Chapter 8 "Does she know about your crush on her ?"

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* Harry's P.O.V *

I was the only one left in the livingroom,still laying on the couch,hoping Anny would come back.The other ones went up into their rooms and wanted to go to bed.Since Eleanor had no own room,she was going to sleep in Louis'.I hoped they wouold really SLEEP.

I heard Anny screaming at Niall.Niall on the other hand said nothing.

What the fuck was going on ? I thought they were good friends ?

I thought he was her 'psych' ?


A few minutes later she came back down wearing her PJ's.She looked whacked.I wanted to ask her what had happened,but she just laid down and snuggled up to me,so I kept silent and put my arm around her.She closed her eyes and just fell asleep.

She looked like Sleeping Beauty,but with brown hair.God,she was perfect.

* Zayn's P.O.V *

All of us except for Harry went upstairs to go to sleep.He wanted to wait,he thought Anny would come back down.. maybe she would.I heard her fighting with Niall.Okay,not really fighting.She was screaming at him and he was completely silent.

I couldn't sleep.After an hour laying on my bed and trying to sleep I went downstairs to get some food.But when I walked into the livingroom, I saw Anny snuggled up to Harry on the couch.So she really came back down.She was sleeping.

I looked at him like "Bro,vas happenin' here ?!" and he waved me over.

When I stood next to him,he started whispering.

"I think she had a contention with Nialler.. she just came downstairs after that,laid down and fell asleep."

"Uhm,okay.Does she know about your crush on her ?" I replied softly.

"I don't think so ... Wait,how the fuck do you know ?! I never told you.. or any of the boys !" he was obviously shocked.

"Hazza,you have to be a complete fool or blind to not notice it."

"Is it so obviously?" he asked insecure."Yeah,bro.It is. I'll get some food and leave you two alone now,good night."

"Good night."

I went to the fridge,took a sandwich and headed upstairs into my room again.I ate the sandwich,laid down on my bed and fell asleep soon.

* Anny's P.O.V *

I woke up because Harry was talking.He was talking to ... I think it was Zayn.They were talking about someone.. they were talking about a girl.. and this girl was ... ME ?!

I think they didn't know I was awake.Otherwise they wouldn't talk about me,would they ?

Then Zayn shocked me.

Harry had a crush on .. me ?!

ME,Anny Sillace ? Just a normal girl from Doncaster ?!

--- in the gif you can kinda see how Zayn talks to Harry,he's very close to his ear,but Anny would be laying on Harry,so that's why she is able to hear him :D ---

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