Chapter 47 "Can't sleep."

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--- Hey guys,chapter 47 :) Sounds like a lot,doesn't it ? Well I really don't know what they could do anymore,so any ideas ? And I'm still looking for a name for the sequel ? Please ? :)):**  

Anyways,hope you're gonna like this,please vote,fan and comment :):* ---

* Louis' POV *

It was pretty late and I still couldn't sleep.Maybe it was around midnight,or even one o'clock ? I didn't even want to know it.Eleanor and I went to bed hours ago.And she luckily fell asleep soon after.But I was still wide awake,there was this one thing,holding me back from sleeping.

The way how he had looked at Anny.

But he wasn't Harry,it was Jason.First he came to the house,stopping me from taking revenge.Then he caused a lot of trouble,rumours about Anny cheating on Harry.And then he was flirting with my best friend all the time,though she was taken.Jason was a total dickhead.It was obvious that he was still fancying her.Understandable,Anny was pretty.Very pretty.

To be honest I had a little crush on her before we got best friends.I never told her though.I was seventeen and she was fifteen then.She seemed so innocent,so beautiful.She never wore makeup then and her hair was always a bit messy,making her even cuter.

God,what was I thinking ? My girlfriend was laying next to me !

I couldn't think about my best friend like that !

Could I ?

* Harry's POV *

Anny was sound asleep while I was staring at the ceiling,unable to sleep.

This thing with Jason and Anny was still bothering me.

What if he hadn't been kidding ? What if he still loved her ? What if she still had feelings for him ?

"Harry ?" I heard the voice I loved the most whisper.

"Yeah ?" I replied surprisedly.

"Why are you still awake ?" she said yawning.

"I couldn't sleep.." I mumbled.

"Why ?" she asked.

"It's nothing,just go back to sleep,love." I reassured. 

She mumbled some ununderstandable things and turned her head away from me.

It hurt a bit that she didn't ask any further,but it was around 2am and at least she couldn't see the tears running down my cheeks.

* Jason's POV *

The drive home had been quite boring.The music on the radio was annoying.Annoying as fuck to be honest.And then they just had to play 'Little Things' by Anny's boyfriend's band.The song reminded me so much of her.

She truly had a lot of adorable little things.Her hair was always curly,no matter how hard she tried straightening it.One time I was at her place and she kept on trying to straighten it,her face was so cute when she didn't manage to do it !

She would never believe or admit it, but she had a perfect body.And no matter how cold it was outside,even in winter,she would always wear shorts when she went to bed.

Oh my god,what was I thinking ? She was taken !

By Harry Styles.

But Harry was a singer.And I looked way better than him.I mean which gilr wouldn't prefer a model ?

Holy fuck,just shut up stupid brain !

I remembered why we had broke up those three years ago.Because of Louis.It wasn't like she didn't love me then.He called me a player,said I would only hurt her.Of course I had a few ex's but the thing with Anny ... I thought it was going to be serious.Then Louis ripped us apart.

He had been stronger than me,he had been older as well.But now I was probably stronger than him.For my job I had to have a great body,so I trained everyday.Surely he didn't have so much time to do that.But what about Harry ? How would he react if I just tried to win her back ?

I arrived at my house,which was just about 200 metres away from Anny's,and entered it.I plopped down on the couge in utter boredom.I switched the Tv on and - surprise - who was in the news again ?

Harry and Anny.

Those sick papparazzis even took photos in their livingroom.Suddenly the reporter started talking about Anny cheating on him.That couldn't be true,she was faithful.A photo appeared on the screen and I was a bit shocked but satisfied as well.

The picture showed me hugging Anny outside the house.I held her as close as possible,enjoying being near to her.Next to it was another one,it showed me giving her a kiss on the cheek and her giggling madly.We actually looked like we were more than just good friends.

The woman rambled on about whether Anny was cheating or not and I zoned out.

I must have fallen asleep,because when I woke up it was three in the morning.Suddenly I had the urge to text Anny,so I did.

u still awake ? xx

Just a few seconds later my phone vibrated.

sadly yes :(

why love ? :(

can't sleep.

something's up with harry... :/

That text disappointed me.She couldn't sleep because of Harry.Great.

But I can't be in love with her anyways.

She was taken,that would be gross,wouldn't it ?

* Anny's POV *

After Harry didn't tell me what was bothering him,I just tried to fall asleep again.Sadly to no avail.After a while I heard that at least Harry was able to sleep.I stared at the ceiling,desperately trying to fall asleep..

Around three in the morning I felt my phone vibrate underneath me.Why was it underneath me ? Oh,I had been listening to music and it probably moved during the hours.

I unlocked it and saw I had a text from Jason,asking if I was still awake.I replied,telling him I was.When he asked why,I just said I couldn't sleep and that there was something with Harry.

But why the hell did my ex-boyfriend text me in the middle of the night ?!

so,why did u text me ? (: I asked.

I was bored and needed someone to talk.xx

I'll go downstairs,then we can talk on the phone.

Okay,call me. (:

I carefully got out of the bed and tiptoed out of the room.I walked downstairs and sat down on the couch.I dialed Jason's number and he instantly picked up.


"Hi Jason."

"How are you ?"

"Yeah,I'm fine.How about you ? You said you needed someone to talk to ?"

"I surely did."

"So what's up ?"

"Earlier I saw a Tv report about you cheating on Harry.With me."

"What ?!"

"There were just a few pictures of us hugging and me giving you a kiss on the cheek."

"This just can't be true ! Wait,fuck.I think someone's coming downstairs.Bye,talk to you later,love you."

"Bye,love you too."

My best friend-lovers (a One Direction lovestory) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now