "Oh my carrots!"

I had prepared a really beautiful surprise for them ..

* Anny's P.O.V *

We went outside and we were overwhelmed !

There was a glass table,laid for 10.Why 10 ? We were 8,the boys,Danielle,Eleanor and me.. I knew Zayn had another surprise,otherwise the table would have been laid for 8,not for 10.

The table was standing in the little rose garden,it looked like in one of those cheesy love movies.But I LOVED it ! There were two speakers standing near the table and I noticed that 'Dream a little dream of me' by Michael Buble was played.As Niall realized that,too he squealed "OH MY GOD,ZAYN!".

We sat down and started putting the food that was standing on the table onto our plates.The table was laid in such a way that one person could sit at each end and 4 on each side.I sat next to Harry and Eleanor.Next to Eleanor was Louis and then Niall at the end.Liam and Danielle sat opposite Eleanor and Louis.Next to Danielle were two free seats and the end opposite Niall was also unoccupied.

We commenced eating and talking.After a few minutes Harry took my hand below the table,causing me to blush a bit.He looked at me and smiled so I smiled,too.It was a perfect moment,his eyes were sparkling and I had butterflies in my stomach,until suddenly the doorbell rang.

Wow,that was so typical for me.

I was always pursued by bad luck.Whenever I thought everything was good,something ruined it all.

But this time the 'something' wasn't ruining all - it made everything even more perfect.Or should I say 'they' made everything even more perfect?

I had completely forgotten about J-J and Belle coming,and then they walked through the glass door.My best friend and my lovely cousin.I immediately pulled my hand out of Harry's,stood up and started screaming at them and hugging them.I was so happy to see them again ! Harry wasn't that happy as I pulled my hand out of his.

Though they looked a bit tired because of the journey from Germany to England,they were still the most beautiful girls in the world ! ... Besides Danielle and Eleanor of course.

Belle had her long blonde hair in a messy bun with some braided strands and was wearing a beautiful,blue dress and gorgeous,black high heels with diamond-studded highls..She looked a bit tired,but her makeup was perfect as always.And it had to be - she was a freakin' 18 years old model ! Her perfect face looked at me excitedly and her ice blue eyes sparkled.She was a bit smaller than me,but just a bit.Unlike Louis she wasn't that surprised to see me wearing a dress.

Jane had a sidecut,so she couldn't wear a bun,a braid or something like that.(She thought it looked ugly,but in fact she looked perfect as always when she was wearing a plait.)She was wearing a tight red dress,black high heels and a skull ring.Oh Jane..only she would wear a skull ring for such an fancy evening.She had her favourite red lipstick on and looked perfect.(She also had the nose piercing from the picture.It's bad quality.. but it's a silver nose ring.)

I think the dress was one of the ones she designed by herself.Yes,she was a designer.She was only 19 and yet a successfull designer.This was the reason why her and Belle weren't surprised to see me wearing a dress.Sometimes I had to model for her when she was designing something.And I think she designed Belle's dress,too.

So my best friends were designers,models and singers.And what was I ?

I was going to be an ordinary and boring book translater or maybe an interpreter.

After a few minutes of greeting and stuff,Jane,Belle and Zayn sat down,too.We all finished eating and went back inside.Leaving the beautiful rose garden with it's perfect and romantical atmosphere.

Then something really ridiculous came to my mind..

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now