brand new family

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ranboo becomes a replacement for tommy lmao


third pov

ranboo followed phil closely, glancing at the fresh snow falling from the gray sky. he looked down at the winged man and swallowed saliva that had stayed under his tongue.

the snow crunched underneath their covered feet as they slowly but surely made their way to phil and technos house.

"so, uh, why are you taking me to your guys house again?" ranboo asked, long, monochrome tail swaying behind his long legs.

phil slowed his already slow footsteps, and turned his head to the taller, now walking beside the enderman.

"you need comfort," phil started, taking the youngers hand into his. "comfort they failed to give you. after i saw you so broken, i knew immediately that they havent been treating you well."

ranboo stayed silent, eyes drifting back to the fluffy white blanket of snow that covered the once green ground.

"i.... i guess so. when i was 'sided' with them, i guess you could say," he paused. he made eye contact with gentle, turquoise eyes that encouraged him to keep going if he wanted to.

he continued. "they never really... i dunno, paid attention to me. they only ever speaked to me about technos execution, law, and other things like that."

phil nodded, understanding. "techno was treated the same, and after i helped him, he gained confidence and has become the person hes become today.

"so, i firmly believe that you can become more confident, too." phil said, giving ranboo a warm, genuine smile. the expression made the taller want to reciprocate it.

and he did.

when they arrived at the cottage, phil opened the door for them both, the enderman needing to bend down slightly to be able to enter the warm, cozy, building.

after the older shut the door closed, he gently placed a comforting hand on ranboos lower arm. ranboo smiled nervously down at him, grateful.

the two turned to the ladder when the famous piglin slid down, hopping off and taking his white gloves off. he picked his head up to see the two, and gave a smile that met his eyes.

phil walked forward and wrapped the younger into a big hug, the other accepting the gesture. ranboo stood awkwardly, fidgeting with his dark gray fingers, grazing his sharp nails over his palms.

he was snapped out of his small daydream when techno greeted him verbally. "hello, ranboo. welcome to our humble abode." he said, grinning warmly.

ranboo gave the shorter a small smile, adding a small, kind wave. techno grinned even wider and nodded knowingly. he turned to phil, prompting ranboo to do the same.

"so, whats he doing here?" the pinkette asked, pink tail swaying underneath his blue coat. "well, i noticed how lmanberg wasnt treating ranboo kindly, so i brought him here to stay until he is... emotionally stable."

techno nodded, and ranboo silently thanked the father for not mentioning his panic attacks. the piglin shook his head, closing his eyes slowly. "yeah, lmanberg has changed from what wilbur and tommy described it back then."

phil nodded, eyes crinkling with his small smile, a tinge of sadness and remorse swirling in his eyes. ranboo looked back at techno and saw his eyes had the same thing dancing in his different colored irises.

they all settled down after that, sharing stories to ranboo that he didnt know, and him doing the same to them. ranboo easily warmed up to the two, and was happy to be in their calm, comforting presence.

after a little longer and some more short stories, phil decided it was time to think of different, healthy coping mechanisms. phil and techno knew it was too early in their new friendship to have ranboo tell them about his trauma, and they reassured the enderman, telling him they had plenty of time to spill more personal beans.

phil and techno were okay with the idea of ranboo staying, whether it be temporary or permanent. ranboo kept backing out of it, telling them he might be a burden, but they dismissed that gently and continued encouraging him and telling him, truthfully, that it would be okay for him to stay with them.

and so, he did. the other two were absolutely delighted with his added voice, and wanted him around, which is what surprised ranboo.

he expected them to have rejected him after a day or two, but no. they let him stay and after lots of convincing, ranboo finally realized he was liked.

he finally realized they liked him.

he finally realized he was wanted.

and that was a truth that he would never forget.

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