i dont care

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tw: not taking care of self, ex; not eating, sleeping, or drinking enough water, visible weight loss


techno's pov

i just finished farming multiple stacks of potatoes and sighed, exiting Minecraft. i looked at the time and it read 6:28 am. i sighed and grabbed my phone, standing from the chair i was sitting in. i went to the small table beside my bed and charged my phone. then, i walked out of my room and sleepily closed my door behind me. when i got downstairs, i went to the kitchen and poured myself a small glass of water. i took one sip from the glass and already wanted to dump its contents into the sink and throw it against the wall. i dont know why i started this routine. i dont sleep enough, drink enough water, and i barely eat. im sure the others, maybe not tommy, have noticed this awful lifestyle, but honestly, ive stopped caring.

when i sat down at the dining table, i took one more sip of water and sat it down with a littlw too much force. when the glass hit the surface, water spashed over the edges and went onto the table. i sighed and stood to grab a paper towel. i took a quick glance st the clock on the wall, it reading 6:52. i really spent a while staring at my water. i quickly cleaned the table of the spilled water and threw it in the trashcan. i sighed and carefully grabbed the glass and poured the water in the sink, then sat the glass in the sink. i rubbed my eyes and looked back at the clock. 7:00. okay, phil usually gets up at this time. i groaned as i stretched and scratched my head. one of my ears flicked as i heard the distant sound of phil's door open from upstairs. i walked over to the living room and flopped onto the couch, face first. after a little, phil was descending down the staircase and yawned. "good morning, techno." he mumbled. i grumbled out a response and flicked my ear knowingly. "morning."

i opened my eyes and noticed that there was something soft on my body. i sighed and realized that i fell asleep unintentionally. i sat up and scanned the room, hearing commotion coming from the kitchen. when i entered, i glanced at the clock. it read 8:37, so i only slept for like an hour. wilbur turned his head to look at me since he was the only one facing away from where i was standing. "hey, sleepyhead." he teased. phil chuckled and tommy snickered. to be honest, im quite the opposite. "whatever, nerd." i shot back. wilbur rolled his eyes playfully and turned back around. then phil decided to talk. "so, techno. want something to eat?" i shook my head, brushing a hair out of my eyes. "im good. ill just eat something later." when i turned away, i got a brief glance of phil's worried face. i brushed it off, convincing myself that i actually would get something to eat later, but deep down every part fiber in my pig human hybrid body that that was not going to happen.

i reached my room and grabbed the closest hairband that i could find, it being a red one. I quickly put my hair up into a messy bun and went to the bathroom that was inside my bedroom, which i am in. once i entered, i grabbed my toothbrush and put toothpaste on it, starting to brush. when i finished brushing after around 2 and a half minutes, i put my toothbrush back and left my bathroom. i went to the door and switched the light off. i went to the other side of my room and sat on my bed. i turned the bedside table lamp on and unplugged my phone. with my phone in hand, i laid down and watched youtube.

when i heard a knock on my door, i quickly checked the time, 1:24 pm. i turned my phone off and set it on the bedside table. when they knocked again, i yelled out, "im coming." when i reached the door, i opened it and was met with a concerned tommy. something i was not prepared to see. id almost never seen him concerned or upset. "woah, what's wrong, tommy?" i asked, the only priority in my mind being to see if my adoptive little brother was okay. he sighed and got a hold of my arm. i cocked my head to the side, confused. he grumbled a small, "phil wants to talk," and dragged me to the living room.

when we reached the room, tommy led me to the couch and encouraged me to sit beside phil and wilbur. "what?" i asked, genuinely confused. phil shook his head and placed a hand on my shoulder. "youve havent been taking care of yourself, have you?" he asked, softly. i tensed. i knew what i have been doing was not a good thing, but i didnt care enough to change this routine. i almost didnt notice tommy sit on my other side, since i was trying to block out phils concern. "maybe, but its fine. im still alive, arent i?" phil frowned. "youve gotten so much skinnier over the past couple of weeks. it was so obvious but none of us said anything." wilbur pointed out. i looked down. phil let out a small gasp. "hey, hey. youre fine. but if something's going on, please tell us. but, you have to start eating." phil said, pulling his hand away from my shoulder. no one talked for a few seconds, and the silence wasnt awkward, but it didnt have a very good feeling, either. just then, the unexpected happened. tommy spoke up. "big man, just know that we are here for you. youre not... youre not alone." my eyes started to water for a reason i didnt know and it sounded like it pained tommy to be vulnerable, but i got the feeling that he meant it. maybe that's why i started to tear up. i slowly looked up at phil and everyone saw my glassy eyes.

phil smiled and pulled me into a hug. that made me break.

third pov

when phil pulled techno into a hug, techno broke into small sobs and he shakily wrapped his arms around phil. wilbur gave them a sad smile and joined the hug. tommy sighed and joined as well. they hugged for no longer than 4 minutes. techno was the one to pull away, making everyone else break away. techno wiped his eyes and phil pet him. techno sighed and looked at phil. "so, are you okay with telling to us about what's going on?" techno sniffled and slowly nodded. "yeah, i think so. i trust you guys." phil and wilbur smiled wide, and tommy fought to hold one back, but failed, letting the big smile slip. "im glad you trust us, techno." wilbur whispered, grinning. techno gave him a small smile and glanced down at his hands, that were fidgeting with the hem of his white tee. "i... i dont know why im doing this to myself." he said in the softest voice any of them have ever heard from him. "i just, feel like... i deserve it...?" he said, getting quieter gradually. phil stopped smiling and stopped petting the oldest person in the house besides him. wilbur nodded, knowingly. "one of my friends was like this. she didnt know what was going on, and she felt like making herself suffer was what he deserved, but she got over it with our help." tommy exhaled and fixed his seating position.

techno closed his eyes. "i dont want to feel like i deserve it, but when i tell myself this isnt right, i feel so... so selfish." phil nodded, and pulled him in for another hug, though this was much quicker. "well, if you ever need someone to talk to, you can always come to us, okay?" he reassured. techno smiled and nodded. "thanks, guys." he mumbled, leaning into phils hug. "i needed this."

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