memories part 2

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requested once again by the lovely aestheticobbsessed

phil asks techno if he is okay with finally telling them about his old family, and techno says he is


third pov

phil put a gentle hand on technos shoulder, squeezing lightly. "you dont have to if you dont want to. but, it might help if you talk to us about it." he says, gently. techno nods. phil smiles warmly. "you sure?" techno looks up and meets phils eyes. he inhales for four, and exhales for six. "yes, dad." phil nods and pulls him on for a quick hug. when they pull away, techno starts.

"so, from when i was a baby, i never really knew my mom, because she died a couple years after i was born. i never had biological siblings. it was only me and my father. no one else." he hugged his knees to his chest. "before i was ten, my father was nicer. he didnt drink, didnt do drugs. he was happy, i guess. but then he lost his job or somethin', and that was when it all only went downhill. at first it wasnt that bad. he didnt hit me. but since he had to find a job, we didnt eat as often as wed like. then after he got two part times, he realized that they werent giving enough money to pay, so that was when he..." techno paused, swallowing. wilbur and tommy gave him sad eyes as phil grabbed his hand, giving him a warm smile. "its okay. you can stop if you need to."

techno shook his head and kept going. "that... that was when he started hittin' me. everytime i come home from school hed punch me at least five times, and it was in various places each time. i never told anyone, not even my friends. i was afraid theyd tell the teachers and then police would get involved, then id have to leave and go somewhere i didnt know and meet people i didnt want to. eventually, that did happen. and the next place i went to had more people. their place was a little nicer, less dark. less... messy. it was a little better there. the parents treated me as equally as they did the other kids they had. i was the middle child in that family. the youngest liked me, i guess. and i suppose she was nice." he paused again, looking at phil.

phil squeezed technos hand quickly before wrapping a wing around the pink haired pig. "keep going." phil said, softly. techno nodded and let go of his knees, crossing them instead. "the oldest kid... he didnt like me as much as the youngest did. she made fun of my hair, sayin' that it was weird that a boy had pink hair, and when i told her it was natural, she called me a freak. well, she had called me a freak before since the family was all human. i didnt really care at the time, and i dont now. she did hurt me a couple of times, but i fought back. it was always at school, though. we fought almost every week. it was fun, but i dont think she enjoyed it. lookin' back on it, i realize that she genuinely hated me. like, a lot. she only beat me in a fight once, and that was when i got distracted. but, the thing that made me leave them was when their youngest kid went missin', or somethin'. i didnt know. she was the only one in that family who actually liked me. the parents treated me as an equal, yeah, but they still yelled at all of us and i hated it. the one who i liked mutually was gone, so i ran away."

wilbur gasped. "and then phil found you, right?" techno nodded. "yeah. the rest is history. also i dont ever plan on leavin' you guys." tommy rolled his eyes and phil grinned. he folded his wings and brought all his boys into a nice hug. "im so proud of you, techno. and tommy and wilbur. youve all been so lovely. i love you all." the younger three smiled and hugged phil back. "we love you too, dad." they all said, giggling.

techno really liked this family, and he meant it when he said he wasnt planning on leaving.

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