Chapter 31 - Jane.

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--- Sorry it took me so long  :/ I always go mad because of slow updaters and now I'm one of them ... Nah,anyways hope you like it :) I'm ot sure when I'll post the next chapter,I have kind of a writers block,I don't know what should happen next,any suggestions ??? ._.  Oh and I'll post a better picture of Jane,the last one had shitty qualitiy...

I have kind of a new rule : I won't update unless the last chapter has atleast one comment or vote.I feel like I'm writing for nobody. ---

* Louis' POV *

I had just come out of the shower,when someone entered the room.Eleanor was talking to this person for a while and then I heard somebody leaving the room.

"Who was that,love ?" I asked Eleanor after I had put on some pants."Just Anny." she answered casually.I still wasn't wearing a shirt and walked into the bedroom. "What did she want ?" I asked."She just told me that breakfast was ready." she said.The guilty look on her face told me she was hiding,too.

What the heck was going on in this damn house ?!

* Niall's POV *

I woke up in the morning because of sumbeams dazzling me.I blinked a few times,opened my eyes and realized Belle was still laying on my chest,my arms were wrapped around her.

She was breathing rythmically,moving slightly every other minute.God,she was so damn cute,when she was sleeping.

I looked at her for a while and felt a tingle in my stomach. Could I maybe be falling for her ?

Well,at least she was single and not in love with one of my best friends..

And she seemed to be liking me.I mean she wanted to stay the night out with me cuddling on a blanket,which girl would do that,if she didn't like the guy ?

I was still looking at her flawless face,when she opened her eyes. "Morning, beautiful." I said lowly.She smiled.Wait,did I just call her beautiful out of the blue ? Horan,you're an idiot !

"Good morning,Nialler." she answered smiling widely.Oh,so she really liked me and didn't mind the fact that I complimented her.

A few minutes later we were chatting about anything and everything,while 'beneath your beautiful' was played again.If we would ever get together,this would definetely be our song !

We were currently talking about her life as a model,as someone really frightened me.Someone came towards us from behind and called us a 'cutie-pie couple' out of the blue.

I turned my head to see Anny standing right behind us,a tray in her hands. She gave Belle the tray,we thanked her and she went away again.Belle was still laying on me,so I couldn't really move,but I was so damn hungry !

I think she noticed how badly I wanted to eat something.She took a slice of toast,buttered it,put some jelly on top and then she fed me,giggling madly.

That was so cute of her !

She was so cute...

After we had eaten,we were still laying on the blanket,cuddling.I gazed into her eyes for a while.She ruined that moment,"We should probably go inside,shouldn't we ?" she asked smiling,but there was a look of disappointment in her overly beautiful blue eyes.

"Yea,I think we should." I answered.I packed our things together and we went inside.Zayn and Jane were laying on the couch watching Tv.I plopped down next to Zayn and Belle followed soon.

Upstairs Danielle was hysterically laughing,then I heard Anny joining her. What was so funny ? And why was Anny in Liam's room ?

I heard something fall down and saw Harry was standing in the kitchen.He bent down to pick up whatever he had thrown down and went on doing what he was doing before.

Why was he down here anyways,when Anny was upstairs cracking up with Danielle ?

About five minutes later she came back downstairs.She stood behind the sofa,staring at litterally nothing like she was thinking.

Harry came out of the kitchen,walking towards her.He went a few steps too far,but then I realized he just wanted to stand behind her.I turned back to the television and just heard them going upstairs.

Though it wasn't really them.It was Harry carrying her.

I looked over to Zayn and Jane.She was snuggled up to him,her head resting on his chest.That couldn't be true,I mean .. were they,like .. dating ?!

Jane didn't exactly seem like the relationship kind of person and Zayn surely wasn't either.But they were cute together.Like really cute.

Maybe Belle and I could be that cute sometime ? Hopefully.

* Jane's POV *

Zayn and I were cuddling on the sofa,Niall and Belle on the other end of it.I was so not used to that ! But it felt good to lay in his strong arms.

He was laying on his left side,me infront of him.He had his right arm wrapped around my torso and my head was leaning against his chest.

I heard Niall and Belle whispering to each other,then Belle spoke up."Hey, hun ?" she said."Yes,love ?" I answered."What exactly are we going to do today ? I'm kinda bored right now."

That was a really good question.What were we going to do ?

"Don't know.Maybe we should ask Anny or Louis ?" I suggested."Yeah,I'll go." she answered.As she stood up,I saw that she had been holding Niall's hand.

They almost didn't let go of each other,her hand slipped out of his – I swear – in slowmotion.

* Belle's POV *

I walked up the stairs,leaving my Niall behind.Wait,did I just think that ? My Niall ? Jeez,that was much more than a crush.


Should I go into Harry's or Louis' room ? Definetely Louis'.I stopped right infront of his door and knocked.It was completely silent for a moment.

"Come in." Eleanor answered finally.I did what she said,entered the room and saw them laying on the bed cuddling.They were so damn cute together !

"Erm,I just wanted to ask what we are going today.." I told them

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