is this gold?

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techno really likes yellow

phil is 24
techno is 14
wilbur is 13
tommy is 6


third pov

ever since wilbur started wearing his yellow sweater, techno became attached to him. well, not him. the sweater. the first time it happened, wilbur was extremely confused as to why techno was so eager to be around him since they werent that close yet.

when wilbur walked down wearing his new favorite yellow sweater, technos head snapped to his top as soon as he saw the color in his peripheral vision. he put his book down and walked to wilbur. the one wearing the sweater was confused, but waved. "good morning, techno. what are you doing?" he asked. techno pointed to his sweater. "what?" wilbur questioned, even more confused. he turned to phil and he noticed technos odd mesmerization of wilburs sweater. then, it clicked. "oh, i know why hes doing that." he said, chuckling. "well, can you tell me?" wilbur asked, wanting to know why techno was being weird. phil smiled at him as he put plates down. "ill tell you after we eat. tommy, its time for breakfast!"

wilbur sighed and walked over to the dining table, techno sitting beside him, still staring at his sweater. he began to eat after he was given a fork and food, just as techno did. while eating, wilbur noticed the small looks techno kept giving his favorite sweater. he was beginning to get irritated. he wanted to know why techno was acting like this. he never did it with any other of his shirts. phil and tommy watched, the latter just as confused as wilbur, as techno kept giving wilburs yellow top intruiged glances. wilbur finished eating and quickly stood, going to the sink with his empty plate and fork, putting it in the sink. then, he walked to the couch and flopped down, staring at techno, who had stopped looking at him. then, techno got up and put his stuff in the sink, but didnt go to the couch.

wilbur was confused, and watched as techno listened in to phil speaking to him. though, wilbur didnt know what he was talking about. phil chuckled when tommy put his fork down, struggling to grab his milk that had been placed farther away from him, since techno moved it to annoy tommy. techno snickered and sat his head on the table. his ear flicked and he turned his head around, hearing the TV be turned on. he then looked back at wilbur, and his eyes drifted back to his sweater. wilbur looked at him and groaned. techno was only pulled out of his trance when phil tapped his shoulder. he turned back around and gasped when phil handed him a golden apple from out of nowhere. "why does he do that?" tommy whispered, looking up at phil, curious.

phil smiled. "one second, im going to bring wilbur over. and, techno?" said piglin looked up, eyes drifting to the apple very frequently. "could you go to the couch, please?" techno nodded and focused on his apple as he walked to the living room couch. wilbur looked from the tv to the pink haired boy slowly making his way towards him, eyes glued to the golden apple in his hands. he rolled his eyes but was happy his older brother wasnt attached to his sweater. then, phil called him over. "hey, wil. come over here. i have something to tell you and tommy." he nodded and made his way to the dining table, seeing a waiting phil and an impatient tommy. he sat at a seat and glanced up at phil, curious to hear what his dad had to say. "well, what is it, dad?" wilbur asked. phil grinned. "do you want to know why techno hyperfixates on yellow items?" the younger two nodded eagerly.

phil chuckled and looked at techno, who was poking and running his hands along the shininess of the apple. phils attention drew back to the small group huddle they were in. "techno is a piglin, you know that, right?" wilbur nodded, and tommy shook his head. "well, hes a piglin, and piglin are obsessed with gold. he thinks every yellow thing is gold, so he is immediately excited by it." phil explained, tommy and wilbur nodding understandingly. "does he ever stop?" wilbur asked. phil nodded. "not by himself, but with help. we can tell him what is and is not gold, so he will know, and wont be too in your hair." phil said, standing from his chair. tommy piped up, his tail swaying side to side, excited to learn more about his brother. "what would happen if we dont help him?" he said, struggling with the word 'happen'. phil sighed. "then he wouldnt know the difference, and hed always think like he does now."

one year pass rhrhdjdjksjf

techno was chasing an exhausted but excited tommy around the house since the younger wanted to play tag. "YOU CANT CATCH ME!!!" tommy yelled, shrieking when techno immediately sped up. phil walked out of the kitchen and sighed, smiling at his sons' antics. "alright boys, calm down. wilbur, come downstairs, its time for dinner." he said, yelling at the end so the siren could hear. when techno and tommy settled around the dinner table, wilbur came speed walking downstairs, sitting beside techno. after a year, techno had gotten better at telling what was gold and what wasnt with the help of all three other members of their family. the first time he was told that the apple wasnt gold, he started crying. he had gotten used to not crying or being extremely sad when told that the yellow item he was holding and or lookng at was in fact, not gold. but when phil came home from work with a small bag filled with gold, he immediately gave it to techno and told him it was really gold.

that day techno was crying out of happiness because he hadnt seen real gold in a long time. it made phil kind of sad, and tommy was full on sobbing because his older brother hadnt seen gold in a long time and he apparently didnt know it was kind of important to techno. but, back to right now. just as they were talking and eating, there was a knock on the door, and wilburs fins perked up significantly more than technos, which intruiged phil. he allowed wilbur to get the door, and saw the younger come back with a small box. he put it on the table and opened it with a box knife, then set it aside, telling the other three hed open it after everyone ate. when everyone did finish, he grabbed the box and went to the couch, opening the flaps. "hey, techno. come here." technos ears perked up at the call of his name, and he calmly walked over and sat beside wilbur.

when wilbur pulled what was inside the box, techno gasped at the color of it, and what was on the front. he knew it wasnt gold but he was already telling himself it was gold. his tail started wagging and he began to hyperfixate, but before he could go deeper into the focusing, wilbur tapped him on the shoulder, getting his quick attention. "its for you, because a year ago i didnt know why you focused on my sweater, but now that i do know, I decided to get you a present." technos eyes watered when his eyes drifted to the sweater a second time. this time, he didnt hyperfixate. it was a light yellow sweater with the word 'GOLD' stitched in the middle in the color pink. he grabbed it gently when wilbur handed it to him, and he smiled, looking at wilbur. the siren was flustered, embarrassed and happy that techno liked it. he felt himself get pulled into a hug and quickly wrapped his arms around his older brother happily.

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