Chapter 25 - Belle. "Beneath your beautiful."

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--- Hey lovelies :) Do you not like the story ? because nobody is voting or commenting .. :( Anyways,here's the new chapter :) Hope you like it :) Because nobody commented which couple should get that romantic date,I chose on by myself ...  By the way,THANK YOU FOR 700 READS ! I LOVE YOU ALL !!! and the girl in the multimedia is Belle and the song is beneath you beautiful :)) You should listen to it while reading this chapter ;)---

* Niall's POV *

Danielle and Liam went upstairs as soon as they finished eating.Eleanor and Louis followed a few minutes later,then Harry and Anny.

Only Zayn,Jane,Belle and I were left.That was until Zayn decided to go to bed and Jane said she would do the same.They left Belle and me sitting alone on the sofa in awkward silence.Was that what they wanted ? The only single ones alone in one room ?

Belle was smiling at me.She was a really sweet and beautiful girl.Nothing compared to Anny,but still very beautiful.

Maybe I should take her out sometime and try to forget about Anny ? She was totally in love with Harry and I would never do anything to make them break up. I'm not that kind of person.Maybe I'll love Belle one day ? Trying won't hurt anybody.

"Hey,Belle ?" I asked her."Yep ?" she answered cheerfully.She was cute,really cute.There were little dimples on her pinkish cheeks,making her smile even sweeter."Since the others are already in bed..wanna do something ?" I asked her,trying to smile as happy as I could."Why not ? What are you intending to do ?" she said happily.

* Belle's POV *

Was Niall asking me out ? Or was he just asking me to do something with him because he was bored without the others ? Whatever,at least he wanted to do something with me.God,I was a model and acting like a twelve-year-old having her first love.And all that because of Niall ! I had such a huge crush on him,it was unbelievable.Before I met him, I already fancied him and now that I was sitting alone in one room with just him,it was almost impossible to not go over to him and kiss him !

"What about we go out to the lake and .. I don't know,watch the stars ?" he offered.I was totally overwhelmed.That sounded rather like a date."Sounds good." I said hiding how excited I really was."Should I change,or is that okay ?" I asked him looking down at my outfit.I was wearing a plain black top,tucked into my old looking denim shorts,a ruby cardigan with studs on each shoulder,a pair of black heels and some jewelery.

"You look perfect as you are." he answered,making me blush.Oh god,I blushed ? Crap.He got up from the sofa and stood there.I stared at him until I realized I should get up,too.As I was standing next to him,he said "Wait a minute.",then he ran upstairs.What was he doing upstairs ?

Two minutes later he came back down,his phone and a blanket in his hands. Ohh,how cute ! He smiled at me and with his free hand he took mine.He led me out of the house and towards the lake.He let go of my hand.Bizarrely my hand felt cold without his holding it.

The blue blanket was laying on the wet grass.He sat down and patted the spot next to him.I sat down and he fiddled around with his phone until suddenly a slow and very romantic song was played.He layed down and as I did the same,he put the phone between our heads."What's that song ? It sounds so ... fair and beautiful." I said dreamily."Beneath your beautiful,by labrinth and emeli sandé.." he said melancholically.

He looked at the sky and hummed along to the song.That moment was just so breathtaking.I was laying on a blanket under the stars in the sky with the most handsome and lovely boy I ever met,listening to a slow song he was humming along to.


He turned so that he was laying on his side.I did the same so I could look into his eyes.They were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen.Their shade of blue was just indescribably amazing.Suddenly the corners of his mouth turned up into a smile,showing off his braces.He was cute with his braces...

All of a sudden I realized he was moving closer.His lips were almost touching mine and I felt his breath on my skin,giving me goosebumps.But he didn't kiss me.He freaking didn't kiss me !

He just stared at me and then he said "Do you like it out here ?".Stop teasing me Niall ! "Yeah,it's actually really beautiful.." I said smiling as seductively as I could.He grinned even broadlier.

'Drunk' by Ed Sheeran was played and I noticed how cold it actually was.I was shivering though I was wearing a cardigan."Are you cold ?" he asked caringly."A bit .." I admitted.

He pointed at his lap,signalizing me to sit down on him.I did what he wanted me to and then he instantly wrapped his arms around me.There I was,being snuggled up to Niall Horan,while sitting on his lap and watching the sky. It was awesome.I had butterflies in my stomach for the first time in ages and that feeling was fine.I liked it.

* Niall's POV *

Belle was sitting on my lap and I had my arms around her.Bizarrely I like the feeling of being close to her.. A few minutes ago we were about to kiss but I ruined that moment by asking her if she was cold.I'm such an idiot !

She struggled in my grasp until she was facing me.Did she .. I mean.. Did she want to kiss me ? Her eyes seemed so full of happiness,she was smiling a small but still very cute and seductive smile.She moved closer and closer to my face until her lips were almost touching mine again.

"It's already very late..." she said.As if she would kiss me ! I mean she's a freaking model ! "Do you wanna go inside again ?" I asked her sadly. "No,can we sleep out here ?" she asked pouting.Oh my god,jackpot ! "Of course we can,sweety." I said.Did I just call her sweety ? Crap.But it didn't seem to bother her,she smiled widely as ever.

So we spent the night laying on that blanket,with half of it covering our bodies.Through the whole night we were cuddling.And it felt right.

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