wingless pt. 2

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They arrived home in record time since Wilbur had began speed walking, but they were still confused as to why he was acting so upset.

As soon as they all stepped into the house, Wilbur made a beeline for his room, but was stopped by Techno. The brunette turned around and yanked his arm away, glaring at his older brother.

"What do you want?" He asked, harshly. Techno's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean 'what do I want'? You are clearly upset!" He exclaimed, shoving his hands in his hoodie pockets.

Wilbur rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Oh, thanks I really didn't know that." He spat, sarcastically. Phil stepped forward and reached his hand out, but the younger staggered back, eyes trained on the floor.

"Just let me go to my room." He muttered, looking back. Tommy huffed and grabbed his wrist. "Not until you tell us what's going on, Wilbur."

The said man kept his mouth shut, not caring if this made his family more frustrated with him. He didn't care.

They had frustrated him more than enough for him to stop considering them as family. He was just being quiet, like they wanted whether they said it or not.

Tommy's grip on Wilbur's wrist only tightened at his silence, and this made the older grimace and tug his hand away. "Let go of me, Tommy." He grumbled, teeth gritted.

The blonde only let up when Phil's hand touched his shoulder. "Don't hurt him. That makes things worse." Techno nodded in agreement.

A tense silence formed over the group, and no one really wanted to be the one to break it. "Well? Who wants to talk?" Techno mumbled, getting sick of it.

Wilbur swallowed thickly and darted for his room. Tommy ran after him, and no one stopped him. Just as the brunette had slammed the door, his younger roommate came banging on the door, yelling from the other side.

"Open the door, Wilbur! This does no good. We just want to know what the fuck's wrong with you!" Tommy yelled, getting angrier by the second. Man, they really sucked at showing they care. Only Tommy was at his door, wondering what's wrong. Albeit angrily, but hey, it's a start.

Wilbur groaned and banged his head against his door as a reply. "Maybe if you'd stop banging on my fucking door, then I'd talk!" He yelled, hands balling into tight fists.

There was a huff on the other side of the wood, then a small bang, and a thud on the floor. He assumed Tommy had slid down the door and sat. Wilbur decided he would do the same.

"Well? Go on then." The younger encouraged, bluntly. Wilbur rolled his eyes and sighed, trying to calm down before he blew a fuse.

"For one, you lot need to shut up about my lack of wings. It doesn't give me any, so just stop mentioning it, alright? Oh, and stop excluding me from family trips, please.

"Just because I can't fly doesn't mean I want to stay at the house alone for 5 hours. You guys make me feel like I don't belong. You might be right, there, but it doesn't make it hurt any less."

Wilbur paused, taking a breath. "I just- please shut up. I'm tired of you guys criticizing me on things I shouldn't be criticized on." He finished, standing.

Tommy opened his mouth, about to say something, before his older brother spoke again. Quiet. "I just want to be loved." The blonde's eyes widened to the size of glass plates.

He shot up and ran downstairs. Did they really make him feel like that? Did they make him feel like he wasn't loved? His questions were answered when he arrived at the bottom of the staircase with Phil's hand over his own mouth and Techno pacing.

"We really fucked up." The youngest whispered, practically horrified. The older two nodded, and slowly made their way up the stairs.

Wilbur was already in his bed, about to go back to sleep, before he heard a knock on his door. He was already down in the dumps and didn't really want them to yell at him or guilt trip him.

He groaned and wiped his slightly wet eyes. "What now...?" He asked, pulling his arm over his eyes. "Wilbur, we want to talk. Me, Tommy, and Techno." Phil explained, voice soft and apologetic.

The brunette sighed and sat up. "Come in, I guess." The door slid open and in came the winged trio. Techno slowly closed the door and his eyes darted around the room, wings pressed tensely against his back.

Tommy was first to talk, already getting emotional. "I'm sorry, Wilby! I was just joking but sometimes jokes hurt and I didn't realize it until you told me and I'm sorry I didn't listen to you in the past and-"

Wilbur put his hand up, shaking his head. "Hush, Tommy. It's... It's fine." He whispered, shoulders slumped. Tommy made a small noise in the back of his throat and soon enough he and Wilbur's torsos had collided.

The blonde threw his arms around his older brother and hugged as tight as he could, trying not to cry into his brother's shirt. Wilbur tensed, and then relaxed, a small smile slipping onto his face as he returned the hug.

"It's okay, Toms. I forgive you." The brunette whispered, rubbing Tommy's back slowly, gently. Techno and Phil's hearts warmed at the sight, and then they glanced at each other, stepping forward.

"Uh, Wilbur. I'm sorry for always making those rude jokes about... Well, you know. I didn't mean them, or mean to make you feel like this, but it ended up happening, so I, uh, I'm really sorry." The pink avian said, shuffling on his feet.

Wilbur nodded and Tommy pulled off of the taller. He smiled warmly and softly wiped the blonde's tears away, looking at his older brother. "I forgive you, Tech."

The pinkette looked surprised, and then smiled, nodding happily. Wilbur turned his attention to Phil. The atmosphere felt like it dropped.

"Wilbur. I have no excuses to how I treat you, and all I can do right now is apologize. I am sincerely sorry for neglecting you and making you hurt so badly. You are loved, Wilbur."

"You are loved so much, and we have failed to show it. I have failed to show it. I am sorry. You are not obligated to forgive me, of course. But, if you do, I will be forever grateful." Phil said, kneeling beside Wilbur's bed.

The younger felt tears well in his eyes, and he slowly pulled his father into a hug. "I forgive you, dad." The black-winged avian smiled and let his son cry into his shoulder, feeling tears of his own form and fall down his cheeks.

Tommy started to wail, hot tears pouring out of his blue eyes, and he quickly hugged Phil and Wilbur, becoming a part of the crying heap. Techno rolled his eyes, smiling and letting a tear slip, joining the hug.

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