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well deserved family bonding time

i guess this is a part three of "triumph"


third pov

the sun was along the snow covered horizion, and the four men were sat on a long log bench infront of a blazing fire.

they had their eyes closed, ghostbur quietly strumming a familiar tune on his newly gifted guitar.

phil had his dark wings gently pressing behind the other threes cold backs. they all had something on to keep them warm, even wilbur.

techno and phil were wearing matching blue capes, wilbur was wearing a big blue coat phil made, and tommy was wearing a new cape as well, also made by phil. they were all designed by techno.

as the fire roared comfortingly in front of them, tommy opened his eyes. the sky was getting pinker, and it made his lips twitch up slightly. it reminded him of his older brother.

they stayed silent for a couple moments longer, before wilbur finished the fifth song of the night. as he ran his ghosty fingers lightly over the strings, he spoke.

"the sky is beautiful tonight, isnt it?" he asked, dull eyes drifting to the sky. phil and techno opened their eyes, the latter humming in agreement after seeing what wilbur was talking about.

phil smiled softly, turning to the taller. "so, wil. do you like the snow?" he asked, curious. the ghost grinned, nodding. "yes, of course i like it! it reminds me that its cold and that i can just go to techno and you for warmth!" he answered, happily.

technos ears rised a little at his name, and then drooped out of embarrassment after hearing the youngers words, light red painting his cheeks. phil chuckled lightly and sighed, warm breath blowing out between his parted lips.

it became silent once again. tommy blinked, looking down at the snow. he noted how sparkly it looked, admiring it. he liked how smooth it looked, without any trace of footsteps or anything. it was rather calming.

he snapped out of his small daydream when wilbur began to strum a tune again, but this time it was unknown to all of them. even to the guitarist himself. as he strummed, his fingers moved elegantly across the thin strings, the unfamiliar music filling their ears.

when wilbur was supposedly finished with his whisper of a song, they fell back into unfocused silence. phil glanced around at the sky, techno looked at the trees, wilbur looked st his hands, and tommy looked at the fire.

they didnt know what to say. none of them did. they had too much to say, and also too little at the same time. it was confusing and aggravating for all four of them. they wanted to apologize again, they wanted to forgivd again. they wanted to be close again. they wanted to be a family.

but, they didnt know what to say or how to start it if they did. they were lost. "hey, guys?" tommy whispered, nearly inaudible. the other three looked over, listening.

tommy grimaced for a slight second, and then his expression softened into neutrality before tightening into remorse. "i... i meant it. that i was sorry." he said, deciding that would be enough for now.

phil smiled a bit and techno closed his eyes, nodding slowly. wilbur stayed silent and still. tommy bit his lip. "i-" he started, then trailing off. he really didnt know what else to say.

"i know. we know. its okay, you dont need to make it clear. we can make it better than before, tommy." phil said, voice soft to match tommys whisper. techno opened his eyes and they drifted to the younger.

he nodded, giving the taller a small, warm smile. tommy noticed, and gave him a smaller, warm smile. they kept eye contact before tommy suddenly hugged techno.

both of their tails flicked and waved in unison as techno slowly wrapped his covered arms around the younger. "you big baby." techno whispered, chuckling softly.

tommy snickered into the olders shoulder, and hugged him tighter, feeling his eyes sting. soon enough, the two were crying together, tears pouring out of their eyes and down their red cheeks.

phil and wilbur also had tears in their eyes, giving each other a fond look. the other two pulled away from each other, techno quick to wipe his and tommys tears away.

"and tommy, i meant it when i said i forgive you, got it?" techno said, eyes firm but soft. tommy nodded, tear glazed eyes glimmered with happiness. "thanks, techno." he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

techno nodded, turning back forward in his spot. phil wiped some tears away and gave tommy and techno a warm grin. wilbur had a fond smile plastered on his face, eyes crinkling with warmth.

"see, this is what i mean. you guys give me warmth when everything else is cold. but, ill have to add tommy back into the mix." he said, putting his guitar on the snow.

the others burst into grins and huddled together into a big family hug, tears now coming back and pouring out of each of their eyes.

their longing for each other was filled.

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