Chapter 26 - Me,you,livingroom.Midnight.

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--- Hey lovelies :** So,here's chapter 26,hope you like it :) short note this time,haha :D ---

* Zayn's POV *

After supper all the couples went straight to bed.Understandable,it was already past ten.A few minutes later I decided to go to bed,too.I wasn't tired at all but sitting in the livingroom with Jane,Belle and Niall keeping awkwardly silent wasn't quite what I call interesting.As I stood up from the sofa,Jane said she would do the same.I went towards the stairs and Jane was directly behind me.I almost sprinted into my room as I reached the first floor.I mean,I just found out how mean she could really be...

I closed the door behind me and when I had calmed down,I took off my shirt,pants and socks so I was only wearing a pair of boxershorts.I took a look into my wardrobe and chose a new tee,a simple black one.I sat down on my bed and plugged the headphones of my cell into my ears.

I was laying on my bed,listening to 'I cry' by Florida as I noticed a little sheet of paper was laying on the ground immediately next to the door.How childish was that ? A sheet of paper slid under the door ? But somehow it made me curious to know what it was about.

I stood up and unfolded the paper.It read Me,you,livingroom.Midnight.

Nothing more.What the ... Who was it from ? Maybe Jane ? Okay,definetely Jane. Nobody else would want to meet me at this time.

Should I go and meet her ?

* Jane's POV *

When Zayn left the livingroom,I followed him,we had to talk.But he almost ran away from me.What the fuck ?! He slammed his door behind him.Did I do anything wrong ? HE was the one who was extremely turned on by Anny.

Jeez,I was acting like a jealous wife !

Round eleven I tiptoed down the stairs,hoping Niall and Belle weren't there anymore.Wait,Belle didn't come into our room.What if she was still there.. with Niall.Maybe they went into his room ? That must be it. Wow,that went fast.

I reached the livingroom and the entire house was silent.Niall and Belle obviously left the livingroom.But where did they go ? I didn't hear them going upstairs..

I sat down on the sofa and looked around the room.Then something caught my eye.There was a little light outside,near the lake.I got uo from the sofa and walked towards the huge windows.I squinted my eyes and then I saw somebody laying next to the shore if the little lake.No,that couldn't be Niall and Belle.Could they ?


I went back to the sofa.It was only quarter past eleven.What should I do,what should I do ? Watching Tv was boring at this time and I wasn't in the mood for desiging.

Then it hit me.

I could play a prank to the others ! Okay,so Niall and Belle were definetely outside,hoaxing them would be too much effort.Zayn was dropped as well,I already humilated Liam today,so only Louis,Eleanor,Anny and Harry were left.

How could I play one of them a dirty trick ? First I had decide on somebody...

Definetely Harry.I went to the fridge and took the ketchup out.Then I took a knife from the countertop.This was going to be ridiculous !

I sneaked upstairs and into Harry's and Anny's room.I woke up Anny,making sure Harry was still asleep.She groaned."Jane ?" "Yep !" I answered."What the fuck are doing here ?" she asked groggily."We're gonna fool Harry !" I answered cheerfully and suddenly she was fully awake and grinning widely.

"What's the plan ?" she said smiling mischieviously.I loved Anny's ugly side. We went through many a things.

"You're gonna lay down on the floor,covered with ketchup and the knife will be laying next to you,of course there'll be 'blood' on it,too.Then I'll wake up Harry,telling him somebody killed you !" I told her anticipated."You're an evil genius,J-J !" she answered."Yeah,I know.Now lay down !"

She did like I told her and I splattered the ketchup over her body.Then I put some on the knife and laid it on her tummy.I knew she was a good actress,she could stay serious.

I shook Harry,trying to lookas terrified as possible.He opened his eyes, obviously being confused by seeing me instead of Anny."HARRY,SOMEONE TRIED TO KILL ANNY !" I yelled,being careful to be just so loud the others wouldn't hear me,pointing at her.

His face went from tanned to white like chalk,his eyes filled with panic.It was priceless.He wasn't even able to speak.

A few seconds later he still hadn't said a word so I decided to release him.I carefully nudged Anny with my foot and she got up like nothing had ever happened."Oh,hi Harry !" she said.His face went even paler."Haha,we were just kidding Hazza,calm down.And you should take a shower now.." I said. I knew it was extremely mean,but that was how I was.

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