viva la revolution

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POG ANARCHY and also ive been listening to hayloft by mother mother on repeat for so long its so good dude


this might be long :)


third pov

wilbur, along with everyone who was fighting with or against l'manberg, walked out of the destroyed drug caravan. the enemies following dream, and the allies following wilbur, proud of their victory. yes, they won. right?

"now that we've, won, i have something to announce. to everyone, regardless if they fought with l'manberg." wilbur announced, patting tommy on the back subtly. he looked up at wilbur, confused, and followed him closely towards the podium. when wilbur made his way to the old "s", he turned, watching everyone sitting in seatd ot standing beside them. he grinned, claspong his hands together, and in a booming voice, he spoke. "hello, citizens and enemies of l'manberg." they watched as the less crazed man walked towards the crowd. "now, you all know we have won back l'manberg. but, now we need a leader. a president, if you will." he pit his hands behind his back and looked at tommy.

wilbur reached his left hand out for tommy to grasp as his eyes settled on the boy. tommy grabbed wilburs and was carefully pulled to wiburs side. he gasped as his hand was raised into the air. he looked up at wilbur, seeing the proud smile on his lips. tommy grinned, and looked back at the crowd, who was already cheering. "now, i am passing the title of president to tommyinnit, everybody!" he yelled. tommy felt wilbur let go of his hand and grinned at him. the younger turned around and looked up at the podium as the crowd died down. he looked at wilbur, and the older only nodded. tommy inhaled as he stepped up the grass hill, and exhaled as he reached the microphone.

he looked around at his surroundings, and slowly, his smile faded. he tapped the microphone, hearing it worked. "hey, guys. i, uh, im not good with speeches so... ill just get to what i wanna say." the young blonde sighed, looking at wilbur. tommys tail fell to his feet, and he put his hands in his dirtied cargo pant pockets. "i... i cant be your president. im... im too immature. so, im going to have to pass this back onto wilbur." he said, quickly walking off the podium. he neared the crowd and helped wilbur stand. wilbur smiled and gave tommy understanding eyes, as they passed each other. wilbur sighed into the mic. "im honored that ive had the chance to be your president twice, but im also not fit. im so sure that ill spiral again, and it wont be good for this country. and techno, my older brother, has showed me something. hes showed me that government always has flaws.

"he said that i had flaws as the leader of l'manberg, even before i fell into insanity. and, he was right. even if tommy became president, there would be something wrong with the way he did things, or the power he would realize he had would get to his head, like schlatt. so, ive decided to pick the best. the one who most likely will have the least horrible flaws." he closed his eyes. "tubbo, would you come up?" wilbur opened his eyes when the crowd roared in excitement. he met eyes with tubbo as the boy made his way up. wilbur smiled at him and they shook hands, tubbo turning his head around and watched wilbur walk down the podium, silently.

when tubbo finished his minute long speech, wilbur excused himself, saying he was overwhelmed and needed to be alone. techno supported his argument by saying he, the one everyone knew had anxiety, had to do that to calm down. so, it worked. wilbur snuck off, successfully not being suspicious. he saw dream eating on a fence and waved, walking away. he sighed and moved hair put of his face as he saw the entrance to the button. he pulled his pickaxe out and got rid of the stone. he walked in and blocked it off with cobblestone, and walked further into l'manbergs inevitable doom. he sat down in the chair and groaned, exhausted. he glanced at all the lyrics hed crazily engraved into the walls. he really was gone. and nothing had changed.

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