hurt bitch boy

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requested by 123kendall456mueller

tommy get hurt go schlatt to help and then dream find him and take him to techno


third pov

tommy was running away from tubbo in a game of tag, and had his head turned up, eyes closed and lips pursed into a big smile. he cackled, hearing tubbo yell out a, "woah!" he almost lost his footing but quickly adjusted, and kept running. tubbo was slowly coming to a halt, breathing heavily. "how are you not tired?!" he yelled. when he didnt get an answer, he sighed and speed walked towards tommy. he saw tommy almost fall from tripping on his shoelaces and gave his dear friend a worried glance. "tommy, be careful! you'll fall!" he yelled, again. he only heard tommy laugh harder, and he groaned, jumping back into action.

he leaped over small rocks and twigs that could make him fall, and he almost got hit in the face by a low tree branch. he gasped, staring at the back of tommys head, bewildered. "how did you not get hit by that branch?!" tubbo yelled, jumping over another rock. tommy shrugged as he ran, and jumped over a small stream. "dunno, tubbo! but, what i do know, is that im the best-" tubbos eyes widened and he slowed down so he didnt fall into the same pit tommy did. he crouched down and crawled to the edge, peering down. "hey, are you okay?" tubbo asked, seeing the pit wasnt as far as hed feared. he saw tommy sprawled out at the bottom, and gave tubbo a thumbs up.

tubbo narrowed his eyes down at tommy and sighed, rubbing sweat off his forehead with his green sleeve. he sat up and quickly slid down the steep hill. "you shouldve been more careful!" he exclaimed, running to tommy. as he helped the other up, he noticed that tommys leg was bleeding, as was his arm and side. "jesus, tommy! you couldve died!" tubbo said, looking up at the taller. tommy shrugged, and walked to the hill, climbing up it. he winced, his wounds all hurting at the same time. he almost let go of the rocks he held onto, and that wouldve made him fall back down, and make the wounds worse. tubbo rubbed his palms with his fingers, worried for his friend. he quickly met up with the clumsy demon, and speedily climbed the wall, ready to offer a helping hand from the top.

tommy had noticed, of course, and scoffed. "jeez, tubbo. didnt know you cared so much." he joked. tubbo shook his head, and offered his hand, seeing tommy falter once more. "i do, and i thought you were 'the best'." tubbo said, using his other hand to do air quotes. he sighed when tommy didnt take his hand, and instead reached down to grab tommys shirt, pulling him up from there. tommy groaned loudly when his shirt grazed his side wound. tubbo yanked him up and sat him down. "tommy, youre so dumb." tubbo said, pulling chat up. he typed in, "can anyone help me and tommy?? we dont have any food and he fell into a small pit." tommy watched his fingers move quickly, tubbo was obviously in a hurry. "so, did anyone respond?" he asked, putting his fine arm behind his head as a pillow. he saw tubbo sigh, and he looked at him. "schlatt said he can help." tommy furrowrd his brows, and he slowly sat up. "but, hes our enemy. why would he want to help us?" tubbo shrugged, and with a swipe of his hand, the chat vanished. he helped tommy up and put his friends arm around his shoulder. "im not sure, but for now hes our only option."

when they approached manberg, they saw schlatt already waiting for them. he greeted them politely and led them inside. he helped tubbo sit tommy on a cushioned chair and gave tommy an assortment of delicious food that healed hearts well. tommy glared at schlatt when he placed the food down. tubbo sat next to him, and pinched tommys wrist. tommy jumped and looked at tubbo, confused. "hes being nice, lets not make him mad, okay?" he whispered. schlatt overheard them, of course, and poked his head out of the doorway. "when youre finished, tell me. also dream will be here soon to take you to your brothers." he informed. before he left, tommy spoke. "schlatt, why are you helping us?" schlatt sighed, and walked in, staying at the door. "well, i can be nice sometimes." he said, ear flicking against his horn. tommy narrowed his eyes into a glare at the older, and sighed. he turned back to tubbo as he chomped on some beef. his eyes widened and he stared back at the ram.

"who made this??" tommy asked, visibly shocked. schlatts ears perked up a little, and his eyes widened a little, surprised tommy didnt show anger towards him. "uh, me." he answered, still a little surprised. tubbo saw tommys face and pickes up some chicken. he took a bite and his eyes widened in the same adoration tommy had in his eyes. schlatt sighed and relaxed his ears. "you can take some home, if youd like. dream is bound to arrive very soon." he informed, watching tubbo gobble down the rest of the chicken. "uh, thanks." tommy said, biting into his beef once more. tubbo grinned and nodded. "yeah, this is great!" schlatt smiled warmly and put his hands behind him. "im glad to know that it tastes nice. i do try my best." he said, kind of happy that they enjoy his food. schlatts ear flicked and he peered out the door, seeing dream walk in. he smiled politely and waved the masked man over. he led dream inside and gestured to tubbo and tommy. "you can take some food if you want." he said, smiling. dream nodded and walked over to the table, grabbing some food. he waved at the two teens and they waved back.

schlatt sighed and stretched, watching dream lead them to the door he was standing beside. he waved them goodbye and as they left, tubbo almost felt bad to leave him alone. the walk was relatively short, since dream kind of knew what he was doing, but he also had tubbo and tommy to navigate. when they neared pogtopia, dream let them go and waved. "see ya." and ran off. tubbo turned to tommy and smiled, shoveling the dirt door away and pulling tommy inside. he put the door back up and carefully led tommy downstairs. he sat him down on an empty chest and pulled chat up again. he private chatted techno saying, "techno, are you in pogtopia?" he waited a couple seconds before tommys older brother responded with, "no, but ill be there soon." tubbo sighed and slid down the rocky wall.

"what?" tommy asked, looking at the wall in front of him. "techno isnt here. it might be a wh-" and then suddenly he was there. he was walking down the stone steps, eyes locked on tommys wounds. "so, is this what you needed me for?" tubbo nodded and moved out of the way as techno walked closer to tommy. he knelt down and rolled tommys pant leg up so he could see the wound. he grabbed some medical supplies out of his inventory and began to clean the wound. tommy sighed and stretched his arms. "did you see dream?" techno asked, bandaging tommys leg. tommy nodded. "yes, we did. we were also at schlatts." he informed, looking at tubbo, who was fidgeting with his shirt buttons. techno hummed. "and he helped you?" he asked, calmly. tommy sighed. "yeah, and he let us take food that he made. which is actually pretty good." techno hummed as he rolled the youngers pant leg back down. he then moved onto tommys side. he stood from the ground and sat beside tommy on the chest, pulling his shirt up.

he began to clean it and bandage it as tommy told techno about what happened before an how he fell into the pit. when he finished talking, all his wounds were cleaned and patched up. techno moved away and pulled his cape off, putting it on an ender chest. he stretched and walked into the potato farm. "okay, well im gonna go farm some potatoes. see you guys." tommy scoffed and ruffled his own hair. tubbo looked at him and moved from the floor to beside tommy on the chest. "its late. lets go to sleep." he said, closing his eyes and putting his head on tommys shoulder. tommy shrugged and closed his eyes, body relaxed.

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