big brother techno isnt always perfect

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Requested by IDxm__


Tommy and Wilbur get beat up and Techno comes to save the day, but gets hurt in the process


Techno is 17
Wilbur is 16
Tommy is 9

Slight Angst/Fluff


It was taking a little longer than usual for Tommy and Wilbur to get to lunch, and Techno was starting to get worried. So, he took it into his own hands and started to wander the halls in search of them.

It took a while since their school had K-12, and after a little bit, he was considering going back. Lunch wasn't going to end soon, though, so Techno had no reason to turn back. What if his brothers were in trouble?

A loud shriek, probably a child, echoed down the hallway he was about to turn into. He jumped and stepped back, before looking down the hall, and seeing none other than Tommy and two other boys only a year or two older than the blonde.

Techno rolled his sleeves up and stomped over, tilting his head up and glaring down to seem much more intimidating. He didn't really need it, however, since he was already six feet tall.

The kids saw him and glanced at each other, before cowering when Techno cracked his knuckles. He watched in silent triumph when they scrambled away, scared.

He turned to Tommy and watched him slowly uncurl his trembling frame. The pinkette gasped and quickly kneeled next to the shorter. Tommy's face was covered in bruises. Techno watched his little brother struggle to sit up and helped him.

The older gently brushed the younger's hair out of his eyes, letting him wrap his arms around his torso and shove his face into his chest.

A couple minutes passed with Tommy crying into Techno's hoodie and Techno slowly consoling him. When the final lunch bell rang, the taller sighed and slowly pried the shorter from his body.

"Hey, Toms. I'm gonna take you to the nurse." He explained, silently. He helped Tommy stand and they both walked out of the elementary hallway and all the way down into the high school halls, before colliding with a slightly taller, thin person.

All three of them made hard contact with the cold ground, with Techno about to tell this random person off, before he stopped.

The 'random person' who ran into them was none other than Wilbur. Wilbur, who was also covered in bruises. He also had a bloody nose. "Techno? Is that- Tommy?! Toms, are you okay?"

Tommy giggled when Wilbur took his face into his hands, fingers grazing lightly over the dark spots on his cheeks. Techno sighed. Now he has to bring two idiots to the nurse.

"Wilbur, you are also hurt, maybe more than him. Take it easy-" two teens, shorter than Wilbur and Techno, came shuffling towards them, angry. "HEY, ASSHOLE!" Wilbur jumped and Techno figured that they were the ones who had hurt Wilbur.

Techno pat them both on the back and helped them up. "Wilbur, you and Tommy are to go to the nurse's office, now. Call Phil and don't worry about me. If he gets here before I get back tell him to wait for me."

The brunette opened his mouth to object, but Techno was already pushing them towards the next hallway. "Go." The taller hesitated, before nodding and taking Tommy's hand. They didn't leave before Wilbur whispered a, "be careful."

The oldest watched as they ran off, and turned back to the clearly upset agressors. "So, whaddya want? Wilbur surely didn't do anything to you." He questioned, voice low and warning.

The other two scoffed, and got closer to him, trying to be intimidating. "What're you, his fake brother? That's funny." The shorter one said, huffing out a mocking laugh. The other, taller one joined in. Techno stood his ground.

"Look, if you guys want a fight, I ain't your guy. So, kindly, go fuck off." The pinkette threatened, glowering down at them. His ear flicked. He was getting impatient and angry.


Techno staggered into the nurse's office where Wilbur and Tommy waited, and upon seeing him the nurse gasped and hurried to help him, but he only put his hand up and shook his head. She backed off.

Wilbur's eyes snapped open, face contorting into that of concern, and Tommy made a small distressed noise from the back of his throat. Techno sighed, wiping some blood off his face.

"Did you call Phil?" Techno asked, as if he wasn't also bleeding onto his hoodie. Wilbur paused and then nodded, pulling the older into a hug. When they pulled away, the younger bombarded him with questions driven with worry.

"Techno, did they gang up on you? Did you win or lose? Are you okay? Can you walk? Here, sit down-" Techno cut him off. "Wil, hush. I'm fine. I won. It took a little but I had some height on them. And also fighting experience." He reassured, calmly.

Soon enough, their father had pulled into the parking lot and grabbed his children, driving home. When they arrived back home, they immediately treated to their bruises and cuts.

Phil had fixed Tommy up after Techno volunteered to help Wilbur, and after the brunette was fixed, he returned the favor. They ended up having a movie night.

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