the blade gets sick

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Requested by Kokichialldaway

Sicknoblade lol

Im gonna stop putting Phil's age because he's like immortal or something idk

Techno is 16
Wilbur is 15
Tommy is 8



It took Techno a bit too long to get out of bed. Longer than usual, and that immediately set off the others' protectiveness.

When he did finally walk downstairs, Phil, Tommy, and Wilbur were halfway finished eating. Techno blinked, standing awkwardly in the threshold of the dining room.

Phil smiled warmly, a hint of worry flashing in his eyes, as he waved the pinkette over to the table. Wilbur only nodded politely before going to finish his meal, unlike Tommy who yelled out about his dream to the older.

Techno listened to him, nodding and shaking his head to questions the blonde threw at him. When the others finished their breakfast, they sat at the table until Techno finished. That was their little rule. Don't leave people alone at the table.

When the piglin finished, Wilbur offered to take the dishes. Tommy slid out of his chair and went to play some dumb song on the TV on full volume, which he'd definitely get scolded for.

Phil shook his head, struggling to cover a laugh when Rick Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up' played on the speakers in the living room.

When Phil entered the loud room, he burst into laughter at the sight of Tommy lip-syncing along dramatically, making up dances to each beat.

Wilbur and Techno stepped through, and Wilbur joined in Phil's laughter. Techno only smiled and then retreated into his room, telling the others that he was going to develop a headache if he stayed any longer.

And to his luck, that's just what happened. He was face first on his bed, trying to go back to sleep, but failing as his head was pounding. He wanted to pull his hair out and roll around his room, but if he did that, he would look stupid if anyone walked in.

So he opted to not do that.

Soon enough, there was a couple of quick knocks on his door, waiting for him to either accept or deny them entry. "You can come in." He muttered, and he thought it wasn't loud enough before the door slowly squeaked open.

"Hey, Tech. Dad asked me to check on you. Are you feeling alright?" Wilbur asked, gently closing the door. Techno sighed and sat up, facing his younger brother. "Yeah, I'm doing fine. I just have a stuffy nose and a pounding headache." He answered, tired.

The brunette nodded, taking mental notes. "I'll be right back, then." And with that, he was alone for a brief moment. But then Tommy burst in, loud and proud.

"Heyyy, pig man!" He exclaimed, hands on his hips. Techno rolled his eyes and groaned, flopping on his back. "Shut up, I have a headache." He said, glaring at his ceiling.

Tommy huffed but obeyed and kept his mouth shut. He decided to sit on the floor since he knew Wilbur and Phil might be a while.

"So, I'm guessing you're sick or something? Wil mentioned your stuffy nose." The blonde asked, showing genuine concern. Techno smiled.

"Yup." He mumbled, stretching his arms. Tommy silently nodded, allowing the comfortable silence to stretch for longer. The door opened again and this time Wilbur was accompanied by the winged Philza Minecraft.

Phil walked over to the miserable one, a tray with shit on it in his hands. He sat it down on the bedside table and kneeled next to Techno's bed.

"Hey, Tech. Sit up for me, will you?" He requested, softly. Techno nodded after a moment, and sat up like the older asked. Phil smiled a bit and brought his hand up to feel Techno's forehead.

"No fever, I don't think. Does anything else besides your head hurt?" The blonde asked, reaching for painkillers. Techno shook his head as he was handed the drugs. Wilbur promptly handed him a small glass of water to accompany the pills.

"Thanks," he mumbled, before swallowing the painkillers with water. He sighed and set the water on the table, coughing into his arm. Phil nodded to himself before gesturing to the water.

"Please drink all of it. It's not much, but if you're hydrated it will make this experience a lot easier." The blonde explained, standing. Techno nodded, taking a sip of water and staring at it.

Phil sighed and ruffled Techno's hair. "Alright. Tommy, Wilbur? Don't be loud." He instructed, winking playfully as he left the room. Tommy rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and Wilbur nodded.

"What if I poured this water on you two?" Techno asked, grinning. Wilbur gasped and stepped back, breaking into a fit of giggles.  Tommy yelped as the oldest dropped a small bit of water on his face.

"OH YOU FUCKING-" He was cut off as Phil's voice rang through the house. "Don't yell, Tommy!"

Tommy rolled his eyes again, for possibly the 100th time, and muttered under his breath. "He's old anyway. How can he even hear us?" And his small comment made Wilbur and Techno burst out laughing.

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